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Comment Re:Brilliant idea (Score 1) 193

What if thousands of people were to walk in to Apple stores during the first week, excitedly ask for an Apple watch, then act disappointed and decline to pre-order when told they couldn't have one right away. Apple is so asking to be gamed here, they aren't going to have a clue what the real demand for their watches is, and may end up seriously overproducing for the following months' supply based on the market research they gather from this exercise.

Comment Re:Arduino? Good riddance! (Score 1) 92

Sorry, what part of type some simple code into a webpage (with better formatting and syntax highlighting than the slashdot example below), get a binary file back which you copy over USB to your board, reset and it runs is funny in the context of this discussion? Cross platform tools are available if you want them, but the beginner doesn't even need to install them to get started.

#include "mbed.h"

DigitalIn enable(p5);
DigitalOut led(LED1);
int main() {
while(1) {
if(enable) {
led = !led;

Comment Re:You are missing the obvious point! (Score 1) 349

If a person works 35-40 hours a week should they receive the same pay as someone working 45-50 hours? Anyone looking at that should say "No, the person working more hours should receive more pay." but somehow this obvious point eluded you.

We have two people - one who completes a set amount of work in 35 hours, and another who completes the same amount of work in 50 hours. And you want to pay the second person more ...why exactly? To encourage slacking off on the clock?

Comment Re:Most of Japan is very beautiful... (Score 1) 197

Often river embankments are grassy mounds, but they're more for seasonal flood control than tsunamis. The tsunami walls I've seen along beaches are very much concrete walls, and while they do have a roadway along the top and sloped sides with steps at intervals and the occaisional roadway leading up to them, they are anything but attractive.

Comment Re:On the Nexus anyway this is disabled by default (Score 1) 127

Trusted devices is useful for avoiding the driver distraction issue of having to enter my password when I want to read and post to Slashdot while I drive. Having it recognize my Home and Work Wifi networks would be far more useful than this body motion detection.

Comment Re:From a simpler era (Score 1) 95

Printing was another reason to require a signed applet. It was possible to limit the extra capabilities granted to an applet - but it was a huge learning curve that most developers were not interested in, and chances are that the end user isn't going to notice, or understand the difference (since their brain will shut down when they see the security dialog) so in most cases, a signed applet was getting full access, just like an ActiveX control.

Comment Re:Didn't knew they even had computers (Score 1) 95

Daewoo cars are now mostly branded as Chevrolet (maybe still Opel or Vauxhill in Europe), even in Korea. They are responsible for most of the smaller car designs from GM (from the Cruze down).

Chery is the only Chinese manufacturer I've seen locally, though another poster commented that Great Wall is available in Australia, so different manufacturers may be targeting different markets.

Comment Re: Didn't knew they even had computers (Score 2) 95

They tried it for a while - N. Korea had a special zone just across the border where South Korean companies could send in managerial staff daily, but it turns out that such a scheme is not sustainable in the political climate that exists between the two Koreas. I don't think many South Korean companies are interested any more in having a factory that they can be closed down on a whim every time the supreme leader has a tantrum.

Comment Re:Type "bush hid the facts" into Notepad. (Score 1) 119

4. Inconsistent policy for character inclusion. After years of opposing addition of symbols commonly used in typesetting or web pages (such as a common symbol for indicating external links consisting of a box with a curved arrow coming out of it) on the basis that they are "not plain text and best represented by graphic images", we get emoji added. And they still won't add many of these symbols they've opposed in the past (they recently added the standard triangular recycling mark, but this was long after the emoji was added with several circular Japanese recycling marks clearly demonstrating the hypocracy).

Comment Re:Like Bing and Yahoo? (Score 1) 232

As soon as you admit you weren't watching your speed, you're toast. You've admitted that you weren't watching your speed. That's why the first question they ask you is "Do you know how fast you were going?"

Recommended defence when you rear-end a police car: "sorry officer, but I was watching my speed, not the road".

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