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Comment Re:Okay Doomer. (Score 4, Insightful) 282

Comments like yours are what are wrong with Slashdot. It doesn't really matter whether your utter evidence free nonsense is trolling or in earnest - it's falsehood piled on top of falsehood. It might as well be hosted on Fox News. The climate is changing (at a rate that's threatening and surprising Rather than take steps to deal with it - we have to spend time persuading idiots and greedy short sighted corporations that refuse to acknowledge scientific arguments and evidence.

It's ironic you try to make "Ok Doomer" a thing, because OK Boomer originated in response to an out of touch Boomer trying to shut down a younger person addressing the urgency of the environmental crisis we are all facing. And we are sick of letting those who won't live to see the broken world continue to break OUR future.

Your comment is a troll - and the fact that it's currently marked insightful only shows how awful slashdot currently is. What a deep shame. No one needs to meet your ridiculous criteria for taking facts seriously. What a farce. Go clutch your gun and whine about young people while we fix what you broke.

Comment Re:What?! (Score 1) 308

If you make your living in an industry and the industry is setup to induce stress and burnout - we're better served by looking at why instead of shitting on people who are suffering from behind a jealous keyboard.

Some youtubers are assholes. So are some actors. And some police officers. And some professions are worse than others. That doesn't mean everyone in those jobs is undeserving of empathy, and those industries undeserving of scrutiny.

These "fuck them they don't have to do it" comments being marked as insightful are why slashdot fucking sucks. If the article was about commercial actors or anyone else in the entertainment industry would you suddenly give a fuck? Would it still be more jealous anger? It's their source of income, and not everyone doing it is an asshole or obscenely wealthy.

Comment Re:Why is Slashdot obsessed with this witch hunt? (Score 1) 220

  1. You're lying about Clinton.
  2. It's not a witch hunt.
  3. Russians fucked with our democracy and there will be consequences for them and their allies here in the states.
  4. The news of this as it progresses fits on slashdot as it involved tech/hacking, but also, it is news that matters.

Comment Re:Wait wait wait CHINA?! (Score 1) 53

OP isn't saying ALL Christians are anti-science. Simply that the country is controlled by Christians who are anti-science. So no, it's not a broad generalization.

Regardless, the claim "all atheists are moral sociopaths" doesn't come out of atheist scripture - there isn't any. It's simply acknowledging there isn't sufficient evidence to believe in god. Nothing more. Bringing in morality or an even more obvious red herring like authoritarian dictatorship (as opposed to gentle dictatorship?) weakens your credibility.

Christians who behave badly because they are bad don't earn criticism. But those who enact regressive policy and claim their religion is the basis for this (with scripture to back them up in some cases), earn criticism. So you're really off base with your "everybody does it" counterargument.

Your signature suggests you are a conservative. If it upsets you that the "brand" of the modern conservative is that of people like Roy Moore - outspoken Christians who want to attack the rights of gay people, women, and use their Christianity as justification - then fight back. If you agree with them, then prepare to get a lot more upset about people calling that entire culture out on it's bullshit. We have people trying to implement a Christian Sharia in the US, a theocracy, and that stains the religion and the political party propping it all up. The more they try to push, the more there will be push back. Blue states are getting tired of having our economy hurt, our people hurt, all the pay for the states trying to drag us back to the dark ages.

Comment Re:Wait wait wait CHINA?! (Score 1) 53

Pointing out that religious objections to stem cell research, higher education, and a general attitude of anti-intellectualism is not bigotry. It's fact. A moron is by definition a stupid person. It is not intelligent to oppose scientific research, education, and critical thinking skills.

Your being correct about China doesn't support your claim of religious bigotry.

Comment Re:Some questions (Score 1) 144

1) "A foreign national spending money to influence a federal election can be a crime," Persily said. "And if a U.S. citizen coordinates, conspires or assists in that spending, then it could be a crime." (Politifact)

2) Who knows or cares? Is the criticism valid? That's the important question.

3) Get used to the criticism continuing, especially with Mueller's investigation. If it turns out illegal foreign influence turned the election, people have every right to be angry and demand justice be served. A crime happening in the past doesn't erase it. It isn't "over and done with" just because Trump and his supporters insist it is.

No one worries about issues of propaganda when it was the MSM's version of fake news.

Actually the media is obsessed with navel gazing over accuracy. The "fake news" Trump complains about, on the other hand, is essentially just objective reality. Seriously, look at how often that man lies about obvious and easily disprovable things. Politifact Washington Post.

Only the most die hard Trump supporter would think a man who has decimated our standing in the world, weakened key government institutions, attacked the rule of law and our sense of reality, attacked the free press, and been a lightening rod for extremists, nazis, and racists here at home was the better candidate. Unless you think Roy Moore was better than Doug Jones, in which case you are so detached from reality you should know this: The rest of the country is getting tired of having your denials and whining fits continue to drag us down when the rest of the country wants progress. Trump is trying his hardest to make this country into a despotic shithole. Countries he obsesses over, like Norway? LIBERAL. Deal with that.

Comment Re:"Why Intel gave it the mind-numbingly boring na (Score 1) 141

Not seeing the point of the article is a problem.


Not all companies automatically do the worst thing possible. The fact that intel has a history of twisting and shouting to avoid accepting responsibility for a problem (including trying to minimize it), and avoid replacing faulty products, is a problem. It's news worthy.

Even if it's just for consumers to look at and say "well hey, maybe I should give AMD a chance". But all the better if this is fuel for a class action lawsuit, or larger market forces at work. Maybe this spurs a big player like Amazon or Google to think twice about how much they are willing to bet on Intel hardware.

This cynical "Uh well everybody does it" attitude is false, useless, and if anything encourages apathy.

Comment Re:Social media is only amplification (Score 0) 405

This isn't a "both sides are doing it" problem when it comes to diverse ideas. It's a fundamental split (in the US at least, with parallels abroad) Religious conservatism on one side, and progressive secular values on the other. It comes down to how we see the world (and perceive facts). Right now - in the US - only one side is systematically denying reality and screaming "fake news" when presented with any evidence at all. It's gotten far worse recently - look at the vice interview with Roy Moore voters. Al Franken was accused of inappropriate touching and he's been pressured out of office - he stepped down. Roy Moore has been accused of molestation and rape, and not only is he still running with the full support of the president (who also stands accused), his supporters deny even a hint of merit to the accusations. They ignore his statements that are pro-slavery (and his suggestion any amendment after the 10th - which includes the right of women to vote, the abolition of slavery, and the right to elect Senators should be removed).

Just because there's two sides to an argument doesn't mean both are valid.

The anger we are seeing makes sense. On the right it's people going on faith that their leader's lies are correct and it's freaking them out. On the right it's seeing how detached from reality the right is and getting upset at the very real world damage their beliefs are doing to our lives, our world, and our future.

Comment Scuttle The Launch!!! (Score 2) 115

Verizon keeps fighting to kill Net Neutrality despite people consistently fighting it off. Time to punish them. Make this fail. They are surely investing lots of money into it. The only way large corporations stop abusing their power is by being regulated, broken up, or losing a significant amount of money. Since Trump's Ajit Pai lead FCC is in a state of regulatory capture thanks to Verizon - we need to fight back.

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