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Comment Remember Final Cut Pro X? (Score 2, Informative) 598

FTC took the Video Post community by storm, quickly gaining broad acceptance throughout the industry, knocking Premier off it's pedestal for desktop-class video editing software

Then they came out with Final Cut Pro X and when their users complained about the rampant bugs, overly simplified iMovie style interface and defeaturization, Apple told their user base to go fuck themselves -- as Apple is want to do and Premier went back to being on top again.

Anyway, far from being a learning moment for Apple -- this has been wholly adopted as their corporate ideology when it comes to their user apps. A lot of it is a focus on iOS and trying to make everything fall in line with iOS -- this was clear as early as 2007 when a trip to the Apple store had their laptop and desktop add-ons shunted to dusty corners while iPhone cases and accessories dominated the store. So this has beed a mentality years in the making based solely on spreadsheets of product sales and not user needs regarding user experience.

Even Woz wrote a rant (now pulled it seems) about ditching OS X in favor of Linux over the frustration of the mounting shit-pile of bugs and anoyances with OS X You can read comments about Woz' post here:

Comment Re:blu rays are cheaper than the movie (Score 1) 400

feeding the average Joe's need to think they themselves could be an action hero?

So the "Average Joe" is literate, well spoken, well coiffed, can travel the world while getting dirty work done? What world is this that you live in? I think Taken just appeals to the audience that enjoys Bond, Bourne and Mission Impossible movies. Sure, he's not a "covert agent", but he does all the same sort of stuff.

Comment Re:They're assholes. (Score 1, Insightful) 336

The real assholes here are MS and Sony for knowingly maintaining insecure networks even after Lizard Squad already took them down and publicly warned that it was but a taste of what was to come on Christmas. These ASSHOLES couldn't be bothered to conduct security audits or take any action at all to prevent the take down they knew was coming. Why? Because they are ASSHOLES and the industry has found that paying for security is far more expensive that letting the attackers do whatever. Sony, Target, Staples et a have seen first hand that it doesn't matter how much consumer info you give attackers, the consumers that were harmed will always come back and there is no punishment to be faced. Until Congress passes Federal Laws criminalizing maintaining known insecure networks that contain sensitive consumer data that either opens the gates for Class Action Suits and imposes substantial Legal Penalties, we wont see this behavior changed.

Comment Re:i didn't even bother to watch the second one (Score 2) 351

say...speaking of shitty fantasy trilogies i thought that shit with the blue aliens was supposed to be a trilogy? whatever happened? i guess the merchandising and bluray sales didn't really hit expectations for a new sci-fi property/brand?

We here at James Cameron Heavy Industries are happy to report that not only did international Blu-Ray® DVD sales meet market expectations, they totally and utterly surpassed them. As such, we've turned the planned Trilogy into a TETRALOGY! That's right -- not two more, but THREE MORE 3D IMAX EXPERIENCE movies featuring cutting edge CGI technology for you to spend every last hard earned dollar on tiny theatre seats and cold, greasy popcorn

Sadly, this embarrassment of riches has caused us to push back the production schedule a bit to accommodate HIS Lord Jim's latest round of ass-raping of the Terminator franchise and to allow for more production coordination with Disney to develop a world wide network of Avatar theme parks in disney properties world-wide.

Need to see it to believe it?

Comment A Crewed Version? (Score 1) 200

Considering that a surface mission is completely unfeasible and that they would effectively be little more than equipment operators, it seems the only benefit to a manned mission would be "less latency" in controlling the equipment vs drone style operators based here on Earth. Personally, aside from "bragging rights" for pulling off the first manned Venus Mission I do not see anything that could remotely justify the risk of life and massive financial costs a manned mission would incur.

Comment Re:SURPRISE!!! (Score 1) 250

Except that Apple isn't the owner nor are they acting on behalf of the owner -- they are depriving you of your property on the sole basis that they want to hurt you because you used a competitors service. I fail to see why this should be a mere class action suit and not a criminal proceeding. This should qualify as property destruction and theft.

Comment This Product Makes Sense (Score 0) 78

Having this week bought a new 13" MacBook Pro (tiny and light) and deciding to pass on the iPhone Galaxy 6 because it's form factor is so huge that it borders on being a mini-tablet -- I have been thinking if Apple could come out with a 10" Air and a standalone iWatch, I'd be completely fulfilled. So when I read about this Lenovo product yesterday, I was a bit jealous. If they can come out with a smaller display sized version and get some Linux drivers for the hardware and offer an Ubuntu version, I would totally leave Apple in a heart beat.

Comment Re:Sad... (Score 1) 390

Not sure about the S-Foils... but according to wookiepedia, they were deployed for "high stress situations" -- whatever that means. So considering that in space, there is no G-Force, there can be no exertion of "stresses" -- unless by "stress" they simply mean combat. But the X-Wings at least have control surfaces and afterburners -- and they show them flying in atmosphere in Ep IV and V So I can overlook that. The TIE Fighters on the other hand... totally bogus.

Comment TIE-Fighters flying in Atmosphere?!?!?!?! (Score 5, Insightful) 390

Doesn't JJ know that Ion Engines don't generate enough thrust to propel so much as a paper airplane through atmosphere, much less an entire TIE-Fighter And even if those Twin Ion Engines could generate enough thrust, TIE-Fighers don't have control surfaces or the proper aerodynamics to fly?!?!?! Is he that big of a moron or is he purposely out to make the sequels worse than the prequels? And don't get me started on the sheer stupidity and uselessness of the crossguard on that Sith's lightsaber UTTER IDIOCY!

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