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Comment Re:Is it just me ... (Score 1) 390

Really have no idea what your are talking about. As far as I am concerned Frozen and Tangled are perfectly fine, but my favorite remains Lilo and Stitch.

Doubt that you've watched any of them, but if you have then please get a bit more concrete about what you consider to be negative 'feminist' influence. I.e. plot points characterizations etc.

Comment Re:Is it just me ... (Score 1) 390

So far you made the most well reasoned argument on behalf on the whiners and than you lost me with this:

"... the last Disney movies are also feminist porn of the bad kind."

See, I have two daughters, and the classical Disney princess role model just makes me want to hurl. So I very much appreciate that they at least try a little bit to break away from this. Yet, with Frozen it still was way too much about the dress and being pretty. But at least they got nicely across that just because a dude's a prince, and a smooth talker, doesn't mean you should just fall for him.

The latter is a message that any dad will very much appreciate. If you think that's feminist you obviously don't have a daughter.

Comment Re:Nuclear (Score 1) 652

Yeah right, living of Hartz IV is just great.

Historically Germans always preferred renting over owning a home.

It is pretty much impossible to evict somebody, and there is strict rent control. So there is no downside for the tenant, (believe me I know, I own a house in Heidelberg and there's hardly any profit in it. Just got lucky that the renter is building himself a house, so I can sell it fairly soon untenanted).

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