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Comment Re:Paranoid Much? (Score 2) 584

I mean seriously this reeks of paranoia. There's a very valid reason for banks cracking down on OWS. In the USA there are really only two ways to legally create a bank account...

You may not like the system or the laws, but they exist, and the banks and FBI are simply following them.

Insightful, my arse.

I'd like to say that you are living in cloud cuckoo land if you think this is anything to do with following banking regulations, but it's clear that in fact you're just bending reality to fit your dislike of OWS.

Comment Re:Incidentally... (Score 1) 633

Some is, but you can find terrible beer pretty much everywhere, eg San Miguel in Spain, Kronenbourg in France, the stuff they sell as Stella Artois in the UK.

Strangely, these tend to be the most popular beers.

Dunno where TFA got the idea that beer is $2.45 a pint in France though: $6.50 is nearer the mark.

I once paid €10 for a 'pint' in Paris ($12.87).

Comment Re:Snooper's Charter? (Score 1) 198

UK Citizens unfortunately trust their government too much.

I don't know anyone in the UK who trusts the government.

But what to do? Vote for a Labour government, who lied about WMD, tuition fees and lots more, and introduced police-state bollocks like the RIPA?

Or opt for a Conservative-led government, who lied about the NHS, pension age, child benefit, reining in the banks, and lots more, then introduce police-state bollocks like the Draft Communications Bill?

I like UK citizens, and I think they're very very rational people, but they can't seem to grasp that no matter how reasonable and rational a politician might seem, they still want power over you, so they can't be trusted

Oh, they grasp this very well.

But the fact remains that the UK electorate has a choice between shit and shite, and the politicians know it.

I despair of the UK political landscape. And the rest of Europe is going exactly the same way.

Comment Re:Unfortunate lumping (Score 2) 526

There's plenty of research on herbal medicine. Searching pubmed for arnica alone gives me 15 pages of results. Among which I find this one which shows arnica to be less effective than placebo on muscle strains: it makes muscle strain worse.

With all the hundreds of billions a year that are spent on drugs there should be government testing on herbal remedies if for no other reason than saving money. The problem comes in the form of resistance from drug companies.

Companies which produce herbal remedies also have huge piles of money, why don't they spend some of that proving their remedies work? Hint: it's because they largely don't work.

Many effective pharmacological do compounds come from plants. These are isolated, tested for safety and effectiveness, and -- if shown to be both safe and effective -- become 'medicine': Not herbal medicine, but actual medicine. Think of taxominofen, isolated from yew plants.

'Herbal medicine' is the practice of prescribing unknown quantities of a substance of unknown purity without understanding the mechanism by which its' supposed to work. You can have that if you want, but I don't want the NHS paying for it.

Comment Re:Hold still (Score 1) 526

My daughter, as a toddler, had one earache after another. Every time the doctor examined her ears, there was nothing wrong. Eventually he prescribed homoeopathic pills, on the NHS, it's not a new thing here. The pills looked and tasted like mints. The earaches stopped.

I don't doubt it.

I suggest that what happened was this:

Having found nothing wrong in your daughter's ears, the doctor ran out of ideas and/or patience, so prescribed a placebo in the form of homeopathy.

Your daughter's earaches then stopped due to the body healing itself, or due to the trigger for the pain passing. For example, tooth pain often presents as earache (it's called 'referred pain', in this case 'referred otalgia'), toddlers have emerging teeth, particular teeth finish emerging, otalgia goes away. The doctor could examine your daughter's ears as much as he likes: if the pain was referred, he would see "nothing wrong", as the problem is not in fact in the ears.

Result: homeopathy appears to work, but in fact doesn't.

Far more likely than magic being real, IMO.

Comment Re:Using the wrong units (Score 1) 115

UK (imperial) pints aren't the same size as US liquid pints: UK pint is 568mL, US pint is 473mL. In other words, a UK pint is 19.2 US fl oz.

And an imperial fluid ounce is a 20th of an imperial pint, but a US fluid ounce is a 16th of a US pint.

Draught beer can only be sold in pints or halves in the UK, by law.

Comment Re:Personally, I don't see a conflict (Score 1) 1774

Consider, that we started off with a massive release of energy, then the solar system coalesced from a cloud of dust and gas. As the Earth formed, vapors condensed into liquids, the land cooled and solidified, and the sky cleared (making the sun, moon, and stars visible). Plants developed, and then animals of increasing complexity developed, culminating in Man.

However, in Genesis 1, plants are created before the sun, moon and stars. Birds are created before land animals.

This doesn't make sense.

However, it is said that the Jatravartid People of Viltvodle Six believe that the universe was sneezed out of the nose of a being called The Great Green Arkleseizure. This picture of an inflationary universe is not inconsistent with the 'big bang' cosmological model.

So I shall teach my children a balanced view: to fear the Coming Of The Great White Handkerchief happening before the heat death of the universe.

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