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Comment Crony Capitalism (Score 0) 944

The EISA should be called the "GE Payment for Services Rendered Act of 2007"

Same shit, different day. Large corporations help politicians gain power. Politicians return the favor by enacting legislation favorable to the bottom line of said companies. A story is invented to help sell the fleecing to a gullible public, and most of them are happy to be taken hook, line, and sinker, "Well if they say it's better for the environment then it obviously must be true. Think of the children!"

Comment Re: He's a *LOUSY* president. (Score 1) 312

Not voting is a decision that gives consent to whatever happens as a result of your apathy.


Not voting reveals the system for what it is: violence concealed by the division of labor.

Voting in an election is as moral as bidding in a slave auction. In both cases participation gives both processes the illusion of legitimacy they do not deserve.

Comment Re:He's a *LOUSY* president. (Score 0, Offtopic) 312

Are you going to claim you had no hand in putting him there?

I've never voted in a presidential election, for exactly that reason.

What those people do in the District of Criminals has neither my approval nor my consent (not that the care about or require either - they just pretend to on camera because it's more profitable that way)

Comment Re:The worst thing... (Score 5, Insightful) 575

Mostly I was talking about the multiple calls on Twitter to hunt down the people who dared to star the repository on GitHub and seek to get their employment terminated.

Some people clearly can't take a joke, and are enraged that anyone else might, and will punish anyone who doesn't comply with their demands.

Submission + - GitHub takes down parody 'C Plus Equality' programming language 1

FooAtWFU writes: Some clowns and jokers over at 4chan thought it would be a funny idea to put together a web page for a programming language named "C Plus Equality" as a parody of feminism, dismissing OOP as "objectifying" and inheritance as "a tool of the patriarchy". But this parody was apparently too hot to host at Github, which took down the original Github repository after receiving criticism on Twitter, prompting a backlash and inquiry into the role of free speech and censorship on Github's platform. The project has since found a new home on BitBucket, at least for the time being.

Comment Not just kids (Score 4, Insightful) 207

I've never learned any language for it's own sake, and I've always been interested in programming as long as I can remember.

Every time I've tried to learn a language just to know it, it's about as successful as pushing a string. As soon as I have some goal I'm excited about where not knowing a certain language is getting in my way of achieving it, I learn virtually effortlessly.

Comment Re:Slight change in title, if I may (Score 2) 326

As a child, I learned a good deal about chemistry and explosives through DIY activities. Those childhood lessons (nobody got hurt) have gotten me some good jobs at major aerospace companies and at a space startup.

You and Gordon Moore

I don't know what to do except keep my passport up to date. Western civilization is slowly comitting suidice, on many fronts.

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