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Comment Re:Application and Screen on Different Machines (Score 1) 455

So what I think we need, is for the core team for each major toolkit to sit in a room and try to design an extensible network transport that they can all agree to use. With a core set of features, and perhaps some toolkit specific extensions. Perhaps ending up with a process similar to the way HTML has evolved over time.


Submission + - Goldbach's Conjecture Proved ( 1

kruhft writes: "Goldbach's Conjecture, a classic problem in Number Theory where every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two primes, has recently been proved by the mathematician Agostino PrÂastaro at the University of Rome. Can anyone on Slashdot provide some insight into whether this proof is correct? And if so, why have we not heard of this sooner?"

Comment Re:Not Surprised (Score 1) 370

I've just started using Windows 7 at a new job and a minor configuration setting (the theme) will bring it back to a mostly XP look/environment, at least for the overall UI. It actually has a slightly better task bar where you can drag and drop buttons to different ordering locations, which was something I've wished for for years in XP. Combine that with a couple registry settings to enable focus follows mouse and XKeyMacs and it's almost a useful environment. Almost.

Comment Re:well, duh (Score 1) 157

Not that there's anything wrong with your comment, but I was pointing out that ISPs will still know which sites you are visiting (by IP address). This is a well known problem in secure communications; they know who you are talking to even though they don't know what you have said. And with the current belief of guilt by association, that will still be a problem.

Think 'dissidents read slashdot'.

Comment Re:Redundancy (Score 1) 113

The point of creating an open source alternative to a proprietary system is not to make something that is almost the same but not quite as good, it is to create something that will continue to live on after the proprietary company dies. Or something that allows you to modify and fix the code if you find a bug and the proprietary company is non-responsive to a legacy product.

RMS started his crusade when he couldn't get the manufacturer to fix a binary printer driver. This project aims to give that option to those that use modern cell phones.

It's not just about reimplementing what there already is, it's about creating open and free versions of what is closed a proprietary.

Comment Re:Thigs swinging back to Bittorrent and P2P? (Score 1) 412

My work is still copyrighted, but I include a README file stating that people are free to redistribute my work for non-commercial purposes; anything else and they can contact me. So it's not just about downloading copyrighted work, it's about downloading copyrighted work that the distributor has not expressly permitted downloading.

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