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Comment Re:Photo? (Score 1) 186

Someone with a Facebook page?

Well, people used to joke that cancer was killing the internet, now it appears that people are promoting it. It's okay for some I guess, there's always the possibility of mutant powers from it.

Where do you think they should have been posted?

Oh I don't know, how about the tour operators website?

Comment Re:Uber not worth $41 billion ... (Score 2) 109

There is no way Uber is worth $41 billion.

That's a ridiculous number trumped up by idiots in the stock market who have overvalued a tech company.

Of course it isn't. Shit like the article in question is to dupe people with money to spare while the people who are knowledgeable are already pulling their money out. There was exactly the same type of shit-tier articles going on pre-dotcom crash. All you need to do is look at the investors, and you see many shifting their assets to things that aren't nearly as volatile.

Comment Re:Republican Hypocrits (Score 1) 98

This tactic is now common up here in Canada as well, under Herr Harper's regime.

Yeah of course you forget that under the Liberal party is was the method of the day. Not saying it's right, but pretending that it's 'common up here because of Harper' is just assine and shows a fundamental lack of understanding of exactly what political parties started it. Never forget that it was Trudeau's Liberals that collapsed the Parliament by waiting for everyone to go home for the weekend, then voting no confidence on a budget.

Comment Re:older generation is totally clueless about tech (Score 1) 135

Funny that you trotted out race, can you explain where that applies? Right. It doesn't, but I'm sure you can pat yourself on the back for thinking you're witty.

So much like the other person who replied to me, you also missed the point. Tell me something, how much understanding do you think a politician is going to have about technology that you're specialized in, but they're not. Or are you going to say that they're as adept as you because of their age. Now you're suddenly realized where your reply is wrong, why my original point is right in the context of the original reply in question don't you.

Sorry if this guy in his mid-30's can figure this stuff out but you can't. My grandfather would have said it's "getting old, and forgetting that when you specialize, everyone else doesn't run along beside you."

Comment Re:older generation is totally clueless about tech (Score 1) 135

That's great, but you're missing something aren't you? You're 'specialized' in an area of technology, they're specialized in an area of technology. These people aren't. See that point where you missed what happens when you're dealing with people who aren't adept, familiar, or even have the basic concept of something? You're welcome.

Comment Re:older generation is totally clueless about tech (Score 0) 135

Yep. Generally the older you get the less in touch with society and technology you become. Look back at the news articles about cars when they first came out, telephones, radio, music and so on. It's an age problem for many with any new tech. Think about it, imagine in 10 years you could get wetware and plug yourself into technology. Now propose that to someone who's in their 60's or 70's. Now think about computers, encryption, and so on and remember that many of the folks in politics are between 40 and 75.

Comment Re: Meh... (Score 2) 247

They're not toxic really to anything, not even zooplankton. The biggest problem comes from the stuff lower in the foodchain that can eat it and block up their digestive system, or collect in there causing the creature in question to starve to death.

One of the big problems with sewage plants is there is a capacity limit to them, and when they hit capacity they dump directly into rivers/oceans/etc. That most happens in places where waste water and sewage are still on one system aka most of the world and they get rain.

Comment Re: bye (Score 1) 531

its little more than some standard CSS to adjust the UI however the hell you want.

Here's the problem with that line of thinking, it's not outside of my scope, your scope and some of /.'s scope to do that. The average person who sees the change, has no clue how to change it. It's similar to greasemonkey for a lot of people, it's simply outside of their scope to do things with it. We're not the main audience of FF, but those who are also don't like UI changes for the sake of UI changes. You'd figure Mozilla would figure that out after Microsoft learned that...not once, but twice.

Comment Re:bye (Score 2) 531

I'm not a real fan of Chrome especially in terms of the tracking crap, chromium on the other hand I do like but it's never out of a non-stable release state. But I guess I can live with that. So I guess it's good bye Firefox, and off to hunt more browsers maybe check out palemoons stability now, since I had some serious problems with it a few years ago, check out other browsers like Opera maybe even IE.

Shit like the 'force ads' is the death knell for FF though. $20 says that there will be no ad checking, and it'll become a massive vector for malware to boot.

Comment Re:tried this in NC (Score 1) 256

I didn't say that's what the consumer pays. I said that the FiT program directly increases the cost of electricity beyond the level you indicated. It's been covered here in Ontario several times by even the most left wing papers that FiT generally drives up the electricity price by 2-8c/kWh depending on the TOU charge as well. So far here in Canada, the only thing that are causing 'very bad problems' are the solar and wind farms.

Funny enough we don't really have 'carbon producing generators' here in Ontario, we do have one of the largest nuclear power plants in the world through.

Comment Re:This is ridiculous! (Score 1) 328

Well that depends now won't it? Where I live, operating any type of taxi service requires a chauffeurs license and insurance to protect against liabilities. In the case of Uber they're operating an illegal taxi service, not a ride share service. Ride share here, falls under specific definitions.

Of course, even with automated cars you're still going to have to have insurance, which should be really interesting.

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