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Comment Re:you must not have done well in math class (Score 2) 214

Focusing on gun crimes is the tactic that gun control advocates use.

The problem is that victims don't care if they are stabbed to death or shot to death.

The correct metric is _total_ crimes of bodily threat or assault. Good guys use legally carried weapons to deal with bad guys irrespective of what the bad guys did or didn't bring.

So, don't focus on gun deaths (which, btw, also counts suicides.. which is also totally disingenuous)

Focus on murders. How does Illinois compare to say, North Dakota, in murders?

I'll stay in rural North Dakota, thanks.

Comment Re: Uber is quite retarded (Score 1) 341

You are right. But then without tax and revenue from licensing how will the government function?

No income tax there? No VAT or sales tax? No vehicle licensing fees? No drivers' license fees? No fuel taxes? These bogus "licenses" are just the way "progressive" governments enact regressive taxes to keep the rabble from starting their own businesses and possibly challenging the elite.

Comment Re:Uber is quite retarded (Score 1) 341

Trying to make a law suit against current valid law is just idiotic. Try to change the law instead, well if you can.

This is not a rule to follow in a democratic form of government. If it were, then we'd have to have left the Jim Crow laws in place because, after all, they were "valid". Perhaps the government has no right to tell people what, or who, they are allowed to carry in their vehicles.

Comment Re:suggestion (Score 1) 457

If I was a paid government shill, I wouldn't be taking public transport to work everyday.

VP Biden did when he was a senator. But he's also an attention-whore who makes five times the average US household money and still doesn't have any money left at the end of the year for charity. With those budgeting skills, he probably NEEDS to take the train.

Comment Changing form factors, changing software (Score 2) 125

Suppose for a moment that you are building a new processor for mobile devices.

The mobile device makers - Apple, Google, and Microsoft -- all have "App Stores". Side loading is possible to varying degrees, but in no case is it supported or a targeted business scenario.

These big 3 all provide their own SDKs. They specify the compilers, the libraries, etc.

Many of the posts in this thread talk about how critical it will be for the compilers to produce code well suited for this processor...

Arguably, due to the app development toolchain and software delivery monoculture attached to each of the mobile platforms, it is probably easier than ever to improve compilers and transparently update the apps being held in app-store catalogs to improve their performance for specific mobile processors.

It's not the wild west any more; with tighter constraints around the target environment, more specific optimizations become plausible.

Comment Re:What about Oregon and Washington? (Score 1) 368

We are becoming a country where the rich can do anything they want to everyone else.

Comcast and CenturyLink are corporations; they are not "rich" people, corporate personhood aside. More importantly, they are public utilities. Government has created corporations and offered privileges to utilities, so that's where the problem lies-- not with "rich" people.

Comment Re:Everything on TV is fiction (Score 1) 391

Talking heads discussing the weather does not constitute a "weather report" any more than a talking head discussing politics constitutes "news".

Of course, the irony is the fact that weather reports have uncertainty due to the element of randomness, so every weather report is not necessarily "fiction" but it's not "true" either.

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