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Comment Re:Debt (Score 2) 209

Thats not really the debt though. The debt is when you get a giant wad of funding and dont take the time to greenfield your cludge app.

No, that is debt, and in many cases it is the biggest single source of debt, as Darinbob said. Failing to rewrite your kludge app is just failing to pay down your debt. Whether or not the moment you get a giant wad of funding is the right time to do that depends on the context.

Comment Re:The Cloud (Score 1) 446

Encryption algorithms are constantly being tested and broken


Oh, there's no doubt that cryptographers are continually creating and breaking new ciphers. But there are well-proven ciphers that have stood unbroken for decades. DES, for example, although the key size is now too small, has stood strong for 40 years, and in fact if you don't mind applying it three times is still proof against anyone in the world, as long as you keep the keys safe.

I have little doubt that AES will do just as well, and its much larger key size means that we won't face brute force becoming tractable, not unless actual breaks in the algorithm are discovered.

From the NSA and other governmental entities deliberately weakening the tools we use to encrypt

The fundamental algorithms, like AES, are relied upon by governmental entities, which the NSA is tasked with securing. We do have evidence that the NSA has been working in various ways to compromise implementations, but they can't really do that with ciphers, because if you modify a cipher, it won't pass the standard test vectors. The NSA can try to introduce things like side channel attacks, but if the NSA is actively monitoring your machine while you encrypt and decrypt (which is needed to exploit a side channel), you should just give up and flee to Russia now.

Really, if you use standard, widely-trusted cryptographic algorithms and are careful with how you generate and manage your keys, no one is going to get your data. Not even the NSA. Generation can be a little tricky to get right, but there are lots of good solutions. Probably the best is to randomly (e.g. with diceware) select a string of a dozen or so dictionary words, then use them with a standard key derivation function to produce a key, then use that to encrypt your data.

If that sounds complicated... it's really not. "gnupg -c" does a fine job. Run that on your files and upload them to the cloud. Since you're apparently happy with the security of your home machines (ha!), you can store a copy of the passphrase on the machine that does the backups, so you can automate everything. So that you can recover your data in the event of a fire, write down the passphrase on a piece of paper and store it somewhere offsite and secure. Give it to a friend or family member that you trust, or put it in a bank safe deposit box.

Encryption, cloud storage and an offsite copy of the decryption key are the way to go here.

If you want a nicely-automated version of all of that, you might want to look into the services provided by leastauthority.com.

Comment Re: Tabs vs Spaces (Score 1) 428

Once you verify there are no tabs in your source code (which is trivial, e.g. grep -l '\t'), then any indentation or alignment problems are visible and the needed fix obvious (insert or remove spaces). The problem with mixed tabs and spaces is that since both are non-printable characters, you can't easily see which is which, which makes finding lines with improper mixtures difficult. You can write a regexp to identify lines with tabs that follow non-tab characters, then go fix them up, and you can even do things like create commit hooks to find such problems and deny commit, but its much less effort to simply disallow tabs from the outset. In theory it seems like it's roughly the same problem (identifying files with tabs vs identifying files with tabs that follow non-tabs), but in practice if you simply ban tabs you almost never end up with files that contain them. Trying to enforce the "correct" ordering of tab and non-tab characters always results in work.

In addition to that, the point of mixing tabs and spaces is to provide variable indentation size, to match developer preference... but even when that works it creates yet another problem: disagreements about line wrapping. Developers who use larger tab sizes naturally need to wrap lines earlier (shorter lines), and those who use smaller tab sizes want to wrap them later (longer lines). This pretty much guarantees inconsistent line wrapping.

This, of course, all assumes that you're doing manual formatting. The best way to handle formatting is to use a tool (e.g. clang-format) and ban all manual formatting. If you do that, then you can actually have the tool do the tabs-and-spaces mixture thing (e.g. for clang-format "UseTab: ForIndentation"), and, assuming the tool works, your tabs and spaces will always be applied correctly. But if you're using a tool like that, then there's really no point in mixing tabs and spaces, because any developer who wants a different tab size can simply run the tool with their preferred settings (including line wrapping), work on the code, then before submitting run the tool with the project settings. Ideally, the preferred settings should be applied by an editor load hook, and the project settings applied by a commit hook.

In short, with proper tool support, mixing tabs and spaces provides no value. Without proper tool support, it creates more hassle than its worth. Particularly since it really doesn't take long for a developer to get used to any given indent size.

Finally, among the whole space of developer code formatting preferences, indentation level is a trivial thing. If you want your team's code to have a consistent look (and you do... it really matters for maintainability), then you're going to have to specify a LOT of other things that different developers will disagree on, and which their editors can't paper over. So they're going to have to suck it up and accept some team style guidelines anyway. May as well include indentation level.

Comment There's no good way to compromise a system... (Score 1) 134

Sorry, but if you create a system with a security compromising flaw in it, even a well hidden, obfuscated, extremely well guarded flaw, someone aside from the "intended" users of said compromise are going to use it to break in.

The government's "need to know" does NOT trump my right to privacy. And if there's a real problem with that, they'd better be overtly bringing soldiers in to try to make me comply.

Comment Re:Going to have to wait on major improvements (Score 1) 47

I have a first and second gen rift, and while there is definitely room for improvement, they aren't nearly as bad as you are making out.

Having actually USED both, I can say that yes, they ARE.

The first gen is something I can use for about 20 minutes before I break out in sweats.
Any longer and it's massive headaches and nausea.

The second gen, it's maybe about 30 minutes.

A business partner of mine can't stand more than about 10 minutes on either.

I couldn't use something like this as a workaday desktop. I just can't.

Comment Re:Here's the key... (Score 1) 185

I actually do most of my work in public, directly in AOSP. This is different from most Android engineers, who work on an internal tree which gets dumped to AOSP with each major release. So, not only can I tell you what I'm working on, anyone who cares can follow my work in near real-time.

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