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Comment Re: now that he said that... (Score 1) 299

Most Americans have no choice in insurer. And their choices are controlled by a powerful cartel that colludes to keep prices high. There is no competition in the health insurance field.

No American gives a rats ass about the "choice" of insurer. They want a choice of doctors and services, but really, and I can not stress this enough, REALLY hate all insurance companies. More than they hate the government even!

Comment Re: now that he said that... (Score 1) 299

And yet, taxes have been cut again and again and again. How do you reconcile that fact with your statement that "Because the people raising taxes will never reach a point when they say "the government has enough money now, let's cut taxes"."

Seems that it's very, very easy for the government to cut taxes, at least for the rich. Why are you afraid of "the people who want to raise taxes" when those people have never actually done so? Seems you are imagining a scenario that is not just unlikely, but counter factual.

Comment Re: now that he said that... (Score 2) 299

No, people want to pay for things with their taxes. The are not, in fact, idiots. They don't want predatory capitalists taking a cut, and figure, correctly, that government is more trustworthy than a man with a profit motive and no morals.

People recognize that certain endeavors are just not well served by a capitalist free market. Health care is a primary one that simply doesn't work unless heavily regulated or run by the government. You do not know what is wrong with you. You do not know how to fix it. You can not shop around for a new liver.

As it is, we are basically running health care like a for profit government, and we are getting the worst of both the public and private worlds. Health insurance amounts to a system of taxation that forces the healthy to pay for the sick, and lets a third party take a huge cut. Replace health insurance with actual government taxation and what have you lost, except for the greedy bastard trying to mark up your heart medications? Nothing.

Comment Re: now that he said that... (Score 1, Interesting) 299

We need to raise taxes on the rich back to what they were in the good old days Republicans pine for. Marginal tax rate of 90%. "Oh!" you whine, "Nobody paid that!" Yes, but they paid more than they do now and that's the point. Raise taxes on capital gains, raise corporate taxes, lower taxes for the middle class and boom! Deficit fixed.

Normal people are not lazy, they just don't want to be taken advantage of. The real drag on our economy is billionaires and other tax cheats.

Comment Re:This is different (Score -1, Troll) 299

Oh stop lying. You can't provide any evidence for any of your wild claims. You censorious assholes only ever talk in generalities. Be specific. What fucking books are you talking about?

What normal people have figured out is that it is the right wing and religious figures who are abusing kids. So many right wingers who shout "groomer!" have been caught with child porn. You disgust normal Americans.

Comment Re: now that he said that... (Score 5, Insightful) 299

Sorry, bud, but "normal people," which is to say the majority of Americans, support people living however they please. We are not authoritarian by nature, quite the contrary. We believe in individual rights to self expression, and if you don't, I kindly suggest it you may not be a real American.

As for left wing narratives, the majority of voters in both parties favor economic policies to the left of what we have now. Medicare is left wing socialism, and the most popular government program ever made. That's why people like you want to get rid of it, not because it doesn't work. You want to get rid of it because it does work, and people know it. Kinda plays hell with your "no government is good government" propaganda.

Comment Re:Has Anyone Suggested An Alternative? (Score 1) 308

It's not just the third party apps that use the API. Almost all moderator tools do as well. And Reddit plans to charge its own unpaid moderators for that API use.

Nobody, and I repeat NOBODY in any position of power, authority or influence over the site has called for zero cost API usage.

There's a reason that sites publish APIs: scrapers. These are incredibly inefficient. If Reddit keeps the price where it is now, piracy is an option, and it will cost Reddit more than just lost ad revenue, it will cost them server CPU cycles.

Comment Re:Very slowly, clearly.. "FUCK THE LANDLORDS" (Score 1) 121

This is it exactly. Commercial real estate. This is why even state government agencies are being pressured to get back in the office: most states lease their office space.

If the wealthy elites want something, the media will print endless stories about why it is necessary and why, in fact, everyone already loves doing it. The government will pass any laws necessary to get the thing done, in a remarkably bipartisan and timely manner.

There are a number of studies that show that the preferences of the average voter means nothing. They literally have no bearing on what becomes law. The only thing that matters is the preferences of the top money hoarders. When the elites agree on something, it becomes law immediately. When the elites need help, it happens on the Monday after the crisis, not months later or not at all.

We need to elect politicians who loudly declare "Fuck the rich." If they are not willing to proudly and loudly stand AGAINST the owning class, they will definitely not stand for the working class. Make them say it outright, so the rich hear them saying it, "Fuck the rich. We're coming for the money they took from the working class."

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