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Comment Re:Surprised this didn’t happen sooner (Score -1, Offtopic) 44

Individual mining might be making a comeback. Compass Mining will host an ASIC for you, at a location of your choosing:

Stratum2 has been released and should make the pools less powerful:

Blockstream is also working on home-friendly mining hardware. You see, it’s not all lost.

Comment Re:Never more than 21million Bitcoins (Score 1) 56

A clear majority of miners wanted a block size increase in 2017, didn’t happen anyway. Miners just don’t control bitcoin. I can recommend this book that describes those events really well:

Also, you fall for the next “hotness” if you don’t understand bitcoin is decentralized, immutable and censorship resistant. None of the other ones satisfy a single of those characteristics.


Submission + - Space vs. poverty debate in India similar to one raging in the United States (

MarkWhittington writes: "Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was obliged recently to defend his country’s space program, which involves the spending of billions of rupees when India still has a large number of people living in abject poverty. The debate raging in India parallels a similar one that has simmered in the United States for decades."

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