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Comment Re: Should be interesting (Score 1) 164

Thanks for the tip! I figured it probably could, but the debian build of NM has PolKit as a hard dep, unfortunately. Haven't got around to looking at what it would take to build from source.

In the short term, WiCD is doing 95% of what I need, so I will stick with it.

I hope to be able to contribute something useful, so will either eventually contribute a polkit-averse NM build for debian, or add MBIM support for WiCD.

Comment Re:Should be interesting (Score 2) 164

Ran Debian with NM and KDE for the last couple of years as well. Purged it recently in order to remove systemd (NM depends on PolKit which depends on pam-systemd for login session management), and replaced it with WICD.

WiCD is not quite as smooth as NM for usb modems, but for wifi and wired ethernet, it does the job.

Comment Re:Read one, write other (Score 1) 567

... sheer sales numbers tell the whole story. Desktop PC sales are pathetically low these days...

Actually, they only tell half the story. Approximately 0% of the regular PC users I know have acquired a new PC in the last 5 years - they bought a Core2Duo or i5 back in 2008 and it still does 100% of their home-based internet-using requirements. Yes, they sometimes use tablets or phones in addition, but that hasn't replaced their use of their PCs, just added to it...

Corporates, as you indicated, buy new PCs regularly, but home use (other than gaming) hasn't needed a new PC for many moons...

Submission + - 2014 Tutorial that 'Taught President Obama to Code' is Straight Out of 2005

theodp writes: A decade ago, Washington University prof Caitlin Kelleher, then a student at CMU, figured out how to make introductory computer science engaging for millions of kids. Too bad nobody's giving her credit for it now. On Monday, President Obama kicked off the U.S. Hour of Code by praising for its "incredible work" before he sat down and 'learned to code' himself by using this year's flagship tutorial to make a princess from the blockbuster Disney hit Frozen ice skate forward 100 pixels. Which looks a lot like, one might argue, a dumbed-down version of a learn-to-code Alice tutorial described in Kelleher's 2006 CMU thesis, which used essentially the same paradigm employed in the tutorial to make a 3D ice skater move forward 1 meter. Hey, at least the President was spot-on when he later told girls that guys sometimes get credit for women's earlier pioneering CS work. So, perhaps someone should let the President know that some of the credit billionaire-backed and Disney are getting for 'making computing cool' should rightfully go to Kelleher, whose game-changing work earned her the highest praise in 2007 from late CMU CS prof Randy Pausch, who called it "the best 'head fake' of all time" as he described the novel Alice Project in his Last Lecture. The NY Times also took note of Kelleher's pioneering work in 2011, and Kelleher received the Innovation Award from the Academy of Science of St. Louis earlier this year.

Comment Re:Come on people, (Score 1) 96

Hell, that one has to type "configure terminal" when you're SSHed in to a switch and obviously trying to configure it from the terminal is silly.

Umm, except by default, you're in diagnostic mode. When you remote in, the system assumes that you're trying to check something. Configuring stuff is a high risk endeavour, so you need to explicitly choose to enter that mode.

It's akin to the i command in vim to enter insert mode to type text.

Comment Re:Deliberate (Score 1) 652

... but once we start ticking off the body count of the millions dying to radiation poisoning and starvation, we might want to reconsider that path.

What makes you think that? We are already ticking off the body count for coal, and have been for years, yet we repeatedly fail to reconsider our decision to use coal...

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