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Comment Re:Inking your skin... (Score 4, Informative) 164

I don't think so. When I was a college student it never occurred to me that I would want to remove the tattoo. It perfectly suited me, and I didn't understand that I would change over time and outgrow the tattoo. This is how kids think. They think that the way things are will remain forever. Forever young!

Some advice for people considering this path -- only get a black ink tattoo. They are much easier to remove than a colored tattoo. The laser has to be tuned to the wavelength of the ink color, so if you have a tattoo that is black, red and green then you need to hit it with three separate lasers and the way one color responds may be different than other colors.

Also, set your expectations. By the time my treatments were complete (6 treatments, each 6 weeks apart), the tattoo was about 2/3 faded. then my body flushed the rest out over the following year. So I can't complain!

Comment Re:Inking your skin... (Score 4, Informative) 164

Got a tattoo in college. I really liked it for about 10 years, then I decided I was done with it and wanted to move on to another phase of my life. So I did laser removal, and I would say it's 99% gone. You'd have to be pretty close and know where to look to find any trace of it. In short, I rubbed a thousand dollars on it and it came right off!

Comment Re:energy balance doesn't work out (Score 1) 68

What dog piled? We had an interesting conversation. In my initial post I estimated the time it would take to make a gallon of gas (a unit of energy) from a square meter of bionic leaf, starting with an estimate of solar insolation (a unit of power density). Looks like an energy equation to me.


Comment Re:energy balance doesn't work out (Score 1) 68

first, diesel is maybe 10-15% more energy rich than gasoline.

But at no point did you include how much energy we'd actually need, nor did you account for how much space in total we'd need to dedicate to harvesting in order to meet that demand. Only after including those factors could you argue that the bionic leaf could not meet our needs...

what are you smoking? that's exactly what I said. The actual amount of energy was however many billion gallons per year, the space requried was however many square kilometers. isn't that exactly was I said?

While liquid hydrocarbons are fairly good in terms of specific energy, they are horribly inefficient compared to alternatives. I suppose it's good that you can easily carry that much energy around with you when you will inevitably piss 80% of it away as waste.

this is a good point.

And I'm pretty sure "god's fuel" would be hydrogen, used in the form of nuclear fusion. That literally powers the universe and is the source of all complex matter that we know of.

this is also a good point.

Comment Re:just ban it (Score 1) 365

GP says that smoking is a social benefit because it kills people early instead of having old person deaths that are supposedly more expensive. I'm saying that smoking also eliminates decades of productive contributions to society, so even if old person deaths were more expensive (a fact of which citation is needed), it also eliminates productive contributions.

supreme court example is exxagerated, but it's true that scalia is 80 and RBG is 82, and they're considered to be the leaders of the conservative and liberal wings.

Comment Re:just ban it (Score 1) 365

i dont like smoking cuz it reeks. people smell disgusting, worse than a homeless person who shat himself for a month. but these smokers still want to do things like eat in restaurants and go to jobs and other public places. there should be a smoker's island where everybody can be and smoke.

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