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Comment Re:The Majority Still Has Follow the Constitution (Score 0) 1083

If they come from God, well, the religions practiced by virtually all people worldwide have consistently said throughout their history that such a marriage is not a marriage.

If they do not come from God, then they are simply a social construct, freely defined by humans. And the humans in many states said that such a marriage is not a marriage.

The rights don't come from god, since he plainly does not exist. Anyone who says otherwise is a dirty liar.

That said, I see where you're going with this. Or at least, I see where you're attempting to steer it. But it's a false dichotomy, and I'm a bit disappointed that you would attempt such a shallow parlor trick.

We live in a country that has constructed a system (a social construct, if you insist) that says that all people shall be treated equally under the law. Today's decision holds the nation -- the WHOLE nation -- to that principle, regardless of what a minority of conservatives believe or want. Even in those states where a majority of people do not agree with same-sex marriage, the Supreme Court decided today that doing so does not square with the larger principle of everyone being equal under the law. But then, you knew that. You've known that all along, through all your repeated posts about god and religion and other assorted bullshit. Your false dichotomy is a weak attempt at putting a will-of-the-people spin on what is, at its core, a matter of equal protection under the law.

And guess what? The people don't get to vote on that part. They can repeal the 14th amendment if they like (good luck with that) but they can't simply decide to ignore the equal protection clause. The Supremes said so.

Comment Re:The future is coming. (Score 1) 214

There currently is no where near enough manufacturing capacity to build enough solar panels, wind mills, or batteries to supply the world with its electricity needs in the next two decades. Running purely on renewables is not a realistic option. Even if manufacturing was magically ramped up it still wouldn't be possible unless the materials used changes there will not be enough rare earth minerals to support that many solar panels, wind farms, or batteries.

This statement makes your sig line that much funnier. You must make a fortune.

Comment Re:The future is coming. (Score 1) 214

If anything other than a tiny, tiny number of people buy that car, those rebates would vanish rather quickly.

The government could increase the rebates to $20k and then your argument would be that the car is a "steal" for only $10k, but how long would that last?

They're quite popular where I live. I could probably walk out to the parking lot where I work and count 20 or 30 just in the corner of the large corporation where I work. And I happen to know that they are the most popular electric car on campus, with the Tesla Model S coming in second.

Comment Re:The future is coming. (Score 1) 214

There is never real competition in any market because it's a theoretical abstraction that's impossible to achieve in reality. For a free market to function, consumers need to have immediate access to all information necessary to make an informed product choice, the price and availability of all competing products, and the prices of all products must include ALL costs associated with that product. These conditions are never true in reality.

That's pretty much completely false, and it all comes down to your (mis)use of the word "all". Having access to ALL information is great, but it's not a black-or-white situation. Having access to SOME or even ANY information about competing products still gives the consumer a proportional benefit, which in turn increases competition among suppliers.

This is really not hard to figure out, nor rare or exceptional. This kind of competition happens every single day in (almost) every corner of the world. I'm baffled by why you think "ALL" is the gating element to competition.

Comment Re:Say Good By to the Rainforests .... (Score 1) 851

I am afraid that this ruling will result in many foods that I occasionally eat replacing the trans fats with lard, which isn't on my diet. :(

I can't have my trans fats because all of YOU eat too much of it.

Thanks a lot, jerks.

Just as trans fats are not the panacea that they were made out to be, lard is not actually the villain it has been made out to be. This is just more fallout from Ancel Keys' bullshit "science" that we are now finally correcting.

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