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Comment Re:well then it's a bad contract (Score 1) 329

It's not a horrible contract if both parties agreed to it

It's a horrible contract if it purports to require that consumers pay ESPN even if they don't want it. In fact, that's arguably illegal.

Isn't that all cable bundling? You pay for channels you don't want so you can watch the few channels you do want. Besides, TFA doesn't disclose what the Verizon-ESPN contract actually says.

This episode reminds me of when Steve Jobs claimed Apple was always against DRM in iTunes but had to roll with it so the record labels would sell on iTunes. Right. Just like I'm sure Verizon has always hated charging you for huge cable packages. They're just trying to find a way to secure revenue a little while longer before online distribution really loosens up.

Comment Re:Do not want (Score 2) 125

Way too complicated a solution for the problem. "Sorry, sir your headlight is not working. That'll be $2700 to fix it.

If you can afford a car with this technology (assuming its actually possible and not only marketing gibberish), you can afford to have it fixed. And if for some reason you can't, just have normal headlights put in.

Comment Re:Like hearing grandpa talk about WWII (Score 1) 393

The desktop is increasingly unimportant, or mostly an adjunct to where people do their primary computing which is portables.

Sure, if by "computing" you mean consumption. All the great things people buy and consume weren't created on portables or the OSes they run. There are still important markets in which to make gains.

Comment Re:Seriously (Score 1) 156

Skeptics point out that the foundation smells like a gigantic tax dodge... the money remains under Bill Gates' control with not a cent of tax paid on it.

Yes... you dodge taxes so you can put that money toward the greater good of your own choosing, and not only what the government demands. That is precisely what tax breaks are for.

Comment Re:Just started using it (Score 1) 129

It's lightweight, easily customizable, runs really quckly, has a nice community, and did I mention easily customizable? It's also really easy to make a console-centric desktop. I installed it last fall, spent a couple weeks customizing it, and have just been using it for daily computing since.

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