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First Person Shooters (Games)

Gamer Plays Doom For the First Time 362

sfraggle writes "Kotaku has an interesting review of Doom (the original!) by Stephen Totilo, a gamer and FPS player who, until a few days ago, had gone through the game's 17-year history without playing it. He describes some of his first impressions, the surprises that he encountered, and how the game compares to modern FPSes. Quoting: 'Virtual shotgun armed, I was finally going to play Doom for real. A second later, I understood the allure the video game weapon has had. In Doom the shotgun feels mighty, at least partially I believe because they make first-timers like me wait for it. The creators make us sweat until we have it in hand. But once we have the shotgun, its big shots and its slow, fetishized reload are the floored-accelerator-pedal stuff of macho fantasy. The shotgun is, in all senses, instant puberty, which is to say, delicately, that to obtain it is to have the assumed added potency that a boy believes a man possesses vis a vis a world on which he'd like to have some impact. The shotgun is the punch in the face the once-scrawny boy on the beach gives the bully when he returns a muscled linebacker.'"

Doctors Seeing a Rise In "Google-itis" 368

It's one of the fastest-growing health issues that doctors now face: "Google-itis." Everyone from concerned mothers to businessmen on their lunch break are typing in symptoms and coming up with rare diseases or just plain wrong information. Many doctors are bringing computers into examination rooms now so they can search along with patients to alleviate their fears. "I'm not looking for a relationship where the patient accepts my word as the gospel truth," says Dr. James Valek. "I just feel the Internet brings so much misinformation to the (exam) room that we have to fight through all that before we can get to the problem at hand."

Boss By Day, Gamer By Night 51

Ant writes "Computerworld queried seven executives at some of today's top tech firms to learn how they started gaming, what they play now, and how their virtual skills translate to the real world of the office. Alan Cohen, vice president of enterprise solutions at Cisco Systems, had this to say: 'Now, increasingly, games are Internet 2.0 encounters. They're all about how well you work together with others any time, any place, with players from around the world. Rock Band 2, World of Warcraft, even Guitar Hero promote the shared experience and are all about how together we can do more, be more, compete better than we can by going it alone. That's right in line with how the corporate environment is evolving: You can play (or work) anytime you want, and you have to compete and collaborate on a global basis in order to succeed.'"

Rails and Merb Ruby Web Frameworks Merge 80

An anonymous reader writes "The Merb and Rails Core Teams today announced a major merger; the two projects will become one, and be released some time in Q2 of 2009 as Rails 3. This is great news for lots of folks who worried about the potential community fracture, as well as great news for all the developers who will now have an all-around better option for programming Ruby. Read more about the details in Yehuda's blog post, or at the Ruby on Rails blog."

Survival-Horror Genre Going Extinct? 166

Destructoid is running an opinion piece looking at the state of the survival-horror genre in games, suggesting that the way it has developed over the past several years has been detrimental to its own future. "During the nineties, horror games were all the rage, with Resident Evil and Silent Hill using the negative aspects of other games to an advantage. While fixed camera angles, dodgy controls and clunky combat were seen as problematic in most games, the traditional survival horror took them as a positive boon. A seemingly less demanding public ate up these games with a big spoon, overlooking glaring faults in favor of videogames that could be genuinely terrifying." The Guardian's Games Blog has posted a response downplaying the decline of the genre, looking forward to Ubisoft's upcoming I Am Alive and wondering if independent game developers will pick up where major publishers have left off.

(Useful) Stupid BlackBerry Tricks? 238

Wolfger writes "Continuing the recent (useful) stupid theme: I've recently become a BlackBerry user, and I'm in love with the obvious(?) tricks, such as installing MidpSSH to access my home box remotely. But I'd like to know what more experienced Crackberry addicts can share."

Submission + - The State of Gaming in Japan

dean73 writes: "http://www.seekjapan.jp/article-1/785/The+State+of +Gaming+in+Japan
Brace yourself, stick twiddlers: there's a war coming. After an interminable bout of hype, production delays and whatnot, the gloves are off and the big boys are finally ready for some down and dirty. The prize? Dominance of a worldwide market valued at $29 billion annually. Nope, not crack: video games. What's more, even if you stopped paying attention to such malarky when PONG was still considered the height of technological innovation, this promises to be an interesting scrap. Read on for the deets on the latest battle for console supremacy, and why there's more to it than meets the eye."

Submission + - Elephants pass mirror test of self-awareness

6350' writes: "Researchers have published findings that elephants are now known to be in the rather exclusive club of species that can recognize themselves in mirrors, National Geographic News reports. Interestingly, some elephants in the test, which was conducted at the Bronx Zoo in New York, recognized and touched marks placed on their head while looking in the mirror. Others were seen to open their mouth and peer into the reflection, indicating an awareness that the reflection they percieved was their own. 'There seems to be some correlation between an ability to recognize oneself in a mirror and higher forms of social complexity,' one of the authors of the study notes."
Linux Business

Submission + - Corporate users embrace desktop Linux

JCaruso writes: "Is the corporate world ready for Linux on the desktop? This article presents some places that are. From the article: "People have to justify Windows to get it, and even then I challenge them a bit," says Dave Jenkins, the CTO for Backcountry.com. Nearly 70% of the online retailer's 200 or so desktops are Linux, including multiuser machines stationed in the company's warehouse. Those on Windows desktops typically need it to support Excel and the macros that run only inside that spreadsheet."
Role Playing (Games)

Submission + - Lose 40 pounds in 3 months playing WoW

PygmySurfer writes: Spending too much time playing World of Warcraft? This guy found an inventive way to limit his playing time, AND get some cardio in while doing it! A self-imposed rule allowing him to only play WoW while doing cardio allowed him to lose 41 pounds in 3 months. Unfortunately, he doesn't really say much about how far his characters progressed — I saw mention of a level 30 Hunter and 50 Warlock browsing through some of the posts, but no mention of where they were when he started. All in all though, a good idea to limit one's playing time, and maybe lose some weight at the same time.

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