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Comment Re:Startups Aren't Really Job-Creators In Practice (Score -1) 303

(same user, backup account)

Wrong, there is no solution in tariffs, the solution is in completely open markets and absence of government intrusion into business and money. This will eventually be imposed by the market, as the government will finally finish the economy off, and then you'll quickly find out that in order to buy something that is produced locally you first have to create the production facilities for it and you don't have them. In order to have production facilities, the real productive infrastructure you need sound money and you don't have that either of-course, and as you said, USA will default on all of its debts (by inflation) and thus nobody will lend USA money at low interest rates, making it impossible for USA to get hands on real investment capital.

Socialism is the end of the road, inevitable or not, it finishes off the productive class and causes massive poverty until the productive class is allowed to restore itself by reducing the government enough that it no longer matters and is no longer a barrier to free market capitalism, which is what in fact grows economies.

Comment Re:Unregulated currency (Score -1) 704

Absolutely, unregulated currency does rock! Except that this currency have no value unlike for example real money, which is gold.

Gold does not need to be regulated, yet gold can still be stolen.

If you want insurance for your gold, buy it in the private free market capitalist system, there is no need for any government involvement in gold, but it happens anyway because government wants to steal your gold, steal your purchasing power, destroy real money.

You think THIS is bad? How about the fact that US dollar has lost over 99% of its value (purchasing power) since the Federal reserve was established? How about the fact that USD is just a piece of paper without any value behind it, JUST LIKE BITCOINS. The only difference is, you have a corrupt monopoly system (government) constantly increasing the supply of the USD (and I can absolutely include every other fiat currency on the planet that is governed by central banks).

The only real money is gold and it can be stolen and government shouldn't be either providing any form of fake insurance, which is simply a moral hazard, nor should it be involved with trying to define what purchasing power of gold is in the first place. If there one role for government in the money department, it can be standardization of size of a specific type of coin, something that is easy to recognize, but EVEN THERE there is actually no need for government involvement! This can absolutely be done by private companies and it is.

Comment Re:"Protecting jobs" at the expense of what? (Score 0) 182

(same guy, backup account for such cases were I can no longer leave comments with my primary account, you know, /. moderation and all)

Fuck those greedy shitbag motherfuckers.

- I hope you do mean the customers, right? The BUYERS of the product, because the market (in this case being IBM) RESPONDS to customer demand. If IBM could increase its market share and thus sell more units of whatever by RAISING prices on their goods, they would.

IBM, like any other company, responds to the desires of the market and it is trying to serve as much market as possible, and clearly IBM (and other companies, but not you) realises that to do that it needs to LOWER prices, or at least (in the age of huge government created inflation) by not raising prices as much.

So the "greedy shitbag motherfuckers" are the clients, people who buy the products. You disagree? Do you ever buy a MORE expensive product rather than a LESS expensive product if you can discriminate that way? Do you shop on Amazon? Do you go to stores on sale days? Do you shop at WalMart or really any store that imports goods rather than selling American made (ha, find me that)?

So it is YOU, who is a "greedy shitbag motherfucker", but I don't blame you for wanting to pay less, I actually agree with that, I am ALSO a "greedy shitbag motherfucker", I want to pay less. I want to save money, I want to use it to grow my business or maybe to buy more stuff.

But of-course you don't really think before you put that garbage into comments, so don't worry about it, it's not really directed at you, I am just generally replying to nonsense, I guess cause somebody has to do it.

Comment Re:IBM is not a great place to work. (Score -1, Interesting) 182

Ha ha ha ha, so would you only do it to IBM or would you also do it to companies that produce goods that are imported into USA from other countries, like iPads for example, but not only that. Pretty much EVERYTHING you consume is produces somewhere else, why don't you "place an embargo" on everything that is imported then?

Do you know why? Because currently USA ends up NOT paying for ANYTHING it imports. USA prints worthless US dollars and Treasuries and the foreigners take that garbage and exchange it for the good stuff that they create, they give away things that Americans want and they only take worthless paper as a 'payment', but it's not a payment. You can't actually exchange that paper for anything worthwhile produced in USA, so it's actually just paper.

You are not going to embargo anything, it's going to be the exact opposite - the rest of the world will embargo the US dollar eventually. You should pray they don't do it sooner, cause that will hit right where it hurts.

Comment Re:Why? (Score -1) 269

Why? To make eggs cheaper and more plentiful in order TO MAKE MONEY. That's why. In order to make money the billionaires are investing their own capital into this venture, which may bring down the cost of eggs and allow a wider, more accessible distribution of the product to people who couldn't afford the product before now, in process the billionaires will make billions of dollars or of whatever currency they work in more, that's why. That's how the free market solves problems of standard of living, unlike government solutions, free market solutions are based on pure self interest - making money for oneself, but in order to do so, the investor has to make a product that the market will pay for with profits, even though the final price will be cheaper.

Of-course what free market capitalism giveth, government taketh away, there will be a government based battle around this egg issue. Because gov't is big and the mob allowed it to meddle with businesses and with money and taxes, there will be an attempt to fight against this new product not by making the existing product better or cheaper, but first of all by using gov't threat of violence to limit the new product, by setting artificial costs that shouldn't be there. Regulations, taxes, price controls will be used to attempt and prevent the new product from reaching the markets (if the product works). Who will suffer at the end? People who won't see the new product to its fullest potential at least for a while.

Comment Re:Gas price probably has more to do with it. (Score -1, Flamebait) 635

Correct answer. Of-course it is about the economy, almost everything is. People don't go out as much, go out to cheaper restaurants, spend less on vacations, stay home on vacations. The employed have fewer children, the professional welfare recipients maximize gov't support by having 3 kids + 'no known' father of the children or better yet, an incarcerated one. The young people will figure out that it makes no sense to pay for insurance under ACA until they are sick, because insurance cannot be denied now due to a preexisting condition while the tax for not paying it is smaller than premiums. The people on UI will not bother finding jobs until the benefits run out regardless of what Obama says. The banks will not stop gambling with money as long as the Fed is printing and forcing interest rates down, which both, kills yield and provides gambling money and environment. Money printing is inflation and it forces people to raise prices. Etc etc, all of the above and much more are RATIONAL economic decisions by RATIONAL actors, all of it was predicted years ago (even in my journals on /.) and the only people not getting it are modern main stream 'economists'.


Comment Re:Cheap architecture + short cuts = DOOM (Score 2, Interesting) 250

I build and support retail management systems, supply chain management, CRM, ERP for retailers, for suppliers, for shipping, logistics and such. The simplest way to use a bank terminal is NOT to connect it to a POS in the first place. But this means lack of integration and possible errors by a POS operator, if for example they have to indicate in the POS system whether the it was a cash or a card transaction, etc. We provide our own Linux based solutions for all parts of the business management, including integrated, linux based POS, but again, the way we integrate it, the POS doesn't even get to see the bank terminal information, it sends the total amount to the terminal and expects a confirmation or a rejection back from it, it doesn't operate the terminal, it is not even possible for the POS to know what is happening between the customer and the terminal. From my POV it is bad form to allow POS to know anything that the terminal does beyond final status of the transaction.

Comment Re:Taxes. (Score -1) 314

Reality is that income taxation is theft, actually it's organised armed robbery. You can't have a real society built upon theft, imprisonment and threat of murder (which is what can happen if you oppose the mob, if you fight against the armed gov't thugs).

Taxation is about short term political benefit, it's about promises to win elections, it's about theft and control through the promise of great violence. It has nothing to do with reducing the suffering, it increases the suffering, it destroys productivity and increases poverty.

There are no viable gov't solutions that can work in the long term, because all gov't solutions are based on violence and rely on misallocation of capital and eventually the reality catches up and then violence gets a violent response, once the misallocation of capital ends up destroying the economy of the society.

There can be no gov't involvement in education, medicine, police, fire protection, any form of infrastructure, there can be no welfare state. If this is implemented, it's a short term high, that the system gets from the theft and mis-allocation of scarce resources and eventually it destroys the system. When I talk about short term, I am even talking about 100 year stretches - it's still a short term when the long term reality is in thousands of years.

Comment Re:Epic Fail. (Score -1) 182

Same guy, backup account.

They have been peddling this crap for three decades

- you don't know shit, what actually has been peddled for 4 decades is massive inflation that allowed massive welfare state growth, with different levels of welfare, where the herd is used to justify power grab, because the mob will always vote itself more theft and redistribution from its proceeds, while some very well connected on top will also get the welfare in terms of gov't contracts and such.

Poor are not able to climb out of poverty

- definitely. Poor are the herd, they are a necessity for the gov't, you don't reduce poverty with gov't, you grow poverty with gov't and you use poverty to take over all powers and steal from the yet productive people.

infrastructure is crumbling

- definitely, that's because it was NEVER sustainable. It was a gov't welfare project it wasn't there because businesses put it there for productive reasons, it was built with stolen money and it falls apart once the well dries out and the well dried out and the businesses moved on and there is no need for any of this infrastructure in a unproductive society. Infrastructure shouldn't be in the hands of gov't, but hey, they bought you lock stock and barrel with the gov't projects and 'new society' crap.

our trade imbalance is getting wider

- definitely. 500 Billion USD / year, that's your negative productivity for decades now. It's the result of growth of gov't power, growth of inequality built with gov't power, massive of inflation - money printing that gov't is running. Sure, the Federal reserve is a private bank, but it doesn't matter, hasn't mattered since 1917, when the Congress gave it authority to monetise US Treasury debt and that's where the bubbles start, all of them, from 1921 depression to 1925-1929, the 1930s depression, the 1950-1970 bubble in gov't spending, the 1971 default on the dollar, the 1970 stagflation, the 1980s bubble, the 1990s bubble, the 2000s bubble and the last one that is still growing, the bond and USD bubble. When that one bursts.... well, it shall be interesting times. At least the people that are still productive will finally be able to consume the fruits of their own labour rather than subsidising USA consumption with their work.

colossal failure of Reganomics

- in that it was not actually free market. Free market ended in USA in 1911.

trickle down economics

- also known as economics. That's what is happening in the productive parts of the world, except that USA exported inflation is still preventing their producers from being able to consume the fruits of their labour, still, even so, as an example Chinese have pulled 350Million people out of poverty over 30 years, more than entire Europe and USA in a 100.

The money paid by the consumers are what is paying for the cost of production

- wrong. Money doesn't exist until it is produced, money is a claim on future production and fake demand fuelled by inflation does not create production.

Consumers have to get the money from somewhere, and it's actually businesses that make money - that's a really wonderful American phrase "to make money". It actually means something, but you wouldn't know.

profit of the investors and wages of the employees

- consumers don't have anything to give until they produce, you clearly don't understand that this is not a 'chicken and an egg' question. Before you can eat, you have to grow something.

If there is a profit to be made, somebody will.

- I know, I run my business to generate profits. I wouldn't run it in USA though, because that's not a place to generate profits in a legitimate market anymore.

We cut the taxes, we encouraged investment, all those traitors who took all the money invested in Bangladesh and Bangkok

- you are ignorant. Taxes cannot be cut if there is no cut in spending. If you cut tax rates but keep spending or spend more, you are deferring taxes + interest. Anybody with 2 brain cells to rub together recognises it for what it is - eventual slavery to the system and they obviously move. You are not fit to make long term economic decisions obviously and being patriotic by allowing fruits of your labour (your life) to be stolen by the mob via the State violence is an idiotic idea. Why would anybody be patriotic to a bunch of thieves exactly?

They say with straight face, we will invest where the wages are low, pollution controls are non existent, where the profits will be high. We should tell them, go live there, or pay taxes here.

- once the US bond market crashes and the Fed starts printing even more to buy all that debt, the inflation will come back to the USA in huge volumes. There will be no more consumption of foreign made goods. Good luck to your theories then, when you have nothing to consume at all because nobody will sell it to you. You'll have to start producing again, you'll learn what real economies are built upon again and you'll quickly figure out that economic growth and gov't power are not actually compatible.

If we tax the rich, we can make sure the money is spent inside USA creating more jobs.

- stolen money given to gov't does not create anything productive, but good luck with that. The only thing you are achieving with this (and any new laws are taxes, same with ACA for example) is less business. You'll see what I mean soon enough.

If we give them tax cuts, they will invest elsewhere.

- it's not actually your money to give. Money, fruits of labour, belong to people who actually earned it, people are not supposed to be your slaves contrary to you (quite popular) misconception.

The demands of the rich are endless.

- there should be one law for everybody, and this law needs to respect private property rights and not allow gov't to steal from people. USA used to have this law, it was called the Constitution. It doesn't care about it anymore, hasn't in decades, the result is obvious if you want to see it.

Good luck.

Comment Re:What a great man (Score -1, Troll) 311

Precisely, which is why your desire for "erase names from blah blah" is irrelevant. I don't believe in erasing anything from history, by the way, you fucking collectivist Orwellian pig monster, but trust me, to me Mandela and his communism is the stuff that should be erased from LIFE, but not from history.

Comment Re:Stop it. (Score -1) 376

Of-course there is no need to run a police state in order to INSTITUTE government controlled 'health care', government controlled 'education programs', government 'welfare' mechanisms.

However instituting those things is what gives the government power and the backing of the mob to become a police state and at that point we shouldn't be talking about INTENTS we should be talking about CAPABILITIES, because regardless of any intents, once the government has a capability, it will use it to maximize income streams of the people closer connected to the government and to achieve it running a police state becomes an inevitable imperative.

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