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Comment Re:Maybe... (Score 1) 196

Latest UN figures say population will top out in 2050 at about nine billion and then decline, with most growth now in Africa and parts of Asia. As education levels rise (particularly amongst women) fertility rates go down. Much of the developed world is not reproducing at replacement rates.

Overpopulation is a red herring.

Comment Re:So-to-speak legal (Score 1) 418

"There is no difference between Comcast and the government, except that the government has to at least pretend to respect your rights."

Indeed. When the government bans Tor, we can complain about our free speech rights, and there's a pretty good chance we'd win. Say what else you will about the US government and Supreme Court, but they pretty much always come down on the side of free speech. You can say about any damn thing you want in this country in any damn way you want.

But we all know the first amendment is only about the government not being able to ban speech. Unless comcast gets regulated as a utility or common carrier, they can ban whatever they want on their network.

Comment Re:License mismatch (Score 1) 370

Well, they're two different things. "Open source" is a design methodology. "Free software" is a social movement. I try my hardest to use only FOSS. I say that from my windows computer at work. But hey, I take my ultrabook with debian on it just about everywhere I go.

Comment Re:If you think medical funding is bad (Score 1) 348

Ummmm...I'm not unemployed and am doing rather well for myself. I taught myself to code starting with BASIC in elementary school. I went for a master's in electrical engineering specializing in computer architecture so I could really get into the hardware, which gave me a much better understanding of software.

Anyway, glad you're doing well. I've always said that when I retire I'm going to go back to school and finish that physics degree.

Comment Re:Tax patents/royalties to fund basic research (Score 4, Insightful) 348

Even then, the problem is the fundamental science aspect. That's what they can't get funding for. You're talking about engineering work, something we're trying to turn into a product. You'd still need to be able to convince the NIH to throw some of that money at people who are trying to find out the answers to questions that may or may not ever have a practical application. But we won't know if there's a practical application until we do the research.

Comment Re: Empirical Data Trumps Information Theory (Score 1) 211

The sun might have 5 billion years left in it, but it will swell and render the earth uninhabitable in only 1 billion. Given that it took 1.5 billion years for life to form on earth at all, and another 3 billion after that to turn into something intelligent, the window (from our single data point) seems rather tight. A little setback here or there, an ill-timed asteroid impact (or lack of a well-timed impact) and you've got nothing.

Comment Re:No comments here yet... (Score 2) 471

I think it would be a fun toy. If somebody gave me one, I might not sell it on eBay. I definitely would not pay $350 for a gen-1 piece of hardware. You know they're already working on iWatch2.0 which will have twice the battery life and a Dick Tracy camera and blah blah blah.

The only new form-factor thing I could really see myself wanting would be a (much cheaper) second or third generation Google Glass. Not to wear all the time like a douchebag, but for things like when I'm working on my car or assembling children's furniture I could have the instructions open in my field of view with my hands free. Or if I'm disassembling something to repair it I could use the video recording feature to record myself doing so so when I go to reassemble it I could scrub through the video and make sure I've got all the wires back in the right places.

But a watch? Eh. I'd wait until at least gen 3, it better be cheaper, and I'd want it running rooted Android.

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