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Comment Re:projecting UV images from below liquid resin? (Score 1) 95

(same user, backup account)

Ok, so the solid part is created at the bottom of the vat is what you are implying, not at the top, which is what I originally assumed. I guess that makes more sense, as UV passes through a very thin layer of the resin it gets cured at the very bottom of that liquid resin container, so the model is created at the bottom part of all that liquid, not at the top.

Comment Whitelisting real mobile carrier towers (Score 2, Interesting) 140

I am thinking that some sort of a white list for real towers, their signal and locations will need to be developed and actively maintained to stop this fucking abuse of power on the technology level.

On the individual rights level the fucking police state is completely destroying those with all of these unauthorised searches (which is what they are), the Constitution is used to wipe the fucking government officials asses.

(oh, and /. it's been 16 seconds since I pushed the 'reply' button, has it? I am a quick fucking typist, you morons).

Comment Re:Unbelievably? (Score 0) 89

Ok, let me be perfectly clear: I am against any vilification of any group by anybody and I am also against grouping people into any types of groups in the first place, that's how you get socialist movements, fascist movements, any sort of movements that destroy individual liberties.

As I said, I have no love for Harper, but I don't have any love for anybody who promises to solve people's problems by creating special treatment for them, I am against all forms of collectivism, against any type of privilege. No, money shouldn't be stolen from a single person even if you push agenda of 'helping the poor' or 'kids' or whatever.

My position is that in order to have a working society you have to have a rule based society, where rules cannot be bent for anybody under any circumstances, regardless of their circumstances, regardless of any cry to arms based on any negative experiences of any particular group.

The system based on rules is an ideological system, because it does not give anybody any preferential treatment, doesn't promise anybody to help them or to save them from anything. But that's the only way to build a society that is stable and doesn't rely on stealing from some to give to others, it is not based on any feelings and it shouldn't be.

Societies are falling apart today because of all the group entitlements, feelings, desires for 'social justice', where the term 'justice' is so perverted that in reality it means slavery if you actually care to look. Slavery of some for the benefit of others. You can't have it without locking the people you want to enslave up and throwing away the key, but you can't do that while pretending to be just at all.

Comment Re:Unbelievably? (Score 0) 89

I have 0 issues with robocalls, senate, duffy, a couple of billions, gutting the environmental legislation, hopefully gutting anything that has anything to do with government subsidising anything, including any science whatsoever.

In fact I would say I like at least half of what he is doing, I would like to stop all forms of socialism, he is not stopping them though, he is creating new ones (any type of secret police crap or so called 'security' and wars, I completely disagree with that).

Democracy is a hydra and the mob is a vampire that gives hydra its power. Do I like Harper? No. I would rather have a libertarian and/or an anarcho capitalist and/or an objectivist who confirms to his ideology in the strongest way possible. That's how you get rid of crap that secret police, like so called 'security', wars, but also of any type of socialism and fascism.

Comment Re:Unbelievably? (Score 0) 89

So Harper started concentration camps and is throwing Jews and Gypsies in it, he is killing off the disabled and mentally handicapped? Maybe he nationalized something, maybe he is opposed to capitalism and private property ownership? Oh, wait, nationalization of private industry, like the health care sector in Canada happened under an actual nazi (AFAIC).

No, Harper may be many things but he is no Hitler. As to democracy - there hasn't been a more duplicitous system of government that promotes 'feel good' solutions while undermining the fundamental health of a nation through destruction of individual rights and creation of large, hydra-like government structures that actually destroy the economy and society.

Comment Re:Is that really a lot? (Score 0) 280

Well, I am actually, I run a company and I hire and train new developers and I also ensure they understand my view of the world and generally they agree with most of it. I like it when they try to bring up arguments to the contrary, it shows that they are actively involved into the thinking on these ideas.

Comment Re:Is that really a lot? (Score 0) 280

Nonsense, nobody is being abused by somebody offering them something at the market rate. Minimum wage abuses people who have so few marketable skills that they cannot productive in any position that pays that wage, so the government makes it illegal for them to work officially.

Do you really believe that a person who has marketable skills that employees want will work for what is considered minimum wage today anywhere in the world? Do you really believe that minimum wage law forces employers to hire all the people who have no skills as opposed to hiring as few people as possible and making them work as much as possible to somehow be able to afford that worker in the first place based on his productivity?

The reality is that minimum wage hurts people without jobs much more than it hurts employers and the truth is that nobody is abused when they are offered a pay rate commensurate to their actual market value.

Comment Re:Black Mirror (Score 0) 257

(same user, backup account, since my other one is currently prevented from posting by various intolerant moderators.)

My moral failings? Unlike you I do not assign a moral value to being intelligent enough to take advantage of a situation by creatures living in this Universe.

I do not begrudge anybody taking advantage of anything that is accessible to them easily, I begrudge the society stealing from some to provide this sort of an advantage to others in order to buy their loyalties, (which is exactly what this is - buying votes).

I have plenty of imagination to live my life by my values, using 5 flag methodology and running my own business though I came from nothing at all and worked my way to where I am doing what I want to do, so none of your supposed insults can touch me at all on this level.

Comment Re:Most taxes are legalized theft (Score 1) 324

A child is going to have parents and if a child has no parents then there are relatives, friends and finally private charities that can take care of orphans.

The only 'veritable idiot' here is you, somebody who still does not understand what reality is.

Most certainly nobody at all under any circumstances, regardless of what is happening in the least should ever be compelled under the barrel of a gun to pay for anybody's life, including lives of any number of children.

A child is a responsibility of his or her parents and if they cannot deal with it, other people step in, but nobody should be forced to.

Comment Re:Government doesn't get it. (Score 0) 184

A gang sweeping through the jungle with machetes to eliminate the Tutsis does not violate human rights of the Tutsis, it just murders them, but there is no human right violation there, only murder.

Human right violation is a violation of the right of an individual to exist without being harassed by supposedly 'legal' powers that authorities hold. If the gang was an arm of a government, then it would be violating human rights of Tutsis while murdering them.

Comment Re:Welcome to government science (Score 0) 348

Gold standard does not prevent the economy from growing, the biggest economic growth happened in the USA under not only 'standard' but actually on the gold dollar.

The economy did not grow since 1971, the economy shrunk since then. The economy actually collapsed, you are just not aware of it yet, because you don't have eyes, you are listening to propaganda, which tells you nonsense about the fake GDP, fake CPI, fake employment, fake dollar, everything at this point in USA is fake. There is no economy, economy produces stuff, USA consumes on borrowed money and time, consumes stuff that others produced without paying for it, thus the 500Billion USD/year trade deficit.

Comment Re:Welcome to government science (Score 0) 348

By the way, 40 years ago Nixon has defaulted on the promise of paying gold for US dollars and took the world off the gold standard. The inflation shot through the roof (money printing) and USA went into economic stagflation - high level of inflation combined with recession.

Over the course of 40 years the USA government has obliterated the economy of the country completely with inflation and growth predicated on inflation and borrowing and taxing. Companies simply ran away from the madness and now there is no more money for anything, only funny money, which will not buy you anything, including research.

Comment Re:Government doesn't get it. (Score 0) 184

The only one that is 'fucking stupid' (in your own words) is you here. Human rights do not stop under any circumstances. Human right is a right not to be murdered by government, it's a right not to have your property stolen by the government, it's a right not to be abused, imprisoned by the government.

Human right is a protection against government abuse, which is why it is a HUMAN right. A government (a collective) denying human rights has absolutely nothing to do with 'fist near my nose' routine.

My human rights are NOT violated because I cannot legally punch you in the nose, however my human rights are violated when the government comes out with a rule that some people are entitled to GET SOMETHING FROM ME AGAINST MY WILL.

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