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Comment Low prices + steam helps (Score 3, Interesting) 188

I just bought "Defence Grid" for $2 on steam. It's not much money, but I wouldn't have paid any more, and wouldn't have even bothered to pirate it. I probably won't even play, but my brother uses my steam account and he might check it out.

My point is that $2 is a good impulse-buy price. I won't even bother to check a demo or reviews at that price. So that's $2 more than they would have gotten.

I'd be interested in seeing their total profit binned by price.

Comment Re:Masterrace? Reactions from Europe (Score 1) 715

> The dissemination of classified materials is.

No it isn't. The initial leak, not done by WikiLeaks, is illegal. After that it's legal to distribute.

See how newspapers are also publishing some of the leaks - they wouldn't be doing that if it was illegal.

Wikileaks hasn't even been legally accused of doing anything illegal.

Comment Re:um, thats kind of not what it says (Score 1) 1020

The women themselves don't seem to actually want to persue this.

One woman said:

What makes her latest comments even more bizarre is that her team have gone to say that they are appealing the Swedish prosecutions decision not to pursue the rape allegations any further. Claes Borgstrom told AFP:

        I have asked a higher-ranked special department in the prosecution’s office of Sweden to reconsider the [prosecutor's] decision.

( )

Comment Re:"Sex crimes" (Score 1) 1020

One of the women told a Sweedish newspaper that in an interview. I don't speak sweedish so I can't give you an original source, but the translated quote is:

“I had never intended for Julian Assange to be charged with rape. It is quite wrong that we were afraid of him. He is not violent and I do not feel threatened by him.”

You can google the quote for more sources.

Comment Re:Isn't this kind of obvious? (Score 1) 90

And you need to read up on the concept of git.

Seriously, this isn't SVN.

Typical work flow in git is:

1) Clone remote repository
2) Make branch of the clone's master (origin/master), say, and calling it "master".
3) Add your commits to your branch.
4) Continue until you're happy.
5) Merge your changes with any changes that other people have done.
6) Push your changes onto the remote server.

What Linus is saying is that step 5 can cause trouble. Instead of making a branch of clone's master, you should use the latest tag instead. This is not the way you'd do it on any small or medium project.

Comment Re:Isn't this kind of obvious? (Score 1) 90

> I'm sorry but I've never been tempted to branch from an unstable point, and I'd be horrified if anyone on my time tried to do so.


This would happen just checking out the latest version, then start writing some code. How is that a practise that you should be "horrified" by ?

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
