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Submission + - A for Domain Names (

fsterman writes: Domain name seizures used to be a rare occurrence, but US law enforcement has become adept at exploiting a quirk in the Internet's governance structure that allows them to seize a wide range of domains without due process. The rate has been increasing exponentially, with a total of 87 in 2010 to 1,700 in mid-2013. A month ago, nearly 5,000 domains were seized by a corporation using civil proceedings. The types of attacks targeting DNS have been increasing as well, such as when a US embassy had GoDaddy shut down a political protest site.

Submission + - Research Shows RISC vs CISC Doesn't Matter 1

fsterman writes: The power advantages brought by the RISC instruction sets used in Power and ARM chips is often pitted against the X86's efficiencies of scale. It's difficult to asses how much the difference between instruction sets matter because teasing out the theoretical efficiency of an ISA from the proficiency of a chip's design team, technical expertise of its manufacturer, and support for architecture-specific optimizations in compilers is nearly impossible . However, new research examining the performance of a variety of ARM, MIPS, and X86 processors gives weight to Intel's conclusion: the benefits of a given ISA to the power envelope of a chip are minute.

Comment High Horse (Score 1) 170

... 'It's a kind of delightful revelation given the fact that the Germans have been on their high horse.' Christian Whiton, a former ... State Department senior advisor

Yup, Germany stepped off their high-horse and dived right into our cesspool. But just because everyone is violating our fundamental civil liberties en-mass doesn't make it any less evil.

The only thing this tells us is what our threat model should have been from the start.

Comment Re:How many years could he be charged with? (Score 4, Informative) 299

Except per Swedish and EU law that would be illegal.

I don't know why you people keep bringing it up.

Because Assange has said that if Britain and Sweden would put forth a good-faith promise not to extradite him he would happily travel to Sweden to face the molestation charges.

If what you are saying is true then I don't know why Glenn Greenwald (a former lawyer) and others would have put together a document detailing exactly how the two governments could make that promise,

This is why this is so crucial: if Sweden (and/or Britain) would provide some meaningful assurance that Assange would not be extradited to the US to face espionage charges for WikiLeaks' journalism, then the vast majority of asylum supporters (including me) would loudly demand that he immediately travel to Stockholm to confront those allegations; Assange himself has said he would do so. That gives the lie to the ugly slander that those who have expressed support for Ecuador's asylum decision are dismissive of the sex assault claims or do not care about seeing them resolved.

Speaking for myself, I have always said the same thing about those allegations in Sweden from the moment they emerged: they are serious and deserve legal resolution. It is not Assange or his supporters preventing that resolution, but the Swedish and British governments, which are strangely refusing even to negotiate as to how Assange's rights against unjust extradition and political persecution can be safeguarded along with the rights of the complainants to have their allegations addressed.

Of course, Greenwald and the Guardian might be lying but, at this point, I trust them much more than I trust British and Swedish governments.

Comment Yup (Score 1) 263

Patents were created to help protect the upfront capital investments required for creating physical goods. We came up with a set of rules that protect against utterly absurd misapplications of this temporary monopoly. The justices are trying to apply these baseline protections to an area of investment and innovation that is radically different. If only we could just pass a law saying "this is stupid" and move on....

Submission + - interop for Nameoin censorship resistant DNS (

fsterman writes: Growing up on Slashdot, I've been watched ICANN and the slow decline of the DNS system with great dismay. A year ago, I set out to create a scalable interoperability layer for Namecoin that doesn't involve proxies or mirroring content. reimplements DNS lookups within the browser itself. When coupled with emerging WebRTC P2P networks we are able to push all processing to the client side, shielding us from legal liability.

What's *really* amazing is that I was able to backport some of the censorship resistant properties of the Namecoin .bit TLD to regular websites. Governments will be unable to selectively censor websites and it will be *very* difficult for politicians and judges to rationalize their way into blacklisting the entire domain.

The website has the full nitty-gritty details. However, remember that this is a developer preview!

Submission + - ReactOS (

fsterman writes: Imagine a world in which we could use a Windows clone to cross-compile our applications in a continuous integration environment or run that one Windows program that a single customer needs for backwards compatibility. Think it's impossible? Well, the crazy talented ReactOS developers have an IndieGoGo campaign for a community edition and a donation gives you a vote on which apps the latest release should cover. They have make $20,000 of their $50,000 and they have a couple of few weeks left. Any other Slashdoter's want to help make Windows even MORE obsolete?

Comment Re:Why not just use noise from the various antenna (Score 1) 104

I had the same thought, smartphones have plenty of physical hardware interfaces and can certainly make due. AFAIK, servers are the only place where we need a lot more entropy than a standard device and where (especially on virtual machines) there is a poverty of physical signals to mix in. Even here, however, you only need to ensure that the initial seed is random, hashing will take care of the rest. FWIW, Ubuntu 14 comes with a nifty random entropy seed protocol called pollinate.

I think the authors are just going out on an a limb to try and find some practical edge to the paper. Everyone's being pushed to do that now, it's a publicity stunt that (apparently) works.

Comment Re:NSA boogeyman (Score 1) 171

A Tor developer? Being paranoid? Shocking!

No, I'm sorry, when I say "evidence" what I mean is, and try to follow along here, "evidence". Not anecdotes. Not scary bumping noises in the night. Evidence.

Okay, "When I flew away for an appointment, I installed four alarm systems in my apartment," Appelbaum told the paper after discussing other situations which he said made him feel uneasy. "When I returned, three of them had been turned off. The fourth, however, had registered that somebody was in my flat - although I'm the only one with a key. And some of my effects, whose positions I carefully note, were indeed askew. My computers had been turned on and off."

Who breaks into an apartment, turns off alarms, and politely tries to put everything back in its place? Do you want him to post video of agents too? Just listen to the man.

Submission + - Ideas for protesting Ballmer's graduation speech? 2

fsterman writes: Apparently Ballmer is speaking at my graduation upcoming graduation. As a proponent of direct-action, FLOSS fanatic, and software patent hater, I would like to inject something intelligent into whatever retrospective his speech delivers.

Any suggestions?

Comment Re:A few reasons why it won't work: (Score 1) 273

However, couldn't this be implemented as a priority queue? When the the priority queue empties, the general queue gets out. People whom are able to break camp early, without waiting for others in their group, do so. If the group *must* leave camp at the same time, they all file into the general queue.

The length of the priority queue will fluctuate, but you could plan for fewer slots later in the day (for example).

Comment Re:whohoo! Swiss cheese! (Score 1) 302

ok, so Lambda expressions are cool, but are they critical?


They allow you to distribute a job without doing all of threads and callbacks by yourself. Even if you ignore the electron wall Moore's law is hitting, "cloud" computing is all about doing many small computations simultaneously.

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