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Comment Re:It's the end of the world as we know it! (Score 1) 307

Of course they probably could have just done it much, much simpler by making a dotted quad a dotted quint:

But that would have resulted in a strange number of bits of addressing, and actually made everything much more complicated, so they skipped it. It really had to be a multiple of 32 bits, and obviously, they went big.

Comment Most of their apps are annoying anyway (Score 2) 110

They keep boning the interface for maps, someone could seriously make a buck just skinning it and giving easy access to the offline caching feature and so on. And googles, why for you no have keywords? I just wind up going to the web interface for image searches. So there's an extra step.

Inbox is pretty nice, I guess. I didn't get the impression that there was much competition in that space. Am I wrong?

Comment Re:The addresses are there... but still... (Score 1) 307



Good (IBM) politically correct message though.

I haven't worked there for years and years, and I didn't even work for IBM proper; I worked for Tivoli, which hadn't yet been fully subsumed into the IBM culture. I did, however, have access to the 9 net, and there really is a whole little world in there. It's part of how IBM keeps people on the reservation.

Comment Re:Is this true? (Score 1) 172

That is, once you convert to Win 10, if you don't like it you can't reinstall Win 7. Is this true? I hope not.

Yes and no. Yes, they're going to convert your license, so the original license will be invalidated. No, you will still be able to install Windows 7. What you won't be able to do is legally re-validate it. But seriously, if you use an activation tool to go back to Windows 7, you think Microsoft will knock on your door and sue you?

Comment Re:Err, okay (Score 1) 172

Sure, they get Windows 10 as well. Woohoo. If it's unusable for the first year, their fallback OS isn't Windows 8.

converting to a windows 10 license destroys your windows 7 license.

Sure, you can just ignore the activation prompts, or use one of the deprotection tools, but it's still an annoyance if you want to go back.

Comment Re:The addresses are there... but still... (Score 5, Interesting) 307

these companies (which I'd love to name) missed the boat when IPv4 address costs (for sale) was highest and are actually waiting for this next "crisis" in hopes that they can get billions for Class A nets (these companies date back to "the beginning" and the use their Class A addresses for non-Internet facing internal addressing (that is they are wasting the addresses) simply because they lack the skills to change).

IBM has the technical know-how to stop using routable addresses internally, but their class A is part of their culture. I imagine the same is true for other class A holders.

Comment Re:kinda dissapointed... (Score 1) 187

so he's not a fan of binary logging but he didn't say why, maybe he'll update his thoughts once he uses the related tools like journalctl to see what benefits it brings.

He probably understands that making it the primary logging method and thus requiring the use of the special tools for the least troubleshooting is a massive architectural mistake which is totally unnecessary and made for only arrogant reasons.

he's not exactly a charmer at times either depends which side of the fence you are sitting at the time. He has brought many a developer into line when they step over the boundary.

Sadly, he's not in a position to do that here, even if he wants to.

perhaps there was nothing to say about it as its not as worrying as people like to troll about.

Or perhaps you reveal yourself as a dbag when you call people who care about an issue trolls.

Comment Re:Routing around (Score 1) 198

Can't this same principle be applied on a smaller scale?

It's not that it's physically impossible. It's that it already cost a lot of money to star-wire it, now you want everything to be looped, or to be in some sort of mesh topology. That means a lot of new trenches, a lot of new fiber, a lot of new repeaters and routers and money.

Comment Re:LOL (Score 1) 184

You only know about the small percentage of startups that succeed. Most fail within a year. The failure rate is 80% within 18 months, by some estimates.

That's over twice as good as restaurants. Let's not forget that anyone running a startup with their own money has already failed. You need at minimum three people for any startup: the techie, the schmooze, and the lawyer.

Comment Re:They could save space (Score 1) 121

More than a few of my [real world] friends use facebook as their archive for photos


Of course, I've told those friends that facebook may not have the same photo-preservation goals as they do, but they seem to be unconcerned.

So what makes you think they would be unhappy if facebook started deleting their photos? Apparently they don't care :p

Comment Re:linux hard to install and use for desktop users (Score 4, Insightful) 187

For people who have run into those sorts of situations, they tend to remember it. The fact that 99.9% of people can install with no problems doesn't counteract the fact that they spent 12 hours banging their head against the wall trying to fix a "simple" issue with their installation.

How is that different from Windows, though? When I got my GA-MA770-UD3P 1.0, trying to install XP produced a black screen with a broad variety of video card options, and two different known-good power supplies. Eventually a BIOS update fixed the problem, which is why I single out the motherboard. My CPU and RAM both might have played parts, oddly. Gigabyte told me they couldn't explain it and they wanted me to pay hourly for them to figure it out, but eventually they must have figured it out because a BIOS update cured the problem.

Meanwhile, Linux installed just fine.

A Windows update is also staggeringly likely to send you back to the store to replace your peripherals. For people who don't have any, whatever, but MFDs and scanners and whatnot often don't work on the new Windows for some dumb reason. Usually they speak the same protocol as still-supported devices... which is handy if you're a Linux user.

I've had Windows just mysteriously refuse to play ball on machines where Linux works great. Just trying to find a driver for my Renesas USB3 card for Windows is ugh, but obviously, the driver comes with the Linux kernel. Blah blah blah. Anecdote, data, whatever.

If you have some sort of edge case, any OS can crap on you.

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