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Comment Re:Weather is NOT climate (Score 1) 567

Why would someone be "concerned" about a "tomado"(I take it that you mean "tornado"?), when "weather is not("NOT", for, I guess, "dramatic effect"?) climate"? I guess "weather" is only "climate" when the data is favorable to your views. If I am incorrect, then please correct my view of your statement.

Comment Steal/Access(without authority) motor vehicles... (Score 1) 131

...with a piece of paper? Unless there are secondary and tertiary sensors to verify the person in the vehicle belongs to the "authorized face", then this "security measure" is more "security theater". To add to this posted thought, I have to wonder if there are more nefarious plans for this technology(either desensitization to having cameras watching each individuals every moment of their lives), or if this is some uneducated idea from someone/multiple people in the Ford marketing department, who believe that cameras(or all electronic sensors) are infallible sensors.

This idea is almost as bad a biometric sensors on a firearm. This is just another point of failure on a critical tools used everyday, by millions of people. While I am well aware that movies are for entertainment, and are full of inaccurate depictions of technology(as well as many other aspect of the real world), I think back to a recent movie: Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Yes, the technology used by Nick Fury, during the vehicle chase from the faux police is mostly, if not completely possible, but even the made-up system wasn't without a few inserted flaws("Reboot, damn it", while Nick Fury's SUV was getting raped by a pneumatic battering ram, on a stabilized stand). Again, I know that was a fictional system, as a system failure would most likely be more catastrophic, and the system reboot would probably taken far longer(if successful at all).

This doesn't even begin to focus on the implications of privacy invasions with yet more network camera sensors. How long until some random corporation employee or government employee starts posting videos of sexual encounters engaged in front of entertainment equipment, or other electronics with camera sensors installed, which the couple, or group(yeah, whatever makes you happy, as long as you aren't harming anyone...or embarrassing yourself), when said people believed(rather naively, as one should never assume negative functionality of any device in his or her possession) the equipment in question was in a non-functioning state and not transmitting data. You know, because playing "electronic peeping tom" will stop "terrorist" activity.

Yeah, technology will make us all "Kim Kardashians", or the target of humor, based on the "sex lives" others consider the source of good and effective, but disparaging jokes. I know a lot of what I have posted is, for now, based on long odds. That doesn't mean those odds won't change in the near future, and for the worst.

Comment Re:Gun nuts (Score 1) 1374

Correct, the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution applies the "Bill of Rights", among other legal protections, to all citizens and equally binds the US Government, and various state governments from infringing on the protected rights(though that has been violates a numbers of times). See Mcdonald v Chicago for the US Supreme Court finally clarifying what I, and many others already knew: The Second Amendment applies to the states, just like the other "Bill of Rights" already do.

There are a number of states that restrict local(city, county, etc) governments from enacting firearm restrictions through state constitutional restrictions. Georgia(the state I live in), does this, but specifically restricting firearm laws to the General Assembly. Though, the Georgia General Assembly(bicameral legislative body in Georgia) is restricted by the Second Amendment to the US Constitution.

Comment Re:Gun nuts (Score 1) 1374

"Well regulated" doesn't refer to restriction or control; it refers to being well trained, prepared, and equipped, more or less. When interpreting constitutional issues, or other legislative matters(through the courts, usually), how language was used at the time of the passing of any amendment, law, etc, is all that matters. How language is used in society currently means nothing. This is how we protect from the uneducated "busy bodies" from stripping away our rights.

I also feel it's necessary to add that the "Bill of Rights", nor any other legal document, gives us any rights. We have no First Amendment rights, no Second Amendment right, no Fourth Amendment rights, etc. The "Bill of Rights" only serve to protect per-existing rights from legislative(and/or executive/judicial) fiat. The "Bill of Rights" don't enumerate our only rights(individuals do have more rights than are listed); it only serves to protect the rights that the Founders believed government might attempt to modify or completely restrict. I am very thankful for that, as the United States would have been far worse, had it not been for the US Constitution, the "Bill of Rights", and the succeeding amendments.

One large issue is getting individuals to stand up and protect their rights. That is something only we citizens can do, not some arbitrary governing body.

Comment Re:Uh... (Score 1) 461

Again, probable cause is required to initiate a traffic stop. Do you even understand the difference between "probable cause" and "reasonable, articulable suspicion"(RAS)? Further more, some random person making unsubstantiated claims to a law enforcement officer doesn't come close to RAS, nor probable cause. That is call hearsay, gossip, and a waste of time. If a law enforcement officer uses that to initiate a detention, it's called a "violation of right under color of law", among other serious offenses.

Comment Re:Uh... (Score 1) 461

Probable cause is still required to initiate a traffic stop. No matter what is claimed today, "reasonable-articulable suspicion"(RAS) requires an officer personally observe acts or other behavior to initiate a "Terry Stop". RAS doesn't allow for general traffic stops; probable cause is required to initiate a traffic stop. At best, if a call is received an law enforcement find the vehicle which was alleged to have committed some claimed "wrong", the law enforcement would need to follow and observe the driver, witness a violation, and initiate a traffic stop.

In many states, traffic violations aren't enforceable by non-law enforcement. That is the case in the State of Georgia. That means that a citizen's arrest can't be effected in such instances. A law enforcement officer must observe a violation in order to issue a ticket, or effect an arrest. Though, instances like vehicular manslaughter, such restrictions aren't as heavy, as there is a mixing of traffic law and laws governing crimes against others(malum in se).

Comment J.L. vs Florida? (Score 1) 461

If the US Supreme Court actually expects everyone to believe the claim that precedent matter(stare decisis; though the US Supreme Court's exist precedent on quite a few issues ranges from suspect to an outright violation of individual rights.), then how does the Court reason this recent decision against decisions like J.L. v Florida? In fact, how does it rationalize tolerance of law enforcement insert itself in an individual's(or multiple individual's) private affairs, based on the claims of an anonymous source?

I myself am an ex-law enforcement officer, which I have discussed lightly in prior topics. One of the major discussions during more than a few training sessions and private discussions was the taboo of allow law enforcement to initiate a traffic stop(or any similar "detention") based off of an anonymous call to 911. One of many points of contention discussed was a law enforcement officer which was potentially looking for a reason to initiate a detention using a "burner" cellular phone, or one that isn't attached to a service provider, getting a "be on the lookout"(BOLO; a general notification, either over a general radio frequency or posted on a computer-aided dispatch system, concerning a potential issue or possible "criminal activity") notice issued(very easy and far too often a good portion of a given day's radio chatter), and using that as the basis for initiating a stop/detention.

I abhor this decision. Unless there is a verified witness, whom will swear to events he or she claims occurred, then a "BOLO" should, at best, continue to be a tool to alert officers to be vigilant of a potential problem or criminal activity. Though, the onus should continue to be on law enforcement to find probable cause(with more restrictions than exists today, given the far too lax and unconstitutional reasoning created by court fiat), based off of personal or verified third-party(sworn witness('s)) observations and statements, or other legitimate clues.

Comment Re:I for one . . . (Score 1) 1633

Is there plain text in the Constitution that prohibits all imprisonment? I don't know anywhere that it says so. The 13th Amendment even explicitly specifies that involuntary servitude is okay for crime punishment.

The plain text of the Second Amendment gives ALL PEOPLE (not only citizens, not only Americans, not only the law abiding) the right to keep and bear ALL ARMS (not only the ones available when the Amendment was adopted, not only personal arms) at all times in all places with no exceptions. I say that because it does not give any exceptions.

Of course, to say that I have a constitutional right to take a nuclear bomb into a federal courthouse is facially preposterous -- nobody believes the Amendment means that -- which means nobody is actually a 'textualist' in the strict sense because that would be preposterous. Textualists are people who think we should focus much more on the plain text, and do much less interpretation, but even the ones who pretend to be hard-liners really aren't, because none of them will make the claim that convicted homicidal maniacs have a Constitutional right to own nuclear bombs.

Therefore the plain text cannot be used for interpretation. We MUST apply human reason to it. People who say otherwise are, in my opinion, nutters.

I was pointing out the ridiculousness of your previous argument, not stating a fact. Perhaps you would do well with learning to argue, prior to attempting to argue. While that might sound condescending, I can assure you it isn't.

Comment Re:I for one . . . (Score 1) 1633

Give the liberals some credit. The reason the 2nd Amendment is difficult to interpret literally is because the literal reading is absurd. The plain text clearly gives every convicted death row inmate the right to take hydrogen bombs into their high-security prison cells -- because what else does "shall not be infringed" mean?. So, since we can't possibly look to the text to figure out its limits, we pretty much have to find the limits by applying reason -- and reasonable people sometimes disagree.

If your claim were true, then imprisonment would be unconstitutional, across the board. Though, we know that isn't true. People need to stop attempting to apply small portions of an issue to support their argument and start applying the whole issue during a discussion. At the very least, your argument might hold more legitimacy.

Comment Re:The Canadian Exodus.... (Score 1) 1633

Firstly, no one has the right to question me on my "need" for a select-firearm/full automatic firearm. We don't question people on their need for an automatic transmission in their motor vehicle. A fully automatic firearm doesn't mean that said firearm operates in "god mode"(unlimited ammunition), so the positives gains from a full automatic firearm are not that great. Though, it isn't within society's scope of authority to question my "need", or even question why I want anything.

Secondly, a semi-automatic firearm can provide close to or the same rate of fire as a full automatic firearm(through "bump-firing", or other, "non-permanent" alterations). Still, though, one is required to reload the firearm in question. So, how exactly are "full automatic" firearms "more deadly" than semi-automatic firearms? I guess it is the same logic that is used to claim that silencers/suppressors make firearms "more deadly", when it's just as untrue. Though, I have learned(sadly) that in this instance, the anti-firearm crowd rarely, if not never, uses facts and truth to argue their points(I would rather have an honorable, and honest debate, rather than petty politically arguments which are totally unrelated).

Lastly, "full automatic" firearms are one of many types of arms that the Second Amendment covers. After all, the militia needs to be capable of fighting a war, if the need arises, and most, if not all, militaries utilize full automatic firearm, through select-fire mechanisms(safe, semi, and full auto fire options; though, not always).

Comment Re:Sexism (Score 1) 1633

Militias have historically been focused on the male population, for obvious reasons. If human females were the naturally stronger(physically-speaking) sex, then it would have been females that were historically a part of a region's militia. There wasn't some grand conspiracy to "disenfranchise" females, or any other group.

It is high time that people drop the sexism claims, just like so many other discrimination claims. Most people don't want equal treatment, they want their version of "equal treatment", in which there exists legislative inequalities, and not just some societal inequalities.

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 1) 1633

So, you are arguing against a legal, and wholly legitimate act(self-defense), by bringing up a wholly illegal act(stealing; theft is, after all, malum in se and not malum prohibitum, like the numerous firearm and drug laws) and twisting it make your argument seem to make sense. To be clear, you have only shown yourself to be a fool. The commission of a theft isn't lessened if the perpetrator receives a benefit that far outweighs the loss to the victim. While it might make a "heartwarming story" to a number of idiots in the world today, it is still a criminal act.

If self-defense if never acceptable, then taking a life in the course of "official duties" is also never acceptable, or right. Therefore, all those within the various law enforcement and military institutions all over the world should be severely punished. Oh, wait, "taking a life is never acceptable"(so, no punishment for the aforementioned groups), correct? Yeah, your argument makes sense.

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 1) 1633

I am willing to assume that you couldn't tell me what the term "well regulated" means, within the context of the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. To be nice, here is a hugely important hint: It doesn't mean "well controlled(in the legal sense, through legislative decisions), or heavily restricted".

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