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Comment Re:Why is it even a discussion? (Score 1) 441

Because ObamaNET is doing a take over by the communist!

Government control, government that wasted 19 trillion, government censorship, government, government, oh and Obama deciding everything and ENOUGH!! Fellow Tea partiers and Republicans we must unite at all costs to protect freedom! Go read the drudge report comments or comments on facebook?

This my friend is scary propaganda that if you are conservative leading will poop your pants and want to end. Sadly these comments I wrote above are actually believed by followers of Hannity, Fox news, Rush Limbaugh and others.


Transforming Robot Gets Stuck In Fukushima Nuclear Reactor 99

An anonymous reader writes with more bad news for the people still dealing with the Fukushima nuclear accident. "The ability to change shape hasn't saved a robot probe from getting stuck inside a crippled Japanese nuclear reactor. Tokyo Electric Power will likely leave the probe inside the reactor housing at the Fukushima Dai-ichi complex north of Tokyo after it stopped moving. On Friday, the utility sent a robot for the first time into the primary containment vessel (PCV) of reactor No. 1 at the plant, which was heavily damaged by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami in northern Japan. 'The robot got stuck at a point two-thirds of its way inside the PCV and we are investigating the cause,' a Tokyo Electric spokesman said via email. The machine became stuck on Friday after traveling to 14 of 18 planned checkpoints."

Comment Re:Technology in Education (Score 1) 99

ipads are most useful if you want to consume content. Not much to experiment with them, at least not with the Ipad itself.

3D printers are tools, awesome tools. They have nothing in common with Ipads, you can do stuff with 3D printers. Think of them as the logo turtles of today. They show kids a tangible application of programming, physics, math.

Teachers have the opportunity to choose to use that for teaching, or just let them tinker with cool stuff.
  And I mean single teachers, they can just print a mechanical assembly, or an atom model, or a dna model, a geometric shape . With already existing, easy access easy to use, and most importantly, easy to share tools.

Compare that to the authoring you can do with an ipad (or a classroom full of ipads) by itself. You _might_ be able to sketch something, but the tools are just not there, or available.

Comment Re:The obvious answer (Score 1) 332

My point of me being a jackass is the dumb politicians and voters and corrupted influences who will say it is a government takeover and a RINO move as a tax increase when you want to charge more for a scarce resource.

This is what needs to happen but it won't as the agriculture community has too much power and will run fancy ads agaisn't you in the elections as a socialist if you dare charge them more for water.

You would need to repeal the water give away. That won't happen. So the other step is actually creating a tax to limit consumption which will brand you as a socialist until all the water runs out and we have a crises where everyone including the agricultural industry all lose. We are heading towards that right now. 2/3's of the state senate is needing for this and no politician on the right will dare do this to avoid not being re-elected.

Comment Re:Never consumer ready (Score 1) 229

I just went on Amazon. The red is $50 more than the black with the same capacity??!

All I know is the red are certified to be a good batch. The consumer?? You do not know if it is good or bad as Google had a team to know. You do not.

With SAS drives you have 2 data paths written and other enterprise level features in case a chip in the NAS goes out and a backup kicks in that the drive can keep going. Its firmware supports more protocols.

Sorry but the cost argument doesn't fly. To me it is not worth the risk and a $40 premium is a very small price to pay to know that when an outage hits the firmware doesn't lie about whether the data was written or not. Too much risk.

Comment Re:Never consumer ready (Score 1) 229

The cost of the drive is not the hardware.

It is how much will an outage cost? A few hundred more is pocket change. A piece of mind too. You claim you hqve data? I have data too. Go google Seagate RMA? Shitty defective drives. Even western digital has bad drive batches. The poster above says seagate and consumer drives failed within his own eyes. Sure if you got a good batch you are good I guess?? Would you bet your job on it?

Firmware for enterprise drives have logging and more advanced features anyway. Same arguments pop up over consumer vs professional cards in flamewars. One is slightly slower and 4x as much. why? It's drivers and firmware are certified to not have visual distortions when making a commercial or bsod on a project. It is worth the cost.

The price difference is not worth it anyway

But the conversation is obsolete as intel and Samsung are introducing enterprise ssds

Comment Re:Thought Experiment (Score 3, Interesting) 32

Also when people think of super massive black holes they think of violent, scary, life suckling masses. Compared to the smaller ones they are tamer as they have such a great surface area that stars near there can stay for away from the event horizon for billions of years due to subtripical force and the fact gas gets pulled from great distances

Comment Re:Reason: for corporations, by corporations (Score 1) 489

No privatize in this way is more government. Government creates monopolies. Competition destroys them.

The city owns the sidewalk and can open it up if they want. But it is easier to shake hands with certain companies and hand them a monopoly.

The solution is not more government that created the problem but less every time.

Comment Re:Reason: for corporations, by corporations (Score 1) 489

"The lazy" sinking to the bottom is a commonly-held belief, but in fact being at the bottom is a lot more work than being at the top. It's not because people are "lazy" that they remain at the bottom. It's because most of the value their work produces is taken as profit by their employers, and they are paid the absolute minimum that their employers can get away with. If they were getting a decent cut of the value they create, they wouldn't be poor. That's not to say that there aren't lazy people at the bottom living corruptly, but the claim that if you are at the bottom, you are lazy, is a fallacy.

Well why is it that we have illegals in the US crossing the border then? Why aren't Americans willing to do these jobs?

Yes they are lazy and I say this as one. They are unwilling to work or better themselves or keep a job long enough to have that resume to work out into a decent standard of lving.

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