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Comment Re: noooo (Score 1) 560

and your reply is useless. I fail to see how calling for nuclear power in a discussion on AGW is anything troll-like... but then again I am probably feeding a troll right now.

Comment Regardless who Norad partners with. (Score 1) 59

Regardless who Norad partners with, I will use them. Why you ask? That's easy, they have the radar. I am pretty sure Google is just making stuff up as I don't think they have the radar facilities that the US and Canada have. So when I want to reliably track that red suited bastard, I'll ask the guys who actually know.

This year I got some new Starstreaks to replace my FIM-92j's, I'm pretty sure I'll shoot him down this time.

Submission + - Thunderbolt rootkit vector

Holi writes: Attackers can infect MacBook computers with highly persistent boot rootkits by connecting malicious devices to them over the Thunderbolt interface.

The attack, dubbed Thunderstrike, installs malicious code in a MacBook’s boot ROM (read-only memory), which is stored in a chip on the motherboard. It was devised by a security researcher named Trammell Hudson based on a two-year old vulnerability and will be demonstrated next week at the 31st Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg.

More at PCWorld

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