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Comment Re:Sensationalism at it's finest... (Score 1) 136

The amount of plastic found was "three orders of magnitude larger than some counts of plastic particles in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch" Maybe that isn't interesting enough for you, but it is for me.

Did you RTFA? It also says that the researcher used a 0.22 micron filter to catch the particles out of the melted sea ice, and a 333 micron filter to catch particles out of the water from the garbage patch. Do you know how many orders of magnitude smaller that filter is? And how many orders of magnitude more crap that filter will catch?? Or was it more convenient for you to not mention that fact?
Again, this is common sense passed off as sensationalist bullshit trying to cause some alarm as if it's something we didn't already know. If you dump shit in the ocean, it pollutes the whole fucking thing. Some of that shit travels up to the Arctic where it's cold as fuck and freezes in the ice in the winter. Then, in the summer when it gets warmer, some of that shit thaws and is released back into the ocean. Gee, glad they told us that

I read the article and am just saying that while it might be a mildly interesting read, it really isn't anything as jaw-dropping or earth-shattering or outrageous as the headlines would lead us to believe, like most every article posted on here these days. And as for the "Thinly veiled reference to global warming", yes, I stand by what I said. Arctic sea ice freezes and thaws in a cycle every year. Whatever froze into that ice was already in the water recently, and therefore this is not some impending doom waiting to be released on the oceans when the warm period comes and that sea ice thaws. If we found a way to somehow pollute the land-based ice caps and they were actually thawing and releasing the pollutants, then this would be a story.

As it stands, still sensationalist garbage that didn't deserve a place on the front page of slashdot.

Comment Sensationalism at it's finest... (Score 3, Insightful) 136 it melts?? It melts every year, then freezes again. It's not like some barrage of plastic that's been sequestered in ice for billions of years is suddenly going to be dumped into the ocean because of the Arctic sea ice "melting", a thinly veiled reference to global warming as if the melting isn't happening every summer. And if it was created in 2012, then gets released, then a little bit freezes in the ice next doesn't sound like this is even a story!

As an aside, what happened to Slashdot? What happened to our ability to critically think in general? Crap like this should never see the light of day on the main page, it's almost as if we're just expected to consume whatever the headline is alluding to, truth be damned, and subsequently have the proper level of outrage as is determined by the +5 comments. What happened to active discourse, agreeing to disagree, and civility even amongst people with different ideologies? Every day, I read more and more comments along the lines of "If you disagree with me, you should be executed." It makes me really, really sad and angry at the same time that we've been effectively reduced to the mental capacity of neanderthals when it comes to our science/religion of choice (and really, what's the difference anymore?)

Comment how can software decide (Score 1) 255

...when people have been struggling with the Trolly Problem for 50 years now, with still no real success?

we should all just understand that their are certain ethical problems that simply cannot be reconciled with logic, and then just assign randomness to the outcome and be done with it.

kill the kids, kill the driver? flip a coin and good luck.

Comment it boggles the mind... (Score 2, Insightful) 99

...that right now, in the midst of the NSA security nightmare and all the angst and FUD it's causing, that people are wondering why individuals are not deciding to throw their often-sensitive data into the cloud.

how could anyone think their data will be or stay safe, given the various threats that we hear about on almost a daily basis?

timing is everything (besides location of course...and sex appeal...and everything else) in life, and right now is not the time for cloud computing.

Comment Re:Silly Peasants (Score 5, Insightful) 142

I think the term you are looking for is "representative democracy", which may be either a republic or a monarchy.

yeah...a "representative democracy" the way choosing Coke or Pepsi counts as selecting your favorite beverage.

with the two-party stranglehold its neither a democracy nor representative.

Comment oh yeah... (Score 4, Informative) 186

as some of you know, i've spent time in the florida prison system...this stuff is SOP...prisons are basically just the streets with much higher prices.

imo, its great that inmates get to watch illegal movies, brought in the guards, while smoking their illegal weed, often brought in by the guards (and of course through other less...sanitary? ways), while talking on their illegal cell phones, often brought in by...well, you already know.

it's all mostly a big i'm not saying people don't belong in prison, lord knows i've met plenty who do, but a dude running a pirate movie site?

not really, imho at least.

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