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Comment Re:Chrome - the web browser that's added as bloatw (Score 1) 240

I'm curios if webmasters are treating IE the opposite relative to the once-dominance of IE6.

Maybe now all the "if IE" conditionals result in a purposely shitty experience, instead of targeting quirks in specific versions.

<!--[if IE]><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="shitty-on-purpose.css" /><![endif]-->

Comment Re:DANE (Score 1) 176

Missing the point. Of course end users don't care. But if the browsers supported DANE and performed their own DNSSEC lookups if the local resolver can't, then DANE could work.

If the destination site doesn't publish their certs and/or designated CAs in DNS, then the old "trust all built-in CAs" will still apply.

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