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Comment Re:Lets encrypt (Score 1) 104

That is the sort of Job description that's destined to fail and I would settle for some software that tracks domains, SSL certs etc and notifies (with an off switch when I want something to die) me when things need to be renewed. If you rely on the upstream provider, you end up renewing too much.

Mind you, in this case, I would not be surprised if they had actually renewed the certificate but didn't catch that the intermediate cert would cause the already issued certs to expire early. As someone else posted: there is something wrong with their setup if they allowed certs to be issued with expiry dates after the intermediate cert.

Comment Re:And this is why corporations don't trust the GP (Score 1) 225

If you can't trust your developers, you have more than the GPL to worry about. If you think the cost of a GPL violation is bad, just wait and see the results of someone borrowing code claimed by a former employer (or even writing code too similar). Just ask Google where the one thing that has cost them the most pain so far, was a 9 line function that one of their programmers copied into the Android source code..

Comment Re:Get your axe out (Score 4, Informative) 225

The GPL is designed to avoid the "What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine" scenario where someone uses the code +their changes to always stay one step ahead of the free version and so the GPL requires that they hand over the full source with any changes they made that were used to build whatever product they shipped. If they made changes to the GPL code that were included in the shipped product, they must publish those changes. On the other hand, if they made changes they did not ship with any product(internal releases etc), they are under no obligation to release those changes.

In this case, they are not shipping all of the changes they made to their source code that was used to build their firmware so that is a clear violation of the GPL.

Comment Re:The real story (Score 3, Informative) 203

It's worse than that. Linus would tell everyone not to worry and go on about how Bitkeeper was a great improvement and Larry would prove him wrong by throwing public tantrums and generally playing stupid licensing games. Ex banning IBM from using the free version since they had a competing SCM being built by another (far removed) department. Banning anyone who worked directly on a competing SCM from using Bitkeeper at all. And responding to said developer reverse engineering one of the export interfaces by discontinuing the free version of Bitkeeper.

The best part of it all was that Linus helped him design the thing in the first place.

Comment Re:And yet, no one understands Git. (Score 1) 203

Or you can just use GitHub's Windows client which, the last time I used it required me to use the command line to init non Githib repos but then didn't require the user to use the command line for anything. Might even be better now, it's been a couple of years since I had to support software developers running on windows.,

Comment Re:Economy (Score 2) 198

To be fair I bought a TV a few weeks back from FutureShop because I wanted to compare picture quality myself. In the end, not only was FutureShop cheaper than the local retailers, it was $50 cheaper than Amazon.

Comment Re:too bad.... but... (Score 1) 662

Sorry but you are projecting. By all accounts Clarkson was the one spewing verbal abuse. Clarkson knew he was out of line after the indecent and tried to apologize . Here it is from the BBC report "It was not disputed by Jeremy Clarkson or any witness that Oisin Tymon was the victim of an unprovoked physical and verbal attack"

I love Jeremy Clarkson's work on Top Gear but he was really out of line and I really don't see what other option the BBC had but to let him go.

Comment Re:too bad.... but... (Score 2) 662

Right, so you wouldn't punch a guy who called your mom, or someone close to you, a whore? We have to know exactly all those things that provoked Jeremy to punch this guy instead of rushing to a quick and inaccurate judgement.

I really wouldn't. Or at least not now that I'm an adult and have gotten over my teenage anger issues. I may very well tell someone off for name calling or have someone fired but I would not intervene physically unless they either started with physical violence or were doing something to make someone I cared about feel physically in danger (for instance got right in their face/backed them into a corner).

Even if the guy intentionally put his food in the refrigerator, it would not justify flipping out and yelling for 20 minutes

The refrigerator thing would definitely deserve being yelled at, don't you think? Employees have been fired for lesser offences.

It still wouldn't justify a 20 minute screaming tantrum that disrupted the entire hotel. A proportionate response would be to demand the food be heated or file a complaint. A proportionate response could even be to have someone fired (if it were negligent or malicious)

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