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Journal Journal: The Wilderness Downtown

A friend just forwarded to me and advised me to check it was seriously impressed with the use of HTML5, javascript, the timing between windows,sync with the song, the use of past life addresses to make the experience "yours"...if you have a few minutes I think its worth more than a quick look...I used Chrome to view, you most likely will have to also..

United States

Submission + - FEMA Phones Hacked - $12k of Middle East Calls

curtisk writes: "Last weekend the newly installed PBX at FEMA was hacked/phreaked and over 400 calls were made to the middle east and asia.
The calls ranged in duration from 3 to 10 minutes, overall adding up to $12,000 in charges. Naturally, it must've been the contractor that left a "hole" open, or at least that's their stance at the moment. Investigation is ongoing."

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