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Comment What happens to the misunderstood? (Score 1) 571

To be fair, I'm entirely in favor of men and women being equal in all ways which are logical. This means that I think it's nice to be able to pee standing up but I don't see the point in purchasing devices for my daughter to do the same. I also don't have any person urges to experience menstruation or pregnancy. I do think however that for air conditioning purposes, wearing a kilt might not be too bad.

I remember a friend of mine in the early 90s being fired and sued by his company for the fact that he was legitimately researching in a newspaper and the back page of the section he was reading had a full page J.C. Penny lingerie advertisement. A complaint was filed against him for sexual harassment and intentional objectification of women in the work place. Nothing came of it, but he had trouble getting a new job after this.

I know of many teenagers who play video games on the Internet who would likely fall victim to the fact that they lack the elocution when expressing themselves which these measures would enforce.

Also, as an example of an extremely narrow mind, she is thinking in terms of a single government and single country. There are at least 100 countries where measures would have to be implemented to enforce the same standards the U.S. introduced to manage harassment in the workplace. Let's not forget that anonymity is much easier to achieve online.

I think it's best to consider that it should be more easily possible for people to block and report each other on online services.

Comment Who cares about Orion? (Score 3, Informative) 44

Isn't Orion a space craft being made by the crooks at Boeing, Lockheed and the other losers who rape the shit out of tax payers, intentionally underbid projects and run decades and billions over budget and laugh at us?

NASA should not be allowed to commission their own spacecraft since the laws currently in place force them to choose contractors like those crooks to build their space craft and when was the last time any of them actually built anything that wasn't a royal heap of shit?

Comment Re:Over-emphasizing (Score 1) 98

PPS: Given your custom IPC for Python, could you go us one further and write an OSGi for Python using it? Pretty please! ;)

:) i'd love to but sadly it's one of the [few] contracts where i was in a proprietary environment. if i meet a software libre project some time in the future that needs that kind of stuff i'll certainly attempt to recreate it but it would need to be at least a year before i consider that.

Comment Re:(not)perplexingly (Score 1) 98

It doesn't matter how awesome someone thinks their Python-LMDB project is. It doesn't matter how important someone thinks their Python-LMDB project is.

the mistake you've made has been raised a number of times in the slashdot comments (3 so far). the wikipedia page that was deleted was about LMDB, not python-lmdb. python-lmdb is just bindings to LMDB and that is not notable in any significant way.

Comment Over-emphasizing (Score 1) 98

CPython is a compiler.

it's an interpreter which was [originally] based on a FORTH engine.

  It compiles Python source code to Python bytecode,

there is a compiler which does that, yes.

and the Python runtime executes the compiled bytecode.

it interprets it.

CPython has one major weakness, the GIL (global interpreter lock).

*sigh* it does. the effect that this has on threading is to reduce threads to the role of a mutually-exclusive task-switching mechanism.

I've seen the GIL harm high-throughput, multi-threaded event processing systems not dissimilar from the one you describe.

yes. you are one of the people who will appreciate, given that the codebase could not be written in (or converted to) any other language, due to time-constraints, that using processes and custom-written IPC because threads (which you'd think would be perfect to get high-performance on event processing because there would be no overhead on passing data between threads) couldn't be used, means that the end-result is going to be... complicated.

If you must insist on Python and want to avoid multi-threaded I/O bound weaknesses of the GIL, then use Jython.

not a snowball in hell's chance of that happening :) not in a milllion years. not on this project, and not on any project i will actively and happily be involved in. and *especially* i cannot ever endorse the use of java for high performance reliable applications. i'm familiar with python's advantages and disadvantages, the way that the garbage collector works, and am familiar with the size of the actual python interpreter and am happy that it is implemented in c.

java on the other hand i just... i don't even want to begin describing why i don't want to be involved in its deployment - i'm sure there are many here on slashdot happy to explain why java is unsuitable.

there are many other ways in which the limitation of threads in python imposed by the GIL may be avoided. i chose to work around the problem by using processes and custom-writing an IPC infrastructure using edge-triggered epoll. it was... hard. others may choose to use stackless python. others may agree with the idea to use jython, but honestly if the application was required to be reasonably reliable as well as high-performance there would be absolutely no way that i could ever endorse such an idea. sorry :)

Comment Do not use joins (Score 2) 98

if something like PostgreSQL had been used as the back-end store, that rate would be somewhere around 30,000 tasks per second or possibly even less than that

You should pipe it to /dev/nul. That's webscale.

don't jest... please :) jokes about "you should just have a big LED on the box with a switch and a battery" _not_ appreciated :)

but, seriously: the complete lack of need in this application for joins (as well as any other features of SQL or NOSQL databases) was what led me to research key-value stores in the first place.

Comment Re:Would it hurt ... (Score 1) 98

A lot of the locking semantics you mentioned sound pretty similar to RCU which is used extensively in the Linux kernel, and allows for lockless reading on certain architectures.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R... .... yes, i think so. now imagine that all the copying is done by the OS using the OS's virtual memory page-table granularity (so does not have any very very very significant overhead). and also imagine that the library is intelligent enough to move the older page into its record of free pages during a cleanup phase that doesn't cost very much either. and also remember that on accessing B+ trees to find a record you only need to know the "top" (root) node... so you can update (or create) using those COW semantics as many B+ tree nodes as you like, knowing that it's *only* the root node that you need (after the fact) to tell (new) readers about... ... and now it's no longer expensive to do those RCU style operations, and the performance is streets ahead of any other key-value store.

but i am not an expert on these things. i'm sure that if howard chipped in here (and he _is_ an expert on the linux kernel and on high-performance efficient algorithm implementation) he'd be able to tell you more and probably a lot more accurately than i can.

Comment Re:Oh my... (Score 5, Interesting) 98

The use cases for LMDB are pretty limited.

weeelll.... the article _did_ say "high performance", so there are some sacrifices that can be made especially when those features provided by SQL databases are clearly not even needed.

basically what was needed then was to actually *re-implement* some of the missing features (indexes for example) and that took quite some research. it turns out that (after finding an article written by someone who has implemented a SQL database using the very same key-value stores that everyone uses) you can implement secondary indexes *using* a key-value store with range capabilities by concatenating the value that you wish to have range-search on with the primary key of the record that you wish to access, and then storing that as the key with a zero-length value in the secondary-index key-value store.

this was what i had to implement - directly - in python, to provide secondary indexing using timestamps so that records could be deleted for example once they were no longer needed. it was actually incredibly efficient, *because of the performance of LMDB*.

so... yeah. didn't need SQL queries. added some basic secondary-indexing manually. got the transactional guarantees directly from the implementation of LMDB. got many other cool features....

please remember that i am keenly aware that SQLite, MySQL and i think even PostgreSQL can now be compiled to use LMDB as its back-end data store... but that the application was _so demanding_ that even if that had been done it still would not have been enough.

but, apart from that: i don't believe you are correct in saying that there are a limited number of use cases for LMDB *itself* - the statement "there are a limited number of use cases for range-based key-value stores" *might* be a bit more accurate, but there are clearly quite a _lot_ of use cases for range-based key-value stores [including as the back-end of more complex data management systems such as SQL and NOSQL servers].

this high-performance task scheduler application happens to be one of them... and the main point of the article is that, amongst the available key-value stores currently in existence, my research tells me that i picked the absolute best of them all.

Comment Re:Did you make any effort to get this undeleted? (Score 1) 98

I apologize for that, I was wrong and spoke too quickly. If you can find notable sources for P-LMDB, then it's worth a shot bringing it to that user's attention.

hey not a problem. you're right about py-lmdb - my main concern is to get LMDB the recognition that its peer stores (such as BerkeleyDB) already have: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B... - someone else mentioned that there are other such key-value stores (some of them at the same development period as LMDB) which already have articles. and it's that an *oracle* employee marked the page for deletion that's the main issue of contention here.

Comment database performance (Score 2) 98

The author got poor performance from a SQL database with no indexing, which degraded as the number of records grew? You don't say! A database that has to do a full scan for reads performs poorly?

yes. it was that i had to do that analysis in a formal repeatable independent way, which i had never done before, and i was very surprised at the poor results. i was at least expecting a *consistent* and reliable rate of... well, i don't know: i was kinda expecting PostgreSQL to be top of the list and i was kinda expecting it to reach 100,000 or 200,000 records per second... and it just... couldn't. i was *completely* caught off-guard by the need to switch off all the safety checks, and by how dramatic the effect on performance of adding indexes really was.

  so it was then by complete contrast that, for example, the py-lmdb benchmarks got an ORDER OF MAGNITUDE better sequential-read-speeds (2.5 million per second) than i was expecting that made me really sit up and take notice.

Surprise about load average seems equally naive. If you fork a bunch of processes that are doing IO, of COURSE the load increases. Load is a measure of the number of processes not sleeping. That's all it is. I don't understand his surprise that a system steadily doing a great deal of IO would show a lot of time spent in IO calls in profiling.

you've missed the point. it was that the exact same design using 20 (or so) shm file handles instead of 200 file handles opening to the exact same data (effectively) resulted in a reasonable loadavg, whereas having the 200 file handles open had a loadavg that ground the system completely to a halt.

so it's not the *actual* loadavg that is relevant but that the *relative* loadavg before and after that one simple change was so dramatically shifted from "completely unusable and in no way deployable in a live production environment" to a "this might actually fly, jim" level.

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