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Comment Re:Cookie authenticated or open WiFi is insecure? (Score 1) 40

What you use is noscript, and then you allow only the scripts necessary to get the portal working, and you don't run any flash or java from the portal, etc etc. And you keep your browser updated. It's not rocket surgery. It's not foolproof, but it's best to act as little like a fool as possible.

Comment Re:Issue (Score 1) 59

I'd be more concerned about a catastrophic software failure. Modern drone autopilots have fairly astounding limp home ability, you ought to be able to crash them in predefined locations fairly reliably. Unless, of course, something goes batshit with the electronics and/or software...

Comment Re:Easy Solution (Score 4, Insightful) 222

He specifically said no fines, that they have to provide the service as the fine.

And if they don't?

Fine them enough to bring in that line from the telco, installation and service. If that means they're paying for a fiber pull so you can get a fractional T3, so be it. It makes it a simple cost decision. I'm tired of blatantly fraudulent coverage maps, too.

Comment Re:Easy Solution (Score 1) 222

I guess it depends on what the fine is for not complying. For your above scenario to make sense, the fine itself would have to be more than the cost of installing the line.

Sounds good. Let's set the fine to be twice the cost of installing the line.

Also, there's no law saying how much they are allowed to charge you, and they often don't charge the same fees for everybody.

So the law says they can't charge you more because you're on a line which was installed under this program.

Comment Re:It the UK, you insensitive clod! (Score 1) 407

As a Scotsman, it is my duty to say "England" is not interchangeable with "UK". Even in the published piece from Educational Testing Services the term *actually* used is "England / Northern Ireland". While Nothern Ireland is a part of the UK, calling it out alongside England only adds to the slight. The possibly non-existent / mythical Scotland and Wales are many times larger than Northern Ireland but clearly down't merit a mention.

You chose to be part of the UK, you can live with being referred to as a citizen thereof. If you don't like it, you can try another referendum.

Comment Re:Aww poor baby (Score 1) 662

Good point about screwing with the delivery, though I would assume that the BBC is big enough and has a solid enough reputation that this would be a 'blip' rather than a noticable loss of confidence.

You're forgetting that Top Gear is the most popular television program... in the world. It's rather on the same scale as mismanagement of the Superb Owl.

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