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Comment Re:Wasting (Score 2) 62

As described, after looking at their materials, I don't see an advantage to the radial design over a grid design. There is nothing to that which would improve airflow, and it leaves huge underutilized areas.

On the other hand, a traditional grid design optimizes the space, and it would still allow for the same airflow.

It's not a matter of being round, or having dead space, it's simple things we teach children. Square boxes don't fit through round holes. Round objects don't stack optimally.

One of the Equinix datacenters in Los Angeles (previously Pihana Pacific) has all of it's cooling on one side of the room, and returns on the other side. Each row is basically a wind tunnel. There is no appreciable temperature difference between the two sides. Both the front and back of the cabinets have the same airflow, and maintain roughly the same temperature.

As far as the total power load, they could keep the load the same, and have almost half of the building for just storage.

Of course, a square building that the industry uses as a standard for this kind of work, would not make the news. No one would be talking about it.

I guess if they have money to burn and real estate to waste, it doesn't matter what shape they make it or how much space is underutilized.

Comment Re:Security (Score 1) 62

Did you notice that he talked about the doors to the warm side? Controlled and logged access. And just a couple seconds later he says the top of the pods are all open to the common upper area. I'd hope they'll have something in the way, but I doubt it would be anything that bolt cutters (or just tin snips) and a few minutes would have a problem with.

Comment Re:Moisture? (Score 3, Informative) 62

You can take a look at their official page.

The tour video and text talk about plants outside filtering. The video around 3 minutes, shows additional filtering inside.

I suspect prevailing winds will really screw with the site cooling.

The "Virtual tour" has more details than the rest. Nothing about humidity.

Their security seems odd. They talk about the security being very strict. The video shows the inside of each "pod" to be open to the common hot air area in the upper part of the roof. So they have security, but you can get around it by not going through the doors. {sigh}

I never got the idea of sticking square boxes in a round hole. They're wasting a lot of good real estate by leaving all that extra space between the servers.

It seems like it was drawn up with an ideal world in mind, which usually doesn't translate well to the real world.

Comment Re:Fuck people! (Score 3, Funny) 239

echo "chaotic_evil" > /proc/morality

That's why it hasn't been working for you.

There's also a kernel patch on to change the default setting. With the standard kernel, it is set to "lawful_neutral". In that mode, it will honk and swerve for a little old lady crossing the street.

lawful_good would stop, and offer her a ride.

chaotic_evil will run her over, back up and do it again, and the lower loot collection hook will deploy to take her purse.

Comment Re:Gators (Score 2) 160

I hope it doesn't totally depend on the cellmate providing evidence of what he was told. That's fairly common for a cellmate to come up as a witness to get a reduced sentence. If he has a somewhat competent lawyer, that will get tossed.

But if he really did ask his phone where to hide a body, and he was really trying to do so, that's just plain dumb.

I was playing with Google auto-complete a few years ago. When searching "Where to hide a ", the top 3 suggestions were "bong", "tattoo" and "body". 115,000,000 results on "body".

If he couldn't find somewhere around Gainesville to hide a body, he's not very bright. The UF mascot and the nickname of the football field should be a couple good hints. Well, it seems murderers aren't always the best and brightest. Otherwise, they would have considered "I would go to jail for the rest of my life" as an unacceptable risk.

Comment Re:Grades vs IQ (Score 2) 391

Lots of brilliant people score horribly in school, usually due to boredom. I have a high IQ.

I didn't have straight A's in school, because I was completely bored with it by 8th grade. I scored well on tests, but I gave up on doing homework. 7 classes, each assigning 1 hour of homework didn't make any sense.

The only ones who excelled were the ones who teamed up to do homework together, and divided the workload. Sure, they each learned something, but they didn't learn everything they were suppose to. It was also reflected in their test scores.

Unfortunately, at my schools, homework counted for a large percentage of the grade, and I didn't live near any of my classmates.

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