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Comment Re:RAND PAUL REVOLUTION (Score 1) 500

The people collectively? Yes

Adelson owns among many things casinos, hotels, an Israeli newspaper.

So, what you're trying to say is that Sheldon Adelson is representative of people from other countries. Then we agree.

Those casinos, newspapers, investment management companies, etc. get money by selling things to customers, and not just other elite rich people customers.

So, what you're saying is, we have a "representative democracy" but it represents the people of a different country?

Comment Re:RAND PAUL REVOLUTION (Score 1) 500

Representative democracy is where you have a specific assigned representative you can go to,

The problem is, the people who are assigning us our representatives are sociopathic oligarchs.

My point is not proportionality. My point is that our representatives actually represent people who mean us no damn good.

Comment Re:RAND PAUL REVOLUTION (Score 5, Informative) 500

Representative Democracy. The worst system ever devised, except for all the others.

You think we have a "representative democracy" here in the US?

Representative of whom? Do you believe this government represents you? Do you think it represents the will of the people?

Comment Re:Correct, but silly (Score 1) 172

That's not the way fair use works. If I write a review that includes quotes from your novel, I have created a new work that makes fair use of your material. You are NOT now a joint owner of my review. If you choose to reproduce my review, even if it contains your content, you are infringing. (Unless of course you can make a fair use argument yourself).

That's not even close to what happened in this case.

Comment Re:Correct, but silly (Score 2) 172

TFS mentioned that adding the comment was unlikely to be the basis of transformation. It is transformative because of the radical context change which creates a commentary on the medium in the same way Marcel Duchamp transformed a porcelain urinal into art by placing it in a gallery and titling it "Fountain."

Andy Warhol using an image of a Campbell's Soup can in his art did not mean Campbell's had to change their can or stop selling soup.

I don't believe there's any case against Mahoney using the image she made. I'd like to see it go to court.

Comment Re:Not a snowballs chance! (Score 2) 218

How is this insightful? The Patriot Act is less than 36 hours away from expiring, and all signs point toward the extension being filibustered into defeat.

It's insightful because only some provisions of the Patriot Act will expire, and the FISA court will continue to do whatever they want.

Laws as sweeping as the Patriot Act don't just go away.

Comment Re:so what about all the *other* stuff? (Score 5, Insightful) 218

As for the other activities, well, this is how spying gets done. That is how you spy on people in this day and age. With all of the justified criticism of the NSA, it would still be bad if they couldn't spy at all. They do, in fact, have a function to fulfill, and it is a function that needs fulfilling.

Why don't you unpack that statement a little bit? What is the domestic function of the NSA?

If you said anything besides, "It doesn't have a domestic function" then you are wrong. The US government is not supposed to be spying on US citizens. If there's some foreign government or organization that's communicating with an American citizen or permanent resident in order to commit a crime, just get a goddamned warrant.

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