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Comment Re:Cars are for driving (Score 1) 12

I think the thing you're missing is that car infotainment systems need to exist as a fallback if you don't own a smart device or mp3 player or tablet or whatever.

Remote exploits and security concerns are true for any bit of software running.

Granted I'm not optimistic it'll get better soon, and what it'll take to make it better kind of frightens me.

Still, that's not the fault for the infotainment system existing. That's the fault of the crappy car maker.

Comment Re:Torvalds is half right (Score 1) 449

Torvalds is half wrong too.

The problem with Torvald's assertion is that while he's probably right(and I read a Steve Jobs kinda ethos when he says that end users are fine with 4 cores; which I like a lot), i think though that there's a pretty practical problem computing is running into.

We're kind of at the limit with how much work a single core can do. We can't make single cores faster. We can make them cheaper and lower power. Which I think overall is a huge gain for anyone who pays power bills :) But now that we can have a lot of them, we shouldn't be shy about actually using them.

I think it might be ultimately a fruitless effort, but I think the possible gains make it worth fleshing out.

I just wonder how much there is to gain by ditching legacy CPU architectures(x86, ARM, etc) and starting from the ground up. Probably not much, but I am hopeful I am wrong.

Comment Re:SarkeesianYou like reasonable? Uh oh.., really? (Score 1) 299

I am not part of the human race. Humanity has rejected me. The females of the human species have never wanted to mate with me, so how could I possibly consider myself part of humanity? Humanity has never accepted me among them, and now I know why. I am more than human. I am superior to them all. I am Elliot Rodger... Magnificent, glorious, supreme, eminent... Divine! I am the closest thing there is to a living god. Humanity is a disgusting, depraved, and evil species. It is my purpose to punish them all. I will purify the world of everything that is wrong with it. On the Day of Retribution, I will truly be a powerful god, punishing everyone I deem to be impure and depraved.

Maybe she's right. Because the above quote came from a mass shooting. You'd have a point that this was a wacky thing to say if the data didn't support her thesis. Which, sadly, it does. The language school shooters use when making angry as fuck disaffected manifestos is always the same spew of pseudo macho toxic masculine shit. Never mind Anders Brevik and Marc Lepine, either.

It's not like she has experience with this or anything.

Comment Re:Sarkeesian, really? (Score 1) 299

This series will include critical analysis of many beloved games and characters, but remember that it is both possible (and even necessary) to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of itâ(TM)s more problematic or pernicious aspects.

You just watch. There is going to be a Columbine-times-10 incident, and everyone will finally get it. Either that, or some video gamer is going to go Columbine at some video game exec's expense or at E3, and then the industry will begin to realize that there is no place to hide, that it has trained a nation of Manchurian Children

Sounds identical to me. Oh wait. It doesn't. Guess which one is Anita Sarkeesian and which one is Jack fucking Thompson.

Hint it's not the reasonable statement. And if you think both are equally unreasonable there is no debate to be had.

Comment Re:Apple's comeback was obvious (Score 3, Informative) 332

Hate to be a pedant, but, original iMac didn't ship with firewire

New connectors don't have to replace USB and be a jack of all trades connector. FireWire was the second best way to connect an external disk compared to e-sata or external scsi. It was also the best way to connect low latency audio devices.

I mean, it'd be nice if USB 4 lowers CPU overhead even more and makes extremely low latency devices possible.

Comment Re:Ethics? (Score 1) 556

this post proves that gamergate is ultimately about the gamer community's inability to cope with new ideas, history and understand things written by human beings.

For a group of people concerned with ethics and integrity, rewriting history is sure first nature to you guys. Zoe Quinn never killed TFYC to advance Rebel Jam. She made a couple of standalone tweets and engaged in some conversations on twitter about how shitty TFYC's plan was and how awful the profit sharing is. Also, TFYC was always about profit, so I don't know why people think they're some kind of charity. They're not. It's a whole duplicitous mess.

In terms of being incapable of basic comprehension, when the articles were going out saying, "Gamers are dead." they meant, "The idea of 'gamers' being the core audience for games is coming to a close and people making games should be more broad minded."

What this was interpreted as was, "Gamers are scumbags and we should shut them down."

When Anita Sarkeesian posted videos about how sexist tropes are being used in video games to reenforce sexist ideas in our culture became, "Video games make you sexist and you should avoid them at all costs."

Political agendas ARE in gaming. Gender politics IS here to stay and was here from the very beginning. I mean, I can point to an incident during Street Fighter v Tekken's hype phase where Sanford Kelly verbally abused a woman who was a competitor using awful gendered language. If you don't think that's not gender politics at play, then you're an idiot.

What it comes down to is, gamers don't want to have to feel uncomfortable about anything and will use anything they can to justify their selfish outrage. Somehow Anita and Zoe and Brianna criticizing games and the games industry as being sexist is restricting freedom of expression but Mass Effect 3 having a less than satisfying ending is enough to get gamers riled up and demand Bioware they change it.

It's a mess.

Give up. Learn to read a book. get a liberal arts degree. get the stick out of your asses and understand that there is more to life than your own narrow understanding of it.

Comment Re:Man, am I old ... (Score 1) 173

if I packrat digitally, I just fill up maybe a corner on my desk.

If I packrat IRL, the cops will break down the door because there's probably a dead animal or two in my apartment and i'm probably nose deaf to it.

When I die I don't care who's going through my digital shit. Unless I've got a backup of my consciousness sitting on a disk somewhere. In which case, DON'T THROW THAT AWAY.

Comment Re:'it is out of stock now; try to ask next year.' (Score 1) 115

Third position is absolutely a fine thing to bring up but it's like trying to insist loudly we talk about RC Cola when the context is the cola wars of the 80s.

Sure, there's a lot of alternatives to the dichotomy of capitalist vs communist, but that dichotomy was rhe backdrop to the context here.

Comment Re:'it is out of stock now; try to ask next year.' (Score 4, Insightful) 115

The principle intent of communism was to end the oppression of the working class by those who had capital and wealth. Not so lazy people could leech off the system. I don't think that I've read anything like that in some of the original communist works.

I think the problem with Soviet style communism was that central planning bureaucracies were trying to balance authoritarian political power and economic production.

It's a pretty Brady Bunch view of the world, but had the Soviet Union not been a paranoid authoritarian bureaucracy, we might have a different view of what "communism" means.

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