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Comment Short answer: Yes, but it's not possible: (Score 1) 551

Whether the technologies are compatible is irrelevant.

The people are not compatible.

Further, many of the people have little desire to be compatible. The "other" side is seen as evil and disingenuous rather than just disagreeing. Compromise is thus impossible in the same way as the current Washington political situation. Gridlock. Forever. No quarter given or expected.

So, no worries, Dice Holdings. This will continue to be a profitable generator of page and ad views for the foreseeable future.

Submission + - Kansas drops plan for municipal broadband ban (

Mokurai writes: "Facing public backlash over a Senate bill that would outlaw community broadband services statewide, Sen. Julia Lynn, R-Olathe, announced on Monday the postponement of hearings set to take place this week. Senate Bill 304 would prohibit cities and counties from building public broadband networks."

The bill was reportedly "introduced by John Federico, a cable industry lobbyist."

I didn't see this on SlashDot when it was introduced, but the Internet definitely responded to the threat of damage.

Submission + - EU Commission: Corruption across EU 'breathtaking,' Costs $160 bn / €120 bn (

cold fjord writes: The BBC reports, "The extent of corruption in Europe is "breathtaking" and it costs the EU economy at least 120bn euros (£99bn) annually, the European Commission says. EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstroem has presented a full report on the problem. She said the true cost of corruption was "probably much higher" than 120bn. Three-quarters of Europeans surveyed for the Commission study said that corruption was widespread, and more than half said the level had increased. "The extent of the problem in Europe is breathtaking, although Sweden is among the countries with the least problems," Ms Malmstroem wrote in Sweden's Goeteborgs-Posten daily. The cost to the EU economy is equivalent to the bloc's annual budget. For the report the Commission studied corruption in all 28 EU member states. The Commission says it is the first time it has done such a survey. " — More at the Telegraph

Submission + - Internet-Connected Cyberflora (

Daniel_Stuckey writes: For better or worse, it’s happening. Italian researchers are building a network of connected "cyborg" plants (plantborgs? cyplants? cyberflora?) to use as organic biosensors. The plants are embedded with a tiny electronic device to monitor things like pollution levels, overuse of chemicals, temperature, parasites, acid rain, and communicate the data through a wireless network back to the lab.

The project is called PLEASED, for PLants Employed As SEnsing Devices. It's slated to finish in May, and lead researcher Andrea Vitaletti, a computer engineer at W-LAB of the University of Rome, spoke to the EU media group about the process last week. (Hat tip to Wired for digging it up.)

Submission + - Megatons to Megawatts Program Comes to a Close

necro81 writes: In the aftermath of the Cold War, the disintegrating Soviet Union had tens of thousands of nuclear weapons and tons of weapons-grade fissile material. In the economic and political turmoil, many feared that it would fall into unfriendly hands. However, thanks to the doggedness of an MIT professor, Dr. Thomas Neff, 500 metric tons of weapons grade material made its way into nuclear reactors in the United States through the Megatons to Megawatts program. During the program, about 10% of all electricity generated in the U.S came weapons once aimed at the country. Now, after nearly 20 years, the program is coming to an end as the final shipment of Soviet-era uranium, now nuclear fuel, arrived in Baltimore.

Submission + - What Happened Before The Big Bang? 1

StartsWithABang writes: For decades, the Big Bang was synonymous with the beginning of the Universe. This hot dense state — extrapolated all the way back to a singularity — described the earliest stages of the Universe and how we evolved from that point. But a little over three decades ago, it was realized that if cosmological inflation was added on to the Big Bang model, it would produce not only a few otherwise inexplicable observations, it would predict a new set of realities imprinted upon our Universe. Those predictions have matched our observations from satellites like WMAP and Planck, and we're as certain as we can be that this is, indeed, what happened before the Big Bang. If you still think the Big Bang was the very beginning, you're woefully out of date!

Comment Re:Kind of delusional? (Score 1) 101

No, there are definitely things a population geneticist could study in North Korea. Some of them involve horrible things the regime has done to large numbers of people.

I have an idea the IRB (Institutional Review Board, basically the research ethics review body for each of the colleges he works with) would look very closely at any data he or arrangements gotten from there.

Some things would be ethical, but it would be awfully easy to go beyond the bounds of what's ethical in studies involving humans.

It's probably not the case, but there have been cases where researchers have gone far beyond the bounds.

Comment Much more than 10 years ago: (Score 1) 635

I'm kind of bucking the trend, but it's due to now having a job that is 25 miles away from where I live. I repair machinery and instruments, so no chance for telecommuting. 10 years ago, I was combining part time and self employment and didn't have to commute.

15 years ago, I worked in the same small city I do now and so I was driving the same amount. I was doing sysadmin work that about half of it could have been done by telecommuting, but that wasn't as prevalent then.

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