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Comment Re:20%? (Score 1) 113

I would believe that around 20% have a non-compete, the part that is ignorant is that they are "bound" by the noncompetes.
For the majority of people if the company ever tried to exercise them would be laughed out of court because they break state law.
To many company put the non-competes in standard hiring paperwork and have never had it check against the local laws.

Comment The first court will kill this off. (Score 1) 113

This will be killed by the first court that looks into it, there is no way they are affecting banning state level contracts without making a properly law. Yea the biden administration like to be a dictator and has tried this multiple times but they have all been quickly killed.
The only thing that could possibly be stupider and worse is if they went and made the existing contracts void.

that said states do need to implement laws preventing them from being allowed except on people making 4-5x average salary.

Comment Re:Democrat here and yeah that was my first though (Score 1) 67

Texas is spending millions on what you call "showboating" and billions on those illegals it cannot get out. Most of the money spent on the "showboating" is on police protection while Texas is transporting them to places they want to go, those places are dangerous; the buses are cheap.
Based on comments from new york, chicago, californa, and other places it looks like that has been money well spent on send the legally, but lacking documentation, that biden has allowed in, to other locations. It has saved texas billions of dollars.

Comment Re:How does the FTC have this authority? (Score 1) 96

They probably don't. This is not even federal employment law, this is state contract law.
The only thing that could possibly be stupider and worse is they went and made the existing contracts void so they are now creating law that apply retroactively.
that said states do need to implement laws preventing them from being allowed except on people making 4-5x average salary.

Comment Re:No one buys dead tree books (Score 1) 165

On the topic of e-readers, I would say they are contributing to lack of sales.
It use to be if I wanted a book I would have to hope the library had it or wait for mail to tell me it was on hold that or purchase it.
Now with ereaders I have access to multiple libraries(work and home location with one technical) and can just bring up an app to search them and if available check them out, an email if they are on hold.
Then amazon gives you some free books each month, some good others toss.
So the only books I am purchasing now are those independent books. and usually because I got the first in the series for free.

Comment Re:Are they going to compensate him or not? (Score 1) 57

Yes, now a bunch of different laws and treaties come into play. There are funds and procedures already in place. the big issue was the verification it was space junk and came from a USA device.
Those treaties are interesting in that if that junk had been from another country it would have been the responsilibty of the US government to collect the money from the other country and then pay you.

Comment You all are missing the main thing. (Score 1) 169

the issue is not that a judge has ordered that they disclose the info on the people who have viewed this.
the main issue is that google records and keeps that you watched it and can tie it to your personal identification.
Once the company starts it record it and keep it then it is just business info and should be available under a court order as covered under our law.

Comment So what is it? (Score 2) 12

Going my the various groups reporting on this you have:
"major concerns about it"
"has questions about it"
"Would have done it differently"
"has research for a future study"

One and two look to be modern journalism with it escalating for views what was actually said.
three is sour grapes
and four looks to the only thing that might happen, let him publish and then will see if it is actually "pivotal"

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