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Comment Re:better than what we have now (Score 1) 249

Yeah, right.

Obviously you have some problems grasping the concept that in a complex urban society is not only the (none-)care-givers that are involved.

This child's death could have been entirely avoidable if the system hadn't completely failed him.

This statue, as well as this faux controversy, helps to keep the story in the fore-front, and that is an entirely good thing.

Comment Re:better than what we have now (Score 1) 249

And what believes and desires would that be, pray tell?

The death of this child touched many people here in the GTA, and trying to ensure he is not forgotten is nothing but a valiant attempt to ensure it doesn't happen again.

If you cannot relate to this, then search the Internet for your misplaced humanity. Maybe reading up on the case would help.

Comment Re:Why is this so important? (Score 4, Insightful) 249

Anybody who would have detected the neglect could have become this boy's superhero.

The monument is to remind us here in Ontario that we have to try harder.

Social services, the school records, neighbors ... there are countless ways this tragedy could, and should have been prevented.

Comment Re:better than what we have now (Score 4, Insightful) 249

"I really don't feel too bad for those who let him starve and now want a monument."

What the F*** are you talking about. The ones who starved him are in jail.

The man sponsoring the monument simply does so because he feels the poor boy deserves to be remembered as a stark reminder that we have to try harder to prevent such abuse.

Anybody could have been this boy's Superman if only the neglect would have been detected earlier.

Comment Re:The real question in my mind (Score 4, Informative) 119

Do you know how to use a search engine?

Are you aware of

It's really not hard to find papers like this or this.

And yes, the Matthias Troyer who co-authored the first paper is the same guy who conducted the performance study that the /. blurb references.

That D-Wave performs quantum annealing can be regarded as settled. The only question that remains is how useful this may be.

Eight years ago everybody (myself included) thought D-Wave was a scam or just crazy. As new facts emerge smart people (such as Matthias) adjust their judgment.

Comment Re:The real question in my mind (Score 2) 119

Comment Not that fast yet but true quantum annealing (Score 2) 119

Originally I meant to bet with Matthias Troyer if the D-Wave machine was truly a quantum annealer. At the time Matthias wrote me:

""Actually, we can't bet anymore since I know the results that we're going to publish and we'll say yes to quantum :-). We should have done the bet a year ago."

So we decided to bet if the current crop of D-Wave machines can already beat conventional computing.

Obviously I lost that bet, but not by much.

It will be interesting to see how the next chip generation will fare, there is still lots of room for higher qubit integration. In comparison to conventional CMOS the D-Wave chip structures are huge.

Conventional chip design doesn't have lots of room at the bottom any more. D-Wave on the other hand still has plenty of room at the bottom.

That's why I will continue to bet on them.


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