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Comment Re:Troll = Anyone who disagrees with our groupthin (Score 1) 467

Stalking laws and harassment are incredibly difficult to enforce and a lot of police departments do not have the capacity to handle these problems.

Besides, legality aside, I'd rather know that Twitter was also doing something about abusive shitty behavior on their service than not. Free speech is a constitutionally protected right, but Twitter's not obliged to give bigots and assholes a platform to spew their shit.

Comment Re:Troll = Anyone who disagrees with our groupthin (Score 0) 467

[citation needed]

I know that Zoe Quinn linked to a publicly discussed and passed around article that the head of TFYC claimed as, "Doxxing", Randi Harper has no qualms with outing people associated publicly on Facebook and Twitter who directly use their real names to the public, Anita Sarkeesian will republish abusive tweets and emails with no identifying information redacted.

But that's not to say that the anti-GG side "doxxes" more than GGers do. show me the anti-GG /baphomet/, and don't give me any shit about how Baphomet is not GG. For not being part of GG, a lot of their focus has been on people heavily critical of GG and they seem to clean out posts critical of GG.

Not all doxxing is equal and pretending like it is shows how craven and intellectually dishonest GG is.

Comment Re:Troll = Anyone who disagrees with our groupthin (Score 2, Insightful) 467

When you're posting pictures of you in front of someone you don't like's work place because they said something you don't like counts as something. Maybe not trolling. But it's abusive and shitty and stalking like that happens fairly regularly on the internet.

Comment Re:Does anyone care what RMS thinks any more? (Score 0) 253

I thoroughly dislike RMS but I think that RMS' crusade for Free as in Freedom software is important. It's absolutely zany from a practical stand point. For example, the four software freedoms just aren't aren't practical. Yet, it's done so much for us. Apache, the GNU toolchain, Linux, etc etc etc.

Comment Re:Oh look, it's the Java killer... (Score 1) 253

Satya Nadella comes from the services side of microsoft. Not the side that wants to sell everyone a Windows 8 and Office 2015 license.

Microsoft as a company is getting more hip and I really welcome their approach. They're finally catching up to, and surpassing, Apple in terms of sharing software.

Reminder that Apple gave us CUPS, WebKit and a few other things. Apple could finally catch back up and release Swift under the BSD license. If I'm understanding things, Swift is more than just a vanity language. It's a language that's designed to get the most out of LLVM by being designed with LLVM in mind.

Comment Re:Kool-aid Overdose (Score 1) 458

Market might not be going anywhere but it might not be a healthy place to be.

What's worse is that if things go really poorly the much touted "choice" that PC proponents scream about might go away and many people in practical terms may be forced to pick from some bland options that don't really work because of how cheap things are being made.

Comment Re:They always [conveniently] miss facts... (Score 1) 458

Because "a while" might be like 10 15 minutes. When all you want to do is unplug, go out and start jamming, that sucks as UX. plus no worrying about what happens if the device writes garbage to the config, or what happens if power is lost mid write, etc.

Want to know how Apple beat Microsoft? There you go.

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