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Comment Re:Excuses (Score 1) 948

here's the judge offering to sell her the car!/shoeofallcosmos/media/slideshow?

and then here's the judge threatening to report the car stolen when she tells him she got another job to pony up the cash.!/shoeofallcosmos/media/slideshow?

Comment Re:Excuses (Score 1) 948

Here is the judge offering to sell her the car.!/shoeofallcosmos/media/slideshow?

here is the judge threatening to report the car stolen when she gets another job to pony up the cash.!/shoeofallcosmos/media/slideshow?

Comment Re:The legal system at it's finest. (Score 1) 948

hillary knows about this law!/shoeofallcosmos/statuses/133650002890334209

"One last thing: A law has been uncovered that would allow prosecution of my father. I will not use it and I beg the state not to either."

she's been posting on her twitter to the effect that
1) she has taken no money from any of the media attention.
2) she doesn't want her daddy jailed,
3) she just wants him to say to her that he realises that he was wrong and mean it.

personally, I don't hold out much hope for her approach. He's lost face, and he's addicted to power and respect (and, as it turns out, was addicted to opiates). He'll want to get his own back and retaliate in nasty ways. If Hillary wants to have any peace in her life, she has to jail her own father so he can't come after her ever again.

Comment Re:He... (Score 1) 948

usually power oriented abusers have to hit "rock bottom" before they turn around. Sometimes that means jail in a "pound me in the ass" prison, according to Dr Bancroft.

power oriented abusers are literally drunk on power. They need it to feel normal. They would trade anything to feel normal. only they, themselves can give up the addiction to power.

having said that, I wouldn't beat him up. I'd like to see him jailed. Maybe "Bubba" teach him that violence is not the answer.

Comment Re:He... (Score 1) 948

here is the judge offering to sell her the car!/shoeofallcosmos/media/slideshow?

here is the judge threatening to report the car stolen when she gets another job to pony up the cash.!/shoeofallcosmos/media/slideshow?

Comment Re:Child? (Score 1) 948

here is the judge demanding that she pay off the car or take it back!/shoeofallcosmos/media/slideshow?

and when she says that she can pay it off, he threatens to report the car stolen.!/shoeofallcosmos/media/slideshow?

Comment Re:Science works differently nowadays (Score 1) 162

Of course, there are fields with cowboys. Larry Page and Sergey Brin stand out as men who were not awarded PhDs, and had academia laugh at their BigTable database paper.

They did it anyway.

Of course, it was handy that they were in a field where you can just buy equipment from best buy, rather than needing to get machine hours from CERN.

Comment Re:Wait... (Score 2) 207

Well, if you're in a sealed bus probably not that much. For years after the disaster, they used to make guards stand in the rain inside the exclusion zone, keeping regular people out and letting the workers who ran the remaining operational reactors in. Now that is a sucky job.

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