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Comment Re:Not a cargo ship (Score 2) 116

It sounds like the plan is for this ship to be the first of several, so the question is how much of that $20 billion investment is for upfront costs (design, shipyard upgrades, construction equipment) that will not be duplicated in subsequent ships. As it is, the first ship looks to probably at least break even or even make a decent profit (provided it works as expected) with bigger profits hopefully to follow. I am sure these numbers have been gone over very carefully. You don't make an investment this large on a whim.

Comment Re:'it is out of stock now; try to ask next year.' (Score 2) 115

The experiment is still going on in North Korea and Cuba. I think what we saw in the Soviet Union is actually the middle road. North Korea shows us what can happen in the worst case scenario, which Cuba shows us the best scenario... which is still not great.

We'll know that communism has succeeded when we find a communist country that doesn't prevent its citizens from leaving.

Comment Re:The Pirate Bay (Score 1) 302

Corporations don't have the luxury of waiting 14 years to make money. It's the rare project that goes out that long. No, they would pick up "Star Wars" because they want to strike while the iron's hot, not when it's in the bargain bin.

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