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Comment Re:Bad Summary, Only new part is the sharing optio (Score 1) 487

Secondly, it's only available on networks you choose to allow this on.

I don't have any choice. If I give my friend my WiFi password, and he happens to be running a Windows 10 phone, suddenly my WiFi password is shared with all of his contacts. So now every time someone is over my house and asks for the WiFi I'll have to ask them if they currently own, or ever intend to own a windows phone. And then, assuming they understand the question, I have to sound like a paranoid asshole and say "no" if they answer in the affirmative. My other option is to rename mySSID to end in _optout and update all of my devices because Microsoft chose to implement a ludicrous, criminally insecure, "feature"?

Third, yes, your wifi passwords are being backed up to make it easier when you migrate devices - Apple, Google and Microsoft all do this on your mobile devices. This isn't new!

Apple's encryption is end-to-end. They do not hold the encryption keys and thus can't share your passwords with anyone: Even if some brain dead middle manager had the idea to clone this feature, it would be impossible for them to implement without totally changing their security model.

Comment Re:Get rid of the fucking adverts completely (Score 1) 194

Out of your two examples, Hulu is the only service that still shows commercials to their paying subscribers. Netflix doesn't (yet).

What other streaming services are there that will still show ads to paying subscribers? Because the only other ones that I am aware of (Crunchyroll, Funimation's streaming service, and as far as I am aware, Amazon) all stream ad-free to their paying subscribers.

I just bought a season of Archer from Amazon (I am also a Prime subscriber), and I was dismayed to find out that each episode is bracketed by 2-5 minutes of trailers for other FX shows.

Comment Re: Oracle is GPLd now, then. (Score 2) 181

This would really only affect languages like Java that mix interface declarations with their implementations.

Languages that normally separate them (like C, and C++) will not likely need to worry.

Lesson: Avoid Java

It's only been since Java 1.8 that you've been able to inline a default implementation along with an interface declaration. Before 1.8, the only legal members of interfaces were abstract method declarations and static final constants.

Comment Re:WebDAV (Score 4, Informative) 212

Assuming you already have svn installed and copy of Apache httpd with mod_dav_svn and you are are running on some flavor of *NIX.

Create an svn repository somewhere, eg.

# svnadmin create /opt/svn-repo

Create a password for your repo, replace username and password as appropriate

# htpasswd /opt/svn-repo/conf/htpasswd USERNAME PASSWORD
# chmod 640 /opt/svn-repo/conf/htpasswd

Fix the permissions of the repo so that the user that httpd runs as can write to the repo database. Replace www with whatever the appropriate user is:

# cd /opt/svn-repo
# chgrp -R www .
# chmod -R g+r .
# chmod -R g+rwX db locks
# find db locks -type d -exec chmod g+s '{}' ';'

Open httpd.conf and add/uncomment the following lines in the LoadModule section:

LoadModule dav_module modules/mod_dav.so
LoadModule dav_svn_module modules/mod_dav_svn.so

At the very bottom of your httpd, add a location for your repository:

<Location /repo>
    DAV svn
    SVNPath /opt/svn-repo
    SVNAutoversioning on

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Subversion repository"
    AuthUserFile /opt/svn-repo/conf/htpasswd

    Require valid-user

Restart apache and then test your config:

    # svn ls http://localhost/repo --username USERNAME --password PASSWORD --no-auth-cache

No errors means everything is working.

See the manual for instructions on mounting the WebDAV share with various clients. Note that Windows is kind of problematic for this out of the box and you may need to use a third party file system driver such as NetDrive.

Comment Re:Will price point even matter? (Score 4, Insightful) 163

Are you suggesting poisoning people? That seems absurd.

But we do it for other products. We poison industrial ethanol so the government doesn't tax it at the recreational rate. We spike opioid analgesics with non-therapeuticly high levels of acetaminophen to discourage recreational use. If we're willing to poison things that are sold legitimately, why wouldn't we poison something that is illegal? I'm not saying it wouldn't work for other reasons you cited, but we've already stepped over the line as a society of intentionally poisoning things to discourage their use.

Comment Re:I wouldn't expect this to be a problem for long (Score 1) 298

Traditional pilots don't "feel the impact" more, but it does cost a great deal more, and introduce a lot mroe risk, to operate an aircraft with them on board. You seem to prefer that, for some reason. Strange.

It's not that strange. More risk means there is a higher threshold for committing violence.

Comment Re:I do not consent (Score 5, Informative) 851

FDA has decided a lot of things, many of which turned out not to be true. According to the FDA, Walnuts are a drug (yes it is true).

No it's not true. The FDA forced a walnut distributor to remove some unsubstantiated health claims from the packaging of their products: http://www.fda.gov/iceci/enforcementactions/warningletters/ucm202825.htm. People making false claims about the health benefits of their products (e.g. selling grain alcohol mixed with an emetic as cure-all) was the whole reason the FDA was created.

Walnuts are not classified as a drug, but if you claim they cure cancer without a good double blind study to back you up, you will be called on your bullshit. This is a good thing and is an example of a government agency exercising it's regulatory authority within the appropriate ambit. There are plenty of other real government conspiracies both covert and flagrant to worry about without inventing more.


How Much Python Do You Need To Know To Be Useful? 263

Nerval's Lobster writes: Since Python is a general-purpose language, it finds its way into a whole lot of different uses and industries. That means the industry in which you work has a way of determining what you actually need to know in terms of the language, as developer Jeff Cogswell explains in a new Dice piece. For example, if you're hired to write apps that interact with operating systems and monitor devices, you might not need to know how to use the Python modules for scientific and numerical programming. In a similar fashion, if you're hired to write Python code that interacts with a MySQL database, then you won't need to master how it works with CouchDB. The question is, how much do you need to know about Python's basics? Cogswell suggests there are three basic levels to learning Python: Learn the core language itself, such as the syntax and basic types (and the difference between Python 2 and Python 3); learn the commonly used modules, and familiarize yourself with other modules; learn the bigger picture of software development with Python, such as including Python in a build process, using the pip package manager, and so on. But is that enough?

Comment Re:That'll annoy Oracle (Score 4, Informative) 212

Annoying Oracle can't be a bad thing. I can't believe they bundle it when Java is needed for so many enterprise apps - surely the reputational damage is worth more than the revenue from bundling the toolbar? It makes them look cheap and certainly not enterprise.

If you download the "server" JRE (actually it's a full JDK, I don't know why they label it that way), it comes as a simple tarball. It doesn't interact with the registry, doesn't install the browser plugin -- it's just full JDK distribution. I'm guessing they are locked into a multi-year co-marketing deal with Ask for the consumer distribution. I always just download the server version, unzip, and add C:\jdk1.x.y_z to my PATH and I'm done.

Comment Re:The government can't get it right (Score 2) 73

If you work for the Gov then this information should be public anyway. We pay your salary, we should know whats its going towards.

You have no idea what goes into an SF86 form, do you? It's your whole life for at least the past 7 years, including SSN, bank account numbers, past addresses, KAs, relatives. It'd be one-stop shopping for stealing every cleared persons identity if it were public. Also, not all cleared personnel are employed by the government.

We don't need any more secrecy, all that leads to asides from war in middle east countries is racist white cops shooting innocent blank teens.

Those are local cops, for the most part. If the local and state PDs were as thorough as the feds, we might have fewer issues as they might catch more potential problems through psych screening.

Comment Re:Clean room implementation? (Score 1) 223

Doesn't the Linux kernel group hold a very similar stance in that you cannot use the kernels internal APIs without breaching copyright and thus falling under the GPL as a derivative work?

Using the API doesn't invoke the GPL -- it's actually the linking process. When you link against the kernel, your binary becomes a derivative work partially based on the kernel. Since the kernel is covered by the GPL, creating any derivative work from it requires you abide by the terms of the GPL. I doubt any FSF lawyer would have anything negative to say about cloning a project's public API in order to create a completely new implementation under a different license.

Another example: If I created a GPL program with an API that did not make it necessary to link against a library to use - e.g. you talked to my program via IPC or a wire protocol like SOAP, then you could utilize my API all you wanted without triggering the GPL. You could distribute your program that uses my API under whatever license you want.

This is why it's common for software that has a GPL server component to distribute the client driver libraries under the LGPL. Modifications the the server or the client driver itself must be shared, but programs that merely link to the driver may remain proprietary.

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