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Comment Jobs law of tech headlines. In short, maybe. (Score 1) 113

"We have to let go of this notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose."

This is more universally true than a lot of people are willing to let on.

Can IBM Power 8 actually take on x86? Or has that ship already sailed?

They don't need to take on Intel and x86. They just need to make a profit on each system sold.

I seriously don't understand why the tech common wisdom doesn't understand this very basic concept of business logic.

Comment Re: The world we live in. (Score 1, Informative) 595

1 in 5 women will get sexually assaulted in her life time.

1 in 5 homes will not get burglarized in their entire existence.

No one* is teaching boys it's ok to harass and rape. Just like no one says "you didn't lock your doors enough" when a house is burgled.

Blurred Lines hit #1 on the pop charts. The repeated stories about guys who get away with rape even after it's been reported and there's solid evidence for it. Guys like MMA star War Machine(God help me, that's his legal name) telling people that his ex-GF is his property.

There's all sorts of cultural influences telling men that they're entitled to women's bodies. In essence, we're teaching our children that rape is OK. It's called Rape Culture.

Here's Rape Culture 101

And yes, there's all sorts of antisemitic influences in our culture. Including saying someone "Jewed" you out of money. But that's another rant.

Comment Re: The world we live in. (Score 0) 595

If burglary and child abduction are as common as rape, we would be having a MUCH DIFFERENT conversation.

But it's not.

Rape is really common.

And it happens to people who have taken all the precautions in the world. Telling someone to mitigate the risks while looking at all possible ways for things to go wrong and then saying, "You didn't mitigate risks enough!" is ridiculous.

Stop teaching boys it's ok to harass, rape or feel entitled to women's (and men's) bodies. No, persistence isn't going to pay off. It's just creepy.

Comment Re: The world we live in. (Score 0) 595

There was no rape apology there.

Bull fucking shit.

It's far more likely that you know someone who claims that happened to her. She may even believe it. It's far more likely though, that she drank more than she wants to admit.

Which is why people are not allowing you to conflate the two. Some times alcohol hits you harder than you expect. A lot of women think this means they were roofied (because people like you tell them there's roofies around every corner).

Have I said roofies are around every corner? No.

Nice straw man.

If you get hit with a date rape drug, you will not feel like you got overly drunk in the morning.

Here's a great post talking about this particular issue. in short, the notion of "you drank too much" vs "You got date rape drugged." is so fucking stupid it's comical. Well, it'd be comical if it wasn't so fucking tragic.

stop fucking raping people and covering up rape.

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