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Comment Who cares? (Score 1) 520

Why does this offend you so much? Most people consider AR-15s Assault rifles right or wrong. I suppose we should be glad he didn't have the full auto military version but I really don't get your outrage.

Blaming the news for reporting that he used an Assault rifle when most people likely agree the AR-15 falls within that common definition makes no sense. It's frankly unbelievable that you are more bothered out the term "Assault rifle" being mentioned vs the actual shooting. I'm sure the family of the murdered will be comforted by the fact it wasn't an "Assault" rifle and "only" an AR-15 that killed him.

Comment Nice Job with a few suggestions (Score 1) 1191

First for people who hate it, maybe make the classic view more like the current one with light text on a dark background? Personally I'd go same font you have but use something to box it in from the rest of the body of the article.

Second maybe adjust the "Tri-View" triple headline photo layout thing? Maybe it's just those particular photos, but imho it looks a bit too cluttered and the photos seem to run into each other vs cleanly flowing.

My 2 cents.

Comment They kinda fucked up No LTE (Score 3, Insightful) 381

Microsoft, in late 2013 just came out with 2 tablets that don't offer LTE? Oh right next year they say. Smart business move.

The people with the money to burn on these devices and a wireless plan to go along with them just want to pay once and then have connectivity everywhere without thinking. Definitely a short-sighted move IMHO.

Comment Assholes (Score 1, Flamebait) 663

What else can you say? What can you say about a company that charges $20 for a fucking usb charging cable and then blocks everyone else from making legally compatible cheaper fucking charger cables. Oh right it's for safety... . So now if I upgrade to IOS 7 I have to spend $60 on new cables? This is douchebaggery on a whole other level.

Comment Re:Before anybody asks... (Score 2, Funny) 347

Yes I saw that, and although it shouldn't by now it really pisses me off.

"Massive distributed Linux cluster"
"System can scale Linearly - simply add a new server to the cluster"

How about we get Linus to bury some code in there so we can spy on the NSA? See how they like it?

Comment re: don't settle (Score 1) 473

Yes, don't settle. Be the pushy guy who everyone just goes along with because it's just not worth it to fight you. Ever wonder why complete idiots are managers? Sometimes it's dumb luck, sometimes it's because you are good at what you do, but more than not someone above notices that a person is vocal with a capital V and doesn't compromise aka is a leader.

Being the nice guy or "doing the right thing" doesn't get you anywhere in business. When it comes down to it you can either A) be really really freaking good at what you do and have the balls to negotiate for your services without backing down or B) be that vocal pushy guy who gets places due to shear willpower. If you think that just doing your job well day after day and year after year while being a good coworker will move you ahead you are sorely mistaken.

Common sense probably, I know. But that's definitely not what they teach you before you get sent out into the world.

Comment Seriously? (Score 1) 160

Where have you been since 1997? Since then you've been able to consistently spend roughly $200 per video card and play the latest games at acceptable settings. That's why people cast a sneer at a $1,000 card let alone a $650 card that in of itself can build a really fast computer.

Comment Backwards Compatible? (Score 4, Interesting) 782

Any news on if it can play Xbox 360 games? The thing is if MS drops 360 Xbox Live support the 360 becomes an expensive boat anchor. Everything on the 360 revolves around Live including your profiles, Important game patches, Video content like renting movies and HBO GO, etc.

I guess I can live without being able to play 360 games on the One but then Microsoft HAS to keep Live going on the 360 for as long as people are willing to pay for Live service. People have a ton of money invested in these systems and If MS says "Sorry buy the new one and all new games" that would be a big Fuck You to all of us. There is definitely something to be said for old cartridge and cdrom based gaming systems that were pre-internet. They all work now and will all work 15 years from now. The 360 probably won't.

Comment Before you go running out to buy this.. (Score 4, Interesting) 194

From the slickdeals thread:

"it takes you (when it works) to, nowhere else."

I can't confirm that, but I would be surprised if Microsoft gave away 15 days of unrestricted Internet access to anyone and everyone who simply picked up a Forbes magazine. But who knows.

It's also not confirmed if you can buy this on the news stand or if it's just for Forbes subscribers. So far I've only read of people getting it via subscription.

Comment Re:Tax evasion is good for some of us (Score 1) 893

How's that? The Republicans have done/are doing everything in their power to dismantle all government assistance programs. The path is now clearly every man for himself and you certainly can't count on the government to help you in the long term. If you make less than $40k a year I can only hope that you live in one of the poorer states. Otherwise good luck with healthcare, paying for your children's education, and saving for retirement.

The middle class is dead. Long live the middle class...

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IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it. There's got to be a better way. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
