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Comment Re:Touchscreens Suck for Situation Awareness! (Score 1) 123

Nail, head, hit. My vehicle (which was bought with a non touch screen) has all the basic controls available by buttons or dials. No need to take the eyes of the road to look at the touch screen, punch a tab on it to select the A/C or heat, tap and drag a slider up and down, then hit another tab to control fan speed. Of course, with how UIs are, there will be lag where you can't tell the device noticed your tap or not. At least with a dial, you know that it registered it due to tactile clicks.

My biggest complaint about newer cars is the fact that a touch screen is needed, coupled with the fact that the audio head is on the same CAN as the radio... which means if the radio glitches, the car can stall or go haywire in random ways.

Comment Re:I always thought (Score 1) 391

If our main goal is to reproduce and spread among the galaxy,

There's an important word in your comment : the first one. "If". It may be your primary aim in life, but I'm completely content to not reproduce. Since we've no evidence of intelligent life anywhere else in the universe (and precious little down here on Earth), we do have an obligation to the future to spread life in general until we discover that someone else has been or is doing the same, in order to reduce the odds of life becoming extinct. But personal reproduction - who needs that?

Comment Re:Hyacinth ... (Score 1) 80

Mostly the name, and a whithering contempt for pretension and snootiness. so [whatever the name of the scriptwriter] decided to poke fun at a friend by casting his nickname into the body of a near complete antithesis.

Like I said, I don't know the programme itself ; I can't stand the oiliness of the loathsome main character for more than a few seconds before I feel the temptation to put boot to face. Spending a week on the hill with the original is by contrast a pleasure.

There's probably a word for "demonstrating by counter-example", but I can't think of it at the moment.

Comment Re:Who wants a watch that you have to recharge dai (Score 1) 232

If I'm going to replace my watch,

... I have to get the wife's permission. She chose it for me as a birthday present, and it ticks enough tech boxes that she plainly did think think about it. Solar powered doesn't work so well in winter here in the high latitudes - sleeve blocks the rare sunlight, and lamp light too. Radio-controlled, tied to UTC with whatever offsets I choose. Non-conductive strap so it can be worn on the worksite. Replacing the watch is not something that is going to happen on a whim.

See other comments - if it's a "clean room", then I can't imagine how bare skin would be allowed. And for no small number of jobs, memory devices are forbidden in the workplace. So, [shrug] not a problem I'm likely to face.

Comment Re: Priorities (Score 1) 232

What if you don't commute using a car, you use a motorbike or bicycle instead. Lot's of times I have put off going home until the rain let up a bit or stopped.

Which is a reasonably valid point.

However, unless your facility is going to be standing idle for 8 or 16 hours of each day (and however many days at weekends and this time of year), then you are going to be relieved at your workstation or the change room by your relief (as you relieved them, or the 3rd shift ; possibly even a 4th shift, but that's pretty rare). You'll do your hand-over, they sign off on the information you pass over ... and then you can check your weather and decide whether to hang around, unpaid, until the weather improves.

Also, of course, assuming that you're allowed to loiter excessively on the premises after your shift has finished. Not all companies will allow that.

Comment Re:Solar and sidereal time. (Score 1) 232

Solar and sidereal time. [...] A true smartwatch would provide both in addition to time based on UTC.

You absolutely also need an output for Mars time. The hoards of workers living on Mars time (seriously - a couple of dozen in the JPL operations centre) need that extra 37 minutes per day (if I recall correctly). A Google employee who tweets as "@MarsRoverDriver" because that used to be his job, has an app (though ISTR that it's an iApp only).

Comment Re:Ziploc bag (Score 1) 232

I commonly work in a clean-room (CR.)

Huge signs in the grey room saying "NO CELL PHONES"... ahhh... but everyone's cell phone was special!

And how does the claim "my cell phone is special" wash when the security guard is patting you down to check for contraband before you enter the work area? You know, the security guard who has had it explained to him - in writing, above his fresh signature - that if ANYONE in the are that he controls is found with a cellphone (or other contraband), then he gets fired. The guy who works for a different (outsourced) company, works a different shift pattern to you, and will be rotated to a different site (for his company) at unpredictable intervals. Work patterns designed so he (or she - you'll need female guards to pat-down the female staff) never builds any sort of relationship with people at your company, because his (her) job is to enforce rules, not be nice to people.

Frankly, if your company is losing valuable product and equipment to such contraband, then they have no real option but to implement such rules. And it's not uncommon. When I take my helicopter to work, I get the pat down - everyone does, and has done since at least the mid-1970s. When my wife goes into her office, she's required to have her bag searched for telephones (not allowed) cameras (of any sort ; not allowed) and memory devices (of any sort, including MP3 players ; not allowed) between reception and her office. Lockers are provided - "put your stuff in there and take the key", and then they're searched.

Neither of us work in classified areas - they're banned on our helicopters because there have been incidents of transmissions scrambling navigation equipment (30 years old ; no reason to upgrade) and there have been people miss important announcements ("we're diverted to platform X first, not Y ; don't get off at the wrong stop") because they were listening to a Walkman. Diverting a flight to pick up a lost person costs around £5000. Music players are forbidden while flying (and they interfere with the hearing protection anyway). My wife sometimes works with medical records and other times with financials. So the office operates on information security. Senior personnel who may need to be contacted when not at their desk carry DECT-like phones that connect their desk to their pocket - with no data storage apart form an address-book, manually entered.

What is your business case for needing your phone in the RF-free area?

Comment Re:Core business? (Score 1) 222

Yahoo requires (yes, requires, no barely-visible option to skip) a cellphone number to sign up.

Do they? Novel idea that - but since I got my Yahoo account before (by a year or so) I got a mobile phone, I've never noticed it.

Come to think of it - when I've set up disposable accounts for other purposes, in the last year, I've not seen that requirement, I suspect that you've described something parochial to your local branch of Yahoo, not the actual company itself.

(Besides, you've never heard of having a second mobile? For work to call you on, for example.)

Comment Re:Core business? (Score 1) 222

What exactly is Yahoo's "core business"? Their webdirectory is defunct,

Did they have one? I think I was using Altavista when I got my Yahoo account.

search outsourced to Bing,

They do search? Why? And who are Bing?

and email largely been eaten by its competitors.

I think you're question has been answered. I've got several other accounts too, but Work and Yahoo are my main accounts. The rest are for back-up, special purposes, and isolation of identities.

Comment Re:It's time (Score 1) 222

AOL is producing a lot of 'high quality' content and can monetize it

I saw what AOL did to Compuserve when they brought it out in (about) 2002. I quit the service after two years of AOL-ism, when I'd been with Compuserve for about 8 years before that. (And I'd only had a Yahoo account for about 4 years by then.)

AOL = Kiss Of Death.

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