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Comment SDR details and support (Score 2) 135

To answer your question about connectivity, the device has 10/100 Ethernet with the Linux networking stack built in.

That's excellent. Did you build your own protocol, or did you use the mechanism RFSPACE, Andrus, AFEDRI and the various USB-to-Ethernet servers have established?

I try -- hard -- to support all ethernet based SDRs for which I can obtain protocol information.

It also has USB-OTG, and I already know WiFi and USB Sound Cards work with no additional work.

Sound card I/Q is no problem for SdrDx -- that gets the RF in, and of course I support that. The problem with the rest is controlling the SDR's settings: center frequency, attenuator, sample rate, and so on. This is because of the radical differences in USB interfacing from platform to platform.

Having said that, if you've got a working command line utility that talks to the control systems on your SDR, then SdrDx emits information via TCP that can be used to drive the command line client from a script. We've pulled this off with the Peabody and Softrock SDRs pretty well. Again, though, we run into the issue of which platform(s) the utility is available for, seeing as how they'd have to be radically different from one another.

Comment Re:Fad Ahead? (Score 1) 131

It wouldn't be gallons; it would be a few quarts. A lot of the interior of the hive is space for the bees to move around. Figure maybe a third or at most half the volume of the super (the part with honey-laden comb in it) is honey.


I used to work in for a beekeeper, mostly building hives and extracting honey.

Comment Re:Black Mirror (Score 1) 257

I was born in the USSR, not an American, lived all over the world and maintain a 5 flag strategy. I have a better understanding of the global situation than many people on this planet who have never even left their own city in their lives.

As to the rest of your comment, clearly you cannot read. I am not talking the general population, I am talking about welfare recipients, so try and stay on topic, would you please?

Comment Re:Hard to believe (Score 3, Interesting) 166

Microsoft is a very different company than they were under Gates or the Sweat-hog. They long ago figured out that their cash cows were kind of fragile, and they more recently figured out that they alienated a lot of developers. They are now trying to find ways to woo developers to any of their product families, not just to Windows. And they've done some great work on a lot of software engineering fronts, including secure development, powerful tools, integrations, and are even dabbling in open source,

Comment Re:Black Mirror (Score 1) 257

Your assertion that people who aren't working won't do anything but breed is also not supported by evidence. People who are educated with large amounts of personal freedom have a much lower reproductive rate than people who need to spend most of their time working in order to survive.

- are you kidding? People who aren't working are breeding, that's all they are doing. This is proven conclusively by countries with welfare systems in place, such as the USA, Israel and others, where there are large swaths of population whose only fame to claim is the benefits that they are extracting from the system and producing more mouths to feed. There is a culture of welfare produced in the USA, white trash is among the top welfare recipients of-course. In Israel the Haredim (ultra orthodox) Jews see it necessary to have scores of children (while also using their procreating habits to encroach further and further into the Gaza strip increasing the tensions and violence and at the same time Haredim do not join the military forces in the country).

Comment Re:Black Mirror (Score 2) 257

spend their time creating, gardening, helping their neighbors, decorating things,

- yeah, that's what I call idle population. Creating new forms of porn and that's about it.

and eventually building businesses or small trading operations

- oh yeah, sure, subsidized by the 'basic income' for no reason whatsoever just because they graced us with their presence on this planet.

A person's worth is in what the person does, a person that lives off of others is not worth anything, he or she is a net drain on the system, not a net benefit. Thinking that a significant number of people with that mentality will amount to anything at all if they are not prodded by the cold reality of having to survive on this planet but believing they are owed something by others, who have something, that doesn't make creative and entrepreneurial people at all, but it will create a class of people for who it will never be enough. They will believe that if they procreate and create more mouths to feed for the system now, that the system has to expand its own production for their sake and feed them all and probably do even more than just feed them, because 'dignity'.

Dignity does NOT come from forced coercive threat of violence and income redistribution based on that violence. We have conclusively proven that in the former USSR (and North Korea and more).

Comment Re:Screw your laws (Score 1, Insightful) 193

Individuals need to stop cooperating with the oppressive collectivist (socialist/fascist) governments. The oppressive collectivist governments derive their power from our cooperation and we must stop this and we have the power to do it. We must violate every oppressive collectivist rule and law, they send their goons to kidnap us and 'judge' us, we must not cooperate. We must not give up without a fight and when they overpower us (they are the collective socialist fascist mob with all the guns and muscle after all), we must not cooperate with their goon 'judges' and goon muscle. They should have to use force for everything, we must not even walk when they tell us to. Of course this is not a recipe for self preservation but for rejection of their authority over us. The only thing they have is guns and muscle, they have to be put into position to show what they really are every step of the way. The so called society has to be shown what it is, to create and maintain this system of oppression of the individual by the group. It has to be made clear to the mob that it is the mob with all its pitchforks and bonfires with individuals used for fuel.Without freedom individual has nothing and nothing else matters. All mob laws are pure expression of violence and they should be forced to display it and live with it or change every step of the way.

Comment Re:The worst part is the polished turd that is Ube (Score -1) 193

Individuals need to stop cooperating with the oppressive collectivist (socialist/fascist) governments. The oppressive collectivist governments derive their power from our cooperation and we must stop this and we have the power to do it. We must violate every oppressive collectivist rule and law, they send their goons to kidnap us and 'judge' us, we must not cooperate. We must not give up without a fight and when they overpower us (they are the collective socialist fascist mob with all the guns and muscle after all), we must not cooperate with their goons 'judges' and goons muscle. They should have to use force for everything, we must not even walk when they tell us to. Of course this is not a recipe for self preservation but for rejection of their authority over us. The only thing they have is guns and muscle, they have to be put into position to show what they really are every step of the way. The so called society has to be shown what it is, to create and maintain this system of oppression of the individual by the group. It has to be made clear to the mob that it is the mob with all its pitchforks and bonfires with individuals used for fuel.

Without freedom individual has nothing and nothing else matters. All mob laws are pure expression of violence and they should be forced to display it and live with it or change every step of the way.

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