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Comment unhealthy (Score 1) 59

The ultimate processed food, printed to resemble the real thing. Many molecules of unprocessed, grown fruits and vegetables are quite different. These properties are as yet underappreciated as essential nutrients. 3D printing is a gee whiz menace from faster foods.

I knew a precocious 16 y.o. young girl in a great college, who later married a gourmet chef that made faux foods to delight her taste buds. She died before age 50 with chronic illness that I think reflects modern [lack of] nutrition.

Comment Re:Ridiculous (Score 2) 334

So when someone dies, the partnership is over and you are supposed to throw away the photos ???? F' that.
German courts are expanding petty cases into US sovereignty areas. F' that.
Attempting to micromanage all sexual relationships long distance is bad for human relations, my VHEMT point. F' that.

Comment public employee unions poison (Score 1) 688

Even FDR recognized public employee unions would be fatal to the US. That time has arrived.

When public schools fail, parents have to step up with home schooling, private schooling, private lessons. Our kids finished calculus at 15-16 with some out of public school lessons. It was important to burn through the middle school and lower high school classes that are anchored by remedial students mixed with the average and superior students. Also getting the better teacher in a subject is important, No excuses, parents.

Comment Re: Supposed loss of insurance (Score 1) 251

These are hyperinflated cost structures or fraudulent billings in the US. In other parts of the world, prices are much, much lower. In fact, overseas, one might skip the insurance altogether and medical costs are lower than your 20% deductible. Cash colonoscopy, $600-750. Diabetes, lots of very cheap treatments, going out of control is expensive. I pay for advanced stage IV cancer chemo treatments totally out of pocket - outside the US.

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