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Comment Re:Double Irish (Score 1) 825

This is clearly aimed at companies abusing the "Double Irish" system. Seems like the rate should be set much higher, so that companies are punished and lose more than they would if they did the right thing and repatriated profits and paid the normal tax rates on them.

Unfortunately, you would most likely see a lot of companies moving their official headquarters to someplace else. The most recent example I can think of is the Walgreens/Boots purchase/merger. It seems that one of the reasons behind it was for the combined entity to have is GHQ in Europe instead of the US to get around US tax code. The backlash towards Walgreens was rather severe though, so they said they were no longer considering that option.

Comment Re:Why even 3? (Score 1) 96

combine the two and now they know that the person who was at shop A at time X, shop B at time Y, and shop C at time Z also appears to live at address Q and work at address R, and there you go: anyone who can get the "anonymized" data knows where you live, and that you just bought not only new living room electronics but also airline tickets.

and then......?
They send a salesman to your house from shops A, B, and C trying to sell you something?
How often do you buy a lot of living room electronics, then go on vacation?

Comment Re:Misleading summary (Score 1) 265

Firstly, the mosquito in question, Aedes aegypti is not native to the Americas. If we destroy them utterly, bats and whatever will go back to eating other mosquitoes.

Secondly, the release of genetically altered mosquitoes has been done before in the Cayman Islands, which reduced the mosquito population by 80%.

Thirdly, this type of modification (where the insects mate but the offspring don't develop) has been done in America before with the screw worm, which infected mostly livestock (and some humans). The screw worm has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, good riddance.

And finally, the headline "FDA Wants To Release Millions of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes In Florida" is one-sided and inflammatory. It does not mention "FDA wants to control several types of tropical fevers" or "FDA wants to eliminate a non-native pest that transmits disease".

Let's get everyone all worked up about the uncertainties of genetic engineering by completely ignoring the contextual reasons for doing so.

Because, you know, genetic engineering is bad in any form, even if it saves lives and brings the ecology closer to its original state.

Too bad you can't be modded +6. Replace those articles with your post and they would be far more effective at informing.

Comment Re:What could possibly go wrong? (Score 1) 265

So, rabbits that got released in Australia are the top predator? The Pampas grass in California is the top predator? I can make a long list of invasive species that are not the top predator and still influenced their ecosystem a lot. Grass, as far as I know, is pretty much the bottom of the food chain.

Make sure you list the Aedes aegypti mosquito is on your invasive species list for the Florida Keys. Particularly relevant since those are the ones they are trying to get rid of. I don't think anybody release rabbits in Australia to control the invasive rabbit population.

Comment Re:What could possibly go wrong? (Score 1) 265

That's because most physics and chemistry experiments don't breed and multiply.

This has the potential to affect people directly. They are not talking about an experiment somewhere in a lab. They are talking about something that happens literally in their own backyard. People are responsible for their own well-being, and they should understand the risks that affect their lives. They are right to do a risk assessment. They see a potentially large effect, and do not yet understand the chance of it going wrong, so they logically assume the worst and therefore scream and shout. It's up to those arrogant scientists to better explain the experiment that is about to take place in people's backyards.

Also, biology experiments have gone wrong before. Changing the balance in an ecosystem can have huge consequences.

They've done the same thing in the Cayman Islands. You can look there and see what the impact was.

Comment Re:So.... (Score 1) 265

The problem is that they are genetically modified, and the hippies refer to them as "GMO Mosquitos," and thus they are unnatural abominations. They think that the mosquitos will bite people and infect them with their GMO DNA, as if they were vampires that turn humans into giant GMO mosquitos. When informed that they are releasing males, and males don't bite, they either deny that males don't bite, or insist that the few females will still make it through will bite and infect people with their GMO DNA that will cause cancer, gluten intolerance (seriously, I heard that one today), kidney disease, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, IBS, ALS, MS, Parkinson's, birth defects, and a few others that I don't remember. And no, I am not making that shit up and I am not exaggerating, anti-GMOers' grasp on reality is approximately equal to Scientologists.

You heard somebody say that the bite from a GMO mosquito will cause gluten intolerance? boggle
Wait until they hear that the modified DNA for the mosquitoes is taken from herpes and E. Coli.

Comment Re:Homeland Security? Everyone is a terrorist (Score 1) 126

Heroin was the best medicine I ever had. It calmed me down, made me able to function without the constant "white noise" that makes me so anxious around people. The biggest problem with heroin was its illegality.

How much music has been produced on heroin? Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, Keith Richards, Kurt Cobain, Chet Baker, Art Pepper, etc.

Charlie Parker had cirrhosis and died at 34, "The coroner who performed his autopsy mistakenly estimated Parker's 34-year-old body to be between 50 and 60 years of age."
John Coltrane died at 40
Miles Davis lived to be 65, so it doesn't seem like any drugs destroyed his life
Keith Richards is a skin-suit on a robotic exoskeleton
Kurt Cobain died at 27
Chet Baker died of accidental causes while high on cocaine and heroin at 58
Art Pepper died of a idea if drugs contributed at all, but he was also only 56

Comment Re:Parents (Score 1) 784

I don't know if letting kids this age walk home is the right thing, but I respect the right of the parents to make that decision. The world over child services staff are self-righteous twerps, who give all the signs of knowing very little about the range of problems parents face, and know even less about helping, rather than punishing parents trying to do the right thing.

My parents were generally overprotective, and I was allowed to walk home from school every day when I was 7. There were many kids younger than that whose parents would let them walk home, and it was a lot farther than a mile. The next school year, I could ride my bike to and from school.

Comment Re:Biased Institutions FTW (Score 1) 784

In Japan they have something called "first errand". Young school children, say 5 or 6, are given a simple task to do such as go to the local shop and buy a specific item, then bring it home. The school organizes this and gets the parents to come in and help by watching the children from a distance. Adults are not allowed to help the children unless they get into serious difficulty.

Haha, I've never heard of this, but that sounds very Japanese. Take something fairly ordinary and mundane, then turn it into a festival/ritual/rite of passage.

Comment Re:Games versus reality (Score 1) 393

I hear you, but my genetics are corrupt and most people would never believe that I have lived through what I have. I would not want to relate any of the details. It would be irresponsible for me to father a child. Realizing that I don't have the emotional tools to deal with people on a normal level, much less raise a child, is something that I have come to grips with over a long process. My level of detachment and ability to withstand what would be torturous for most people makes me a good candidate to be a sort of martyr for those in similarly hellish situations but without the ability to express their feelings. You are right, and a wise old guy on the street told me something very similar, but this is "the work I don't want to do."

If you are genuine and not fabricating this homeless persona ("running to a chowline for lentis and rice", who talks like that?), then reducing everything to your "genetics are corrupt" is rather fatalistic and sounds like you're ignoring the real cause of your situation. If you truly would rather live in homelessness, then own it and acknowledge that it is your choice. Don't blame it on your genetics. You can't deal with people on a normal level because you don't have the emotional tools? Fine, neither can a lot of people and they find ways to work around that. You have options and aren't on a set course that you can't deviate from, so don't pretend or lie to yourself that that is the case.

Comment Re:doesn't meaning anything ... right? (Score 1) 393

I enjoy going full murder hobo in several games. Postal and Postal II were my absolute favorites.

My favorite was prompting mass social unrest in Syndicate. Gather up a huge crowd of civillians with the persuadatron, then go around killing a lot of cops so your persuaded citizens pick up their weapons, then turn off the persuadatron and watch as the civillians just start randomly shooting each other.

Comment Re:Document Retention Rules. (Score 1) 177

Sorry, if it is on the company's servers, then it is the company's data and not yours. You are not as important to the company as you think you are. If you *actually* are, then they will put you in an exception list. If the policy is causing the company to lose a lot of money from all the "waste of valuable company time", then it will either change the policy or go out of business.

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