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Comment Re:Why are distros moving to systemd? (Score 1) 755

> Ubuntu wasn't a big enough player? That's news to me.

It shouldn't be news to you.

When it comes to big enterprise systems, Ubuntu does not even begin to compare to RHEL. Ubuntu is mostly used by home users who don't pay, and don't need commercial support. Ubuntu is not even it's own distro, it's based on Debian.

Red Hat is a $10 billion corporation that is obligated to increase shareholder value. Monopolizing Linux would certainly increase shareholder value. This is a long term play to get rid of any real competition. Fedora will remain free, Fedora is something like the beta version of RHEL. Red Hat gives away Fedora like Microsoft gives away Windows-10.

Comment Re:And after this war (Score 1) 755

I expect Debian to gone completely.

Soon enough, Red Hat will decide that Linux should be standardized on one package management system. Systemd will only work with RPM.

Red Hat will say this was done because of user demand, and that only luddite grey beards are complaining. Red Hat will say that Linux package management was broken, because of two many choices, and this had to be done.

When this happens, there will not be much unique about Debian, so who needs it?

Comment Re:So....explain to me... (Score 1) 755

That is like saying "don't like OOXML use something else."

The dominate players have a lot of influence. Red Hat is connecting everything to systemd. Why is udev now part of systemd? Why does Gnome3 require systemd?

What is going to be next? Once Debian goes systemd, Red Hat will have much more control over everything in Linux.

Comment Re:I switched to OSX (Score 1) 755

I think all the systemd advocates should do the same. Either OSX, or Windows.

If you want proprietary, go proprietary. Let a big corporation make your computer decisions for you - it's not worth the bother. Screw log files and the other crap, let the sysadmins deal with that.

If you hate POSIX, and the UNIX philosophy, then please go away, and leave us real UNIX/Linux people alone.

Comment Re:FreeBSD (Score 1) 755

I am also trying FreeBSD. Sadly, the hardware support seems to leave something to be desired.

The ports system is amazing. Easier to install Linux software on FreeBSD, than on Slackware, from my experience.

FreeBSD is a fast, stable, coherent system. I like the "techie" feel. I don't mind editing a few config files.

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