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Comment Re:How long will it take IBM to find it won't work (Score 1) 78

So true. If this takes off, I can see it as a way to achieve microtransactions, but if a few billion people suddenly start using it to send 1p to each other every time they read a newspaper article or whatnot, then I can see that blockchain becoming as large as all the computer storage in the entire world in short order.

It has to be trimmed in order to be practical, and I'm not sure how practical it would be without the blockchain. I wouldn't worry too much about the transaction speed, visa and mastercard happily handle a lot of transactions so this can be handled too (even if they need a better system than the current one).

Comment Re:does anyone use the most current version? (Score 4, Interesting) 275

people new to torrenting and need a client might look at old links (there are many on the internet) and go and install the very pretty looking uTorrent, and of course they'll want the latest version.

Frankly, I ditched it when they started getting shitty with the adware, I moved to qbitorrent which doesn't look too dissimilar from uTorrent and all is good now.

Comment Re:Storage (Score 1) 197

Ah, but the principle is that the lagoon is filled by the moon (spinning those turbines as it floods in) and then they put down gates to keep the water in, releasing it when the tide has turned. The tides are every 6 hours, so you get a lot of generation during that time - it may not be continuous 24/7 but you get it between 4pm and 10pm, so we would get a lot during the evening when the sun has set and solar is no longer producing. They say generation will be 14 hours a day,

Sure, we still need storage though - efficient storage would fix all our energy problems! I think if we could pump water uphill during peak generation times, it would store a lot of energy. I vote to re-use all the old gas meters we have kicking around for the task!

Comment terminal? (Score 0) 698

Not necessarily - Wilko Johnson, a famous guitarist,was diagnosed with terminal and apparently inoperable, pancreatic cancer and decided to basically go out with a show - he refused chemo and organised a farewell tour.. and then a doctor got in touch to say he could cure it, and he now is. Which is good news, apart from the farewell tour not being a farewell any more.

Addenbrookes hospital in Cambridge, UK. Give them a call, you never know.

Comment Re:I've posted this 1312 times (Score 1) 147

I agree, I tweaked a few settings on my work FF (as work laptop is 4GB) and it shows 245MB private bytes used with 6 tabs open and doesn't show nay signs of slowness compared to the default 'cache up loads of stuff' settings.

I think the most important is the sessionhistory stuff as that can multiply how much back button pages are stored, per tab!

browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers; 2

I think those are the only settings that I've changed WRT memory. Maybe they could do a pre-defined setting set that optimises FF for low-memory PCs.

Comment Re:It's there for a reason. (Score 1) 147

not if its a walled garden that all the browsers (and W3C) specify and support. Then its a club that you can join if you like.... or go back to sitting on the steps outside whining at passersby, who don't really care.

I think you can generally blame Google for this, and I think one day they will wall off their part (in a Microsoft-eque de-facto standard) and then we'll be really unhappy with the internet.

Comment Re:What about the 87% of 'sad' feedback reports? (Score 1) 147

what exactly is the negative feedback about?

I imagine its all kinds of stuff. I clicked the sad button when an upgrade made the pop-out hamburger menu thing instantly close itself. Turns out it was privacy badger plugin, but FF still got 'sad' feedback from me.

They also got valid 'sad' feedback from me too though., when an upgrade added the search box to the 'new tab' screen, all the thumbnails got quite a lot smaller, I complained about that and they did, fair play to them, make the thumbnails bigger in subsequent versions.

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